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Top 10 best practices for front-end web developers

Top 10 best practices for front-end web developers
Explain which div you’re closing Most of the time when I’m viewing a website source, I see, at the very bottom of the page, an almost endless list of closing </div> tags. In fact, many beginners think they just have to use divs instead of tables to produce quality code. Divs are cleaners than tables, but without proper code organization, it can be as (or even sometimes more) messy as table based code. Using indentation is a good start. But a tip that can definitely make you save lot of time is to comment every div tag you’re closing, as shown in the example below: <div id="header"><div id="sub" class="first left"> ... Use a CSS reset Unless you’re a beginner or if you were on vacation on a desert island for the last 6 years, you might already know how useful a CSS reset it. Source: Don’t use @import CSS files can be included using the @import directive. <style type="text/css> @import url('a.css'); @import url('b.css'); </style> ...

Charles Nouÿrit » Blog Archive » 20 outils pour surveiller votre Les site de media sociaux comme Facebook et Twitter facilite la tâche des gens voulant se réunir et partager leurs opinions, expériences et réflexions sur un certain nombre de sujets. Les entreprises intelligentes comprennent et utilisent la puissance des médias sociaux pour connecter et informer leurs clients actuels et potentiels. Dénommé « Social Media Marketing », c’est une manière intelligente d’ouvrir des liens de communication entre vous et vos prospects. L’activité des médias sociaux couvrent toute la gamme en commençant par les blogs, les sites de micro-blogging comme Twitter, les communautés de réseautage sociaux comme LinkedIn et Facebook, les sites de téléchargements vidéos et musicals, les forums de discussion, le partage de photos et plus encore. Utiliser les médias sociaux ne coûte pas beaucoup d’argent, mais il est très coûteux en temps et les entreprises veulent savoir que tous ces investissements en temps sont payants.

Version Control by Example Digital Browse it online PDF downloads US Letter (226 pages) A4 (210 pages) EPUB (most e-book readers except Kindle) Kindle (hopefully coming soon) Print Buy the print edition on Amazon Request a free copy Praise "Version Control by Example may as well be called The Hitchhiker's Guide to Distributed Version Control -- it's a concise and informative compendium that serves as both an introduction and a manual for practical usage of Mercurial, Git, Veracity, and virtually any other version control system." Alex Papadimoulis The Daily WTF "Eric covers multiple tools in lighthearted style that makes a potentially dry subject both amusing and understandable. Ben Collins-Sussman Apache Subversion Developer "Version control is a critical tool in the developer's tool chain. C. "Apache Subversion's rise to popularity opened the floodgates for others to explore new features and designs in version control, the most popular being Distributed Version Control Systems (DVCS). More...

Prof. Dr. Style Top 10 Web Design Styles of 1993 (Vernacular Web 3) Codeword Every term I give an introduction to Interface Design studies to new students. 99% of them are under the delusion that the design of everything in the world is made in Photoshop or other Adobe products. In case the design is to be perceived on a computer, these Adobe files will be thrown into a room full of programmers who are longing to make it all interactive according to noble ideas embedded in the graphics. Most of the students will not be convinced and will choose to study graphic design. Big emphasis in my talk is put on the mid 1990's, an era when the web was build and arranged and decorated by amateurs, when very web specific genres and looks were brought to existence, making it an incredible place to experience.(2) But what was earlier? Well, in 1991, Tim Berners-Lee went live with the first web page TheProject.html located inside the hypertext/WWW/ folder on a computer called "nxoc01" at CERN. Prof. Next, Prof. Prof.

97 Best Practices of Pricing Page Designs / Inspiration / SPLASHnology - Web Design and Web Technology Community inShare1 Pricing pages are one of the new important elements of web design for businesses, service and applications. It has been necessary for these corporate websites to adjust to the new trends of web design. Pricing page is key for people and corporates that hope to sell content online. It helps customers choose what kind of package they want. Appfigures Tenderapp Activchat SearchFit Vzaar Webfusion Baddlewords Proposable Jimdo Mt Invoicemore Sipgate Freeagentcentral Pipejump Advertisement Championsound 2Large2Email Heliographapp Goplan Photoshopuser Brinkster Campfire B2Bsalestool Belongs to.Me The Resumator Urban Airship Flower Store in a box Socrata PodcastPeople NewsgroupDirect Biodata Talkerapp Squarespace Planning Center Battle Center Tgethr Mongohq Chargify Zcope Poll Everywhere Invision Power Hudl E-Zekiel Shopify Appointment Toolkit MyStrategicPlan Dropbox Goodbarry Mailchimp Tinderbox Simplybill Vflyer Litmus Mailermailer Clicktale Zumodrive Github Panjiva Pointkit Lilgrams Livestream Freckle Ideascale Teamhomefield Getballpark

300+ Ultimate bookmarks collection of CSS3 & HTML5 sur NightAnge J’ai regroupé dans cet article l’ensemble de mes bookmarks (merci delicious!) en rapport avec l’HTML5 et la CSS3. Plusieurs centaines de liens qui devraient pouvoir intéresser un certain nombre de développeurs web. Il y a un peu de tout et ce n’est pas franchement organisé mais c’était ça ou rien Des tutoriels, des guides, des exemples, des générateurs, des fichiers .pdf : vraiment de quoi égayer vos longues soirées asociales et étancher votre soif de connaissance (si l’on peut dire). 08.01.2009 – Push Your Web Design Into The Future With CSS3 par Chris Spooner. 15.06.2009 – Take Your Design To The Next Level With CSS3 par Inayaili de Leon. 06.07.2009 – HTML 5 Cheat Sheet. 13.07.2009 – CSS3 Cheat Sheet. 16.07.2009 – HTML5 and The Future of the Web par Tim Wright. 04.08.2009 – Coding an HTML 5 Layout From Scratch par Enrique Ramirez. 02.12.2009 – Pushing Your Buttons With Practical CSS3 par ZURB. 16.12.2009 – Stronger, Better, Faster Design with CSS3 par ZURB.

Ubuntu Linux - Tips and Tricks in using Ubuntu Ubuntu Linux - Tips and Tricks in using Ubuntu - Tutorial Copyright © 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Lars Vogel Ubuntu - Typical Tasks This articles contains some information about handling a Ubuntu system. Ubuntu Linux is a full fledged Linux system trailed for the desktop. Ubuntu builds a unique user interface and offers the users a solid choice of tools. Unity is the default windows manager on Ubuntu. Press the Windows key to start the Dash. 2.2. To add new entries to the launcher you can create an .desktop file and drag file on the launcher. The following lists a few useful shortcuts for the Unity window manager. Table 1. To open a console open the Dash and type in Terminal. Ubuntu offers several editors which are installed by default. To install vim on your Ubuntu machine use the following command. sudo apt-get install vim Start vim from the command line. vim has two modes, one editing mode and other mode in which you can move within the file. Table 2. 3.3. du -sh folder1 ps -aux 3.6.

Make a Print Friendly Version of any WebPage, save Webpages as a PDF Redesign: When To Relaunch The Site and Best Practices Advertisement Redesigning a website is a big job (needless to say) and should be handled with care. Many of us with a portfolio, blog or other website have probably thought about a redesign or at least know we need one. Why is doing a simple redesign so daunting? The problem is both a lack of correct planning and a lack of understanding of the root need for the redesign. Also consider our previous articles: Redesign: The Change Has Come1 A closer look at one of the most popular redesigns of 2009.Portfolio Design Study: Design Patterns and Current Practices2 A study on portfolio design, which would help anyone needing to design, or redesign, a portfolio.Colors In Corporate Branding And Design3 This article has a section on updating a brand, and the examples and inspiration it contains can help during this phase. What’s All The Fuss About? Every designer has their own clients and projects. To most, this schedule is all too familiar. Should You Do It At All? Redesigning vs. 1.

Guéguerre des formats ! un peu de bon sens, S.V.P. ! Il est temps que les responsables informatiques tapent sur la table et fassent comprendre à nos amis de Microsoft que 2008, ce n’est plus 1995, quand les formats d’Office imposaient leur chappe de plomb sur les solutions bureautiques. Guéguerre des formats ? Nous avons d’autres priorités, d’autres urgences dans la construction de Systèmes d’Information modernes ! OOXML et XDF sont des virus, des parasites, des "emm...dements” qui n’apportent aucune valeur positive, polluent les systèmes d’Information et consomment inutilement l’énergie des DSI sur des sujets sans aucun intérêt ! Un “crash course” sur les formats bureautiques J’espérais bien ne plus avoir à revenir sur un sujet que j’ai souvent traité ; hélas, l’actualité m’y oblige. (Désolé pour les professionnels du secteur, mais je pense nécessaire de rappeler quelques évidences) En 2008, la situation des formats bureautiques est très “surprenante” et je vais essayer de la clarifier, au risque de la caricaturer. On croit rêver !

