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Portrait Sculptures, Sculpting Instruction & Marble Sculptures by Philippe Faraut

Portrait Sculptures, Sculpting Instruction & Marble Sculptures by Philippe Faraut

Brett Sinclair Aaron Garcha - Level Designer - Portfolio - Based in UK Andrew Weldon | Leandro Pavanelli Kolby Jukes Character Artist Portfolio Gallery « Tiflos – Angel Diaz The Art of Krishnamurti M. Costa | The Art of Christoffer Radsby Dan Roarty - Character Artist Cameron Kerby : 3D Artist : Portfolio Cameron Kerby Copyright 2013 Clément Melendez - Level Designer - Portfolio Role: Pre-production: I prototyped gameplay mechanics and missions for a few months, then was put in charge of the Vertical Slice level. Production: I designed the 6th level in the game, York (labelled PAX ROMANA), from beginning to end. This involved the usual: documentation, block-out, asset placement, AI scripting, scripted events, mark-up, bug-fixing, optimization, balancing, etc. I was also the owner of the LD scripting tools (creation of modules, requests for tools, maintenance of the editor). Description: The game tells the story of Marius Titus who witnesses the murder of his family at the hands of barbarians. Challenges: Many factors made this project challenging: new IP, launch title for a new console, new team, new genre for the company... More than anything, I learnt how to balance communication, level-design tasks, documentation, and associated tasks such as maintaining the editor tools, training newcomers, reproducing bugs, creating test-maps for programmers, etc.

Leroy Simpson - 3D Character Artist
