Gardens Flourish on Top of City Busses | Urban Gardens | Unlimited Thinking For Limited Spaces February 1, 2011 by Robin Plaskoff Horton Bus Roots is a living garden planted on the roofs of city buses. It’s an effort that rose out of New York City designer Marco Antonio Castro Cosio’s graduate thesis at New York University. The project aims to reclaim the forgotten space on the tops of city buses, while enhancing the quality of urban life by proliferating green spaces on these unused bus roofs. Bus Roots joins the ranks of mobile gardens planted on trucks, trains, and other roving sites. Benefits According to the bustop gardener, benefits include: • Aesthetic Value • Mitigation of Urban Heat Island Effect • Acoustical and Thermal Insulation • Storm Water Reduction and Management • CO2 absorbtion • Habitat Restoration • Public Education and Recreation • Reclaiming Forgotten Real Estate Raising the Roots Cosio estimates Bus Roots can add greatly to the city’s green space. For more info or to support the project, contact the designer.
Corsair Welcome Environmental Art Museum Tangible Earth Art Research Library Art Research Library Search the Library Catalog | Search Image Collections The National Gallery of Art Library is a major national art research center serving the Gallery's staff, members of the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, visiting scholars, and the scholarly community at large. Reference staff responds to inquiries by telephone, mail, and e-mail. The library contains a wide-ranging collection of more than 400,000 books, periodicals, and documents on the history, theory, and criticism of art and architecture. Other strengths of the collection include monographs on individual artists as well as international exhibition, museum, and private collection catalogues. The department of image collections is recognized as one of the largest and most important visual archives in the world. Hours Monday, noon to 4:30 p.m. Further Information Reading Room Guidelines (PDF 80k) (Download Acrobat Reader)
Sammlung SAMMLUNG Klicken Sie sich einfach durch die wachsende Sammlung des Buchstabenmuseums. Wenn auch Sie bewahrenswerte Objekte entdeckt haben, dann informieren Sie uns bitte! COLLECTIONClick through to discover the Museum of Letters' growing collection. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have a suggestion for a new acquisition. Ü01 NAME / NAME Autoradio SCHRIFT / FONT Helvetica Medium Italic ENTSTEHUNGSDATUM / DATE OF PRODUCTION – ÜBERNAHMEDATUM / DATE OF RECEIPT 26.07.2005 LOKATION / LOCATION Europahaus, Stresemannstraße 94, Berlin FORMAT / SIZE 40cm hoch / 40cm tall MATERIAL / MATERIAL gelber Metallkorpus, Neonröhren außen, selbstleuchtend gelb / yellow metal body, external neon tubes, self-illuminating yellow HERSTELLUNG / PRODUCTION Profil 1 EXTRAS / SPECIALS – Ü22 NAME / NAME Rundfunk [Leihgabe / item on loan] SCHRIFT / FONT –, Sans Serif ENTSTEHUNGSDATUM / DATE OF PRODUCTION – ÜBERNAHMEDATUM / DATE OF RECEIPT 26.01.2009 LOKATION / LOCATION ehem. NAME diverseSCHRIFT diverse
My pictures, instead of being boxed up by lumbering bars of gold, are My pictures, instead of being boxed up by lumbering bars of gold, are disposed generously between latitudes, equinoxes, monsoons Graphic design in Spain, 1939 - 1975 Title: Rudyard Kipling From the book Pioneers of Spanish Graphic Design by Emilio Gil of Tau Design Will 50 Watts Libraries and archives The Museum collection is available to researchers of all different levels through its galleries, libraries and study rooms, as well as online. Libraries catalogue online Catalogues for all of the Museum's libraries can be searched online – please note not all Museum libraries have their entire collection recorded in the online catalogue. Search the catalogue now Museum archive The Museum's Archive contains administrative records of the Museum dating back to its foundation in 1753, including minutes of meetings of the Museum’s Trustees, acquisitions reports and administration, policy and financial records. The Central Archive holds limited information on the Museum’s collection: these records are generally held by the Museum’s curatorial departments (with some exceptions). Archive material held by the British Museum Department of Manuscripts (usually with references beginning ‘Add’) and some other Museum records (before 1973) are now held by the British Library.
The Video Game Museum - The largest source for video games Before I Die? in NOLA ? Candy Chang What matters most to you Interactive public art project that invites people to share their personal aspirations in public. After losing someone she loved and falling into depression, Chang created this experiment on an abandoned house in her neighborhood to create an anonymous place to help restore perspective and share intimately with her neighbors. The project gained global attention and thanks to passionate people around the world, over 1000 Before I Die walls have now been created in over 70 countries, including Kazakhstan, Iraq, Haiti, China, Ukraine, Portugal, Japan, Denmark, Argentina, and South Africa. The walls are an honest mess of the longing, pain, joy, insecurity, gratitude, fear, and wonder you find in every community, and they reimagine public spaces that nurture honesty, vulnerability, trust and understanding. The Before I Die book is a celebration of these walls and the stories behind them. 2011, New Orleans, LA. Cordoba, Argentina. Najaf, Iraq. Brooklyn, NY.
Library | Amon Carter Museum, Fort Worth, Texas Complementing the museum’s art collection, the research library offers an extensive range of materials on American art, photography, and history from the early nineteenth century to the present. The library provides support to researchers at all levels interested in deepening their understanding of the country’s artistic heritage. A librarian is available at the reading room reference desk during public hours to assist you.Photocopies, computer printouts, and microform copies cost fifteen cents per page beyond first ten (first ten copies are free). Digital scanning to email or flash drive is free (please bring your own drive).Two computers are available for public use.Free Wi-Fi is available.Bags 11-by-15 inches or larger must be checked at security. Library and archives material may not be checked out.Museum staff is not permitted to give monetary appraisals or opinions on works of art.Visitors should not bring original artwork into the museum.
Portraits in all media, and archives dedicated to the portraits of men and women who have made significant contributions to the history, development, and culture of the people in the United States. by nda_librarian Apr 28