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Disabled Artists

Disabled Artists
Some of the best artists deal with disabilities in their everyday lives that the rest of us can’t even imagine living with, and use art to communicate with the world. The results are often stunning. We’ve collected biographies and sample pieces from outstanding disabled artists, both famous and lesser-known. The artists below paint with their hands, their mouths and their feet. Many are blind or suffer from mental disabilities, yet they produce some of the most beautiful and intricate artwork that you can imagine. Their achievements are arguably epic in the face of the adversity that they face. We hope that the artists in this post inspire your designs and make you look at adversity in any field as a surmountable obstacle. Stephen Wiltshire Disability: Autistic Savant Wiltshire was born in 1974 in London to West Indian parents. Maria Iliou Disability: Autistic Maria Iliou is a Greek artist with autism spectrum disorder. Joseph Cartin Disability: Bipolar Peter Longstaff Disability: Missing Both Arms

Home Page - Akiane, child prodigy Acordian, The Adoption Adventure Again I Find The Winter A.I. Welcome to Akiane Gallery Originals ~ $10,000 - $3MSoul-Scapes ~ $50K - $350KPrints ~ $150 - $3100(208)-712-4491 “You obviously are gifted!” “Her work is absolutely gorgeous.” “Unbelievable! “You are a wonder! Age 18 Age 17 Age 16 Age 16 & 17 Sketches Age 15 Age 14 Age 13 Age 12 Age 11 Age 10 Age 9 Age 8 Age 7 Age 6 Age 5 Age 4

Polish Paintings Every Picture Tells A Story ( Lackadaisy Expressions Boy, I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I started this. I've had requests for some sort of expressions tutorial dating back a while now, so I figured, "Sure! I can explain expression drawing...and it'll be way better than all those tutorials out there that are nothing but charts of generic expressions. Yeah! Just give me a day or two to whip something up..." Um. Anyway, I found all I could really do was try to explain ways to teach yourself...and then add some pictures.

Walter Foster - learn how to draw and paint books and kits for artists of all ages A Cartoon Color Wheel | Cartoon Brew: Leading the Animation Conversation Artists use a color wheel for inspiration; to help select colors and mix pigments. Last month, a group of writers at created this clever cartoon color wheel, which is both useful and a lot of fun. Check out the larger version at Slate where you can select each character and enlarge each image.
