Online Collections and Presentations The Library provides access to a portion of its audio collections through the Recorded Sound Reference Center's web page, the American Memory site, The Performing Arts Encyclopedia and the American Folklife Center pages. These collections are described below. To listen to recordings that are unavailable online, contact the Recorded Sound Reference Center. Recorded Sound Section Online Collections National Jukebox The Library of Congress presents the National Jukebox, which makes historical sound recordings available to the public free of charge. The Jukebox includes recordings from the extraordinary collections of the Library of Congress Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation and other contributing libraries and archives. At launch, the Jukebox includes more than 10,000 recordings made by the Victor Talking Machine Company between 1901 and 1925. Tony Schwartz Collection These recordings are a sampling from the Library's Tony Schwartz collection. American Memory Online Collections
Recently published titles 82nd & Fifth The Metropolitan Museum of Art (2013) "Abraham Lincoln: The Man (Standing Lincoln): A Bronze Statuette by Augustus Saint-Gaudens": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 48 (2013) Tolles, Thayer (2013) Afghanistan: Forging Civilizations along the Silk Road Aruz, Joan, and Elizabetta Valtz Fino (2012) "Amenhotep, Overseer of Builders of Amun: An Eighteenth-Dynasty Burial Reassembled": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 48 (2013) Reeves, Nicholas (2013) The American West in Bronze, 1850–1925 Tolles, Thayer, Thomas Brent Smith, with contributions by Carol Clark, Brian W. "Armor for America: The Duc de Dino Collection": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 47 (2012) Pyhrr, Stuart W. (2012) Art and Anatomy in Renaissance Italy: Images from a Scientific Revolution [adapted from The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, v. 69, no. 3 (Winter, 2012)] Laurenza, Domenico (2012) "Art of the Aegean Bronze Age": The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, v. 69, no. 4 (Spring, 2012) Hemingway, Séan (2012)
Community List Online publications 82nd & Fifth The Metropolitan Museum of Art (2013) Art of the Islamic World: A Resource for Educators Ekhtiar, Maryam D. and Claire Moore, ed. (2012) The Cesnola Collection of Cypriot Stone Sculpture Hermary, Antoine and Joan R. Mertens (2014) Connections The Metropolitan Museum of Art (2011) Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History The Metropolitan Museum of Art (2000–present) Looking to Connect with European Paintings: Visual Approaches for Teaching in the Galleries Perkins, Elizabeth (2013) The Met Around the World The Metropolitan Museum of Art (2011–present) MetCollects The Metropolitan Museum of Art (2014)
UbuWeb Expressions & Sayings Index If you prefer to go directly to the meaning and origin of a specific expression, click on its relevant entry in the alphabetical list below. Use this alphabet to speed up your search: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z The Online Books Page Listing over 3 million free books on the Web - Updated Thursday, May 13, 2021 Search our Listings -- New Listings -- Authors -- Titles -- Subjects -- Serials We reach Public Domain Day, and 3 million titles -- Blog (Everybody's Libraries) -- Latest Book Listings A Celebration of Women Writers -- Banned Books Online -- Prize Winners Online General -- Non-English Language -- Specialty About Us -- FAQ -- Get Involved! Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (onlinebooks@pobox.upenn.edu) OBP copyrights and licenses
La Bibliothèque virtuelle de Clairvaux est lancée : 1150 manuscrits médiévaux accessibles en ligne - Évolution du poste de travail : rêves et réalités - Soft power et influence française - Quand les SIGBê passent à la mutualisation - Le long chemin des collectivités locales vers le cloud DOSSIER Réalité augmentée : un nouveau regard sur le patrimoine La réalité augmentée n’a pas besoin de s’appliquer à elle-même pour montrer qu’elle existe ! Sur le terrain, les exemples sont de plus en plus nombreux où lieux, documents, objets sont mis en valeur grâce à elle, offrant un accès d’un type nouveau aux utilisateurs. Et aussi : - Les nouvelles règles de la démat - Au bonheur des Dam - Le droit à l'image des personnes au travail - Favoris : lecteurs RSS - Laure Lahaye, comédienne à Beyrouth, bibliothécaire à Paris - André Gunthert : "la photographie est devenue une niche à l’intérieur de la fonction de communication, qui a tout envahi" + Archimag store et Archi...kitsch
Audio-Visual Conservation (Library of Congress Packard Campus, Culpeper, Virginia) || The Packard Campus || Located at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Culpeper, Virginia, the Library's newly completed Packard Campus of the National Audio-Visual Conservation Center provides underground storage for this entire collection on 90 miles of shelving, together with extensive modern facilities for the acquisition, cataloging and preservation of all audio-visual formats. The Packard Campus was created through a unique partnership between the Packard Humanities Institute, the United States Congress, the Library of Congress, and the Architect of the Capitol. Learn more about The Packard Campus || Film, Television and Video Collections || The Library is home to more than 1.1 million film, television, and video items. Motion Picture and Television Reading Room || Audio Collections || The Library of Congress holds the nation's largest public collection of sound recordings containing music, spoken word and radio broadcasts, nearly 3.5 million recordings in all.
Who wrote this amazing, mysterious book satirizing tech startup culture? A mysterious little book called Iterating Grace is floating around San Francisco right now. At least a dozen people have received the book in the mail—or in my case, by secret hand-delivery to my house. (Which is a little creepy.) The artifact itself consists of a 2,001-word story interspersed with hand-drawn recreations of tweets by venture capitalists and startup people like Chris Sacca, Paul Graham, Brad Feld, Sam Altman, and others. The story’s lead character, Koons Crooks, goes on a spiritual quest by contemplating the social media feeds emanating from the startup world. “For him, the tossed-off musings and business maxims of these men (they were almost all men) shimmered with a certain numinous luster. No one knows who wrote the story or created the book. And I can see why one might think that: this took an incredible amount of work and planning. I first heard about it earlier this week as I was waiting in line at JFK Airport. At first I was confused, then I was a little annoyed.