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Creative contemporary photojournalism

Creative contemporary photojournalism

Mrs. Deane : nothing is too amazing to be true non-digitally manip­u­lated hand print © Yaseen Al-Obeidy The Kuwait Weeks were born out of a con­ver­sa­tion I had with Kuwaiti pho­tog­ra­pher Mohammed Alk­ouh, who is cur­rently hav­ing a solo show at CAP Kuwait, which includes a num­ber of his recent stu­dio por­traits. We talked about his encoun­ters in the tra­di­tional por­trait stu­dios, which gave him the love for the hand-colored image, and how for him those pho­tographs, like real life instances of Oscar Wilde’s pic­tures of Dorian Gray, con­tained the pres­ence and the youth of a fam­ily mem­ber now in advanced age or even deceased. And how the vin­tage image has this mys­te­ri­ous time-warp qual­ity that we can­not shake off or stop being fas­ci­nated by — an addic­tion mer­ci­less tapped into and catered to by sev­eral online plat­forms, numer­ous photo books, col­lec­tions, some gal­leries, eBay sell­ers and auctioneers. Instal­la­tion view with self por­traits of Al-Obeidy over the years © Hes­ter Keijser

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