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MTV's 'Valemont': A Transmedia Experience Murder-Mystery Style “Valemont University was founded in 1646 under the motto Ex Sanguine Scientia – From Blood, Knowledge.” This is what awaits you if you visit the companion website for the upcoming MTV Networks’ web series, Valemont, which premieres tomorrow for a 12-episode run on MTV before heading to an online-only release of the remaining 23 episodes. I had a chance to speak with co-creator Brent Friedman of Electric Farm about this unique transmedia experience that blends product placement, ARG elements, and web content into an exciting murder mystery plotline that may or may not have a supernatural twist. The multiplatform series stars a number of notable young actors like Nikki Blonsky, Kristen Hager, Georgina Reilly and Six Feet Under’s Eric Balfour. For the specifics of how this project came together, we asked Friedman to fill us in. “Valemont originated about a year ago when Electric Farm Entertainment began discussions with MTV about producing a branded entertainment series,” said Friedman.

Inside Shelbyville Multimedia's Ambitious Immigration Project Shelbyville project kicks off with a series of “Welcoming” videos Chances are you haven’t yet heard of Shelbyville, a small rural community in Tennessee. If not, then you’re probably also unaware of the upcoming “Welcome to Shelbyville” documentary or the online project that is forging a pilot, or prototype, for communities to tell and share their own stories. So let me share my initial impressions of this remarkable, ambitious effort. Last Monday I was lucky enough to be a part of a “digital brain trust” of 20 progressive media and non-profit representatives at the Bay Area Video Coalition headquarters. What is the Shelbyville Project? Miss Marilyn, a retired public elementary school teacher who taught in Shelbyville Active Voice conceived the vision of building a story-driven web platform and brought together a team consisting of Free Range Studios, a creative services firm, and documentary filmmaker Kelly Whalen, who produced webisodes for the project. Positive Stories

Interactive Documentary Fringe Observer Sightings - Every Single Observer Appearance In Fringe Who are the Observers? The Observers have been recorded at numerous events and locations throughout time and space. History is littered with their presence. Important moments observed: wars, presidential inaugurations, inter-reality invasions, Peter kidnappings. The Observers are here, and whether we like it or not, they are influencing our past, present and future. Fringe Observer Sightings – Complete Episode & Season Listing Use the following links to view Observer appearances by season or continue reading for to see all Observer sightings throughout the entire series of Fringe: Season 1 Fringe opening sequence: The very first Observer ‘sighting’, coupled with the infamous blue lights. 1.01 Pilot The Observer was first spotted walking past Massive Dynamic headquarters, possibly tracking Olivia’s meeting with Nina Sharp. 1.02 The Same Old Story The Observer was seen at the hospital where man-baby died. 1.03 The Ghost Network 1.04 The Arrival 1.05 Power Hungry 1.06 The Cure 1.08 The Equation

Planet Galata NFB/Interactive - National Film Board of Canada At the NFB we like change. For 70 years we've experimented, innovated, and produced a legacy of technical and creative firsts in cinema, animation, and documentary. Think McLaren, Lipsett, Brittain, and Jutra; Stereoscopic 3d, VTR, and participatory media. Today, the way we create, consume, and connect with each other changes by the minute. And this evolving collection of stories reflects that reality. It's the result of artists and storytellers of all sorts utilizing new technology, to explore new forms of creation, for a new kind of Canada. The stories they're telling here are new, but share a lot in common with the work that came before: they present distinct voices, strong points-of-view, and unique perspectives. So let the conversation begin. Scary or otherwise.

Mad science and secret codes in the TV series Fringe Bad Robot, the production company behind the Fox TV series Fringe, is no stranger to involving audiences in Easter egg hunts. Lost, their best known series, is peppered with them. Untold numbers of websites are dedicated to tracking these visual clues, which on Lost range from the mysterious sequence of numbers (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42) to Egyptian hieroglyphs to shark fins tattooed with the Dharma logo. If Lost set the standard, Fringe has picked up the challenge and run. The producers readily admit they have created any number of challenges and embedded them into each episode. Fringe, which airs on Tuesday nights directly after American Idol, is the story of a mad scientist, his son, and a young FBI agent. Update Our own Julian Sanchez has solved the Fringe cypher Fringe makes little or no attempt to stay within the bounds of what is real or possible. That's not to say the show is not worth watching. The games Where's Baldo. The mysterious "observer" appears in each Fringe episode.

Jake, Not finished yet. Director/ producer Ian Thomas Ash has teamed up with producer/ cameraman Colin O’Neill for “Jake, not finished yet”. Joining them on the crew is newcomer Jake Caswell, the subject from the title, who along with co-directing also serves as second camera. Ian helps direct Jake as he directs his own story. Formerly the subject in Ian’s documentary, “the ballad of vicki and jake”, about him and his mother, Vicki, Jake now turns his camera on Ian and Colin. Once again the filmmakers are intertwined in a story that blurs the boundaries between filmmaker and subject. While Jake and Ian are connected through Vicki, their bond becomes stronger when Ian experiences another great loss.

El Transmedia de ‘Juego de Tronos’ y ‘Defiance’, a debate en el Festival de Series de CANAL+ A estas alturas ya casi nadie duda que ‘Juego de Tronos’ se ha convertido en un fenómeno que va más allá de libros y serie de televisión. HBO se apoyó en Campfire para que los usuarios evocaran a través de los cinco sentidos el continente de Poniente, George R.R. Martin nos lo contó en primera persona por saquí hace no demasiado y todos hemos disfrutado de alguna u otra forma de todo su mundo. CANAL + ofreció a los fans Mapa de Poniente, una guía interactiva para no perderse en el universo Juego de Tronos con información de casas, familias, personajes y trama. El juego de rol Grito de Guerra funcionó en paralelo a la emisión de la serie y con cada nuevo episodio, se activó una nueva prueba. En la tercera temporada apareció Vive Poniente, una aplicación de second screen vinculada a la serie, tanto en su consumo lineal como en Video On Demand. Pero no solo hablaremos de esto en la mesa redonda. La entrada es gratuita hasta completar aforo y seguro que sacamos conclusiones interesantes.

Interactive Documentary Archive .:. Interactive Documentary The archive is now closed When I started this PhD there was not very much happening in i-docs land. So I felt I had to assemble my discoveries through this website. Five years later this is not the case anymore. There is so much happening that it is actually mission impossible to follow it all. So I have decided to [...] (No Comments) Read more Shadowlands This entry was proposed and written by Elaine Hills Description: Produced Feb 2012 to document the effects on the people who continue to be effected by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear disaster. (2 Comments) Read more The Cat and the Coup is a documentary videogame in which you play the cat of Dr. (3 Comments) Read more Aysén Profundo This entry has been sent to me by Philine von Düszeln. (No Comments) Read more Walking the Edit This entry was proposed and written by Ulrich Fischer Description: Walking the Edit is an innovative system to “walk a movie” : your recorded walk will be translated into a movie through an iPhone app’.

“Prometheus” Información, tráiler y una magistral campaña viral | FreakSociety Blog Freaksociety – Javi Cano. – Inmersos como estamos estos días en esa fiebre vengadora que se extiende por el planeta sin aparente control (si queréis leer mi crítica de “Los Vengadores”, pinchar este enlace de nuestro blog hermano Hablando de cómics), nos metemos hoy de lleno con “Prometheus”, otra cinta que tendría que estar “supuestamente” entre las llamadas este año para hacer eso tan necesario para una película de gran presupuesto, llamado arrasar en taquilla. “Prometheus” es la ansiada vuelta a la ciencia ficción del director Ridley Scott, tras treinta años alejado del género que el mismo cambió para siempre y para mejor, al ofrecernos esas dos obras maestras que son “Blade Runner” y “Alien: El octavo pasajero”, película esta última emparentada con este próximo “Prometheus”, ya que la cinta se situaría a modo de precuela, algunos años antes del comienzo de la saga del alien más famoso de la historia del cine. La guapa Charlize Theron otro de los puntos fuertes de la película

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