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Flipped Learning

Flipped Learning

Eficacia del modelo flipped learning classroom. ¿Qué dice la investigación? Ya dije en el post anterior, al presentar algunos resultados de experiencias realizadas en la universidad, que las evidencias son esenciales para garantizar que las innovaciones realmente merecen la pena. Pues bien, ya se ha publicado un informe-resumen de la investigación sobre la enseñanza inversa y sus efectos. En esta entrada voy a centrarme en el sumario ejecutivo de dicho informe. Investigación y Resultados Los datos rigurosos, tanto cualitativos como cuantitativos, sobre el aprendizaje Flipped son limitados, pero hay una gran cantidad de investigación que apoya la eficacia de los elementos clave del modelo con respecto a las estrategias de enseñanza que conducen a que los estudiantes se involucren más en su aprendizaje. En general, los profesores que están invirtiendo sus aulas informan sobre mayores logros de los estudiantes, una mayor participación de los mismos y la mejora de las actitudes hacia el aprendizaje y la escuela. Ambiente flexible Cultura de aprendizaje

The Flipped Classroom: A Pedagogy for Differentiating Instruction and Teaching Essential Skills July 31, 2012 by Scott Sterling Summer is almost over and some educators, when thinking about the upcoming school year, may be considering “flipping their classroom” as a new method for instruction of essential skills. A flipped classroom is one in which the background learning of a particular topic or skill occurs outside of class time - utilizing technological tools like videos and podcasts to teach the essential skills. In other words, class time is now free to spend working with the students because everyone has already received the background instruction that takes up so much time in the traditional classroom. For example, let’s say you are teaching the Pythagorean theorem. The students are instructed to watch the instructional video and then post one question about the theorem on your online classroom message board. Opponents also worry that flipped classrooms are a precursor to a school where teachers are obsolete, replaced by computers and other technologies. For further reading:

FlippedLearning - EduVision Why I Gave Up Flipped Instruction A little over a year ago I wrote a post about the flipped classroom, why I loved it, and how I used it. I have to admit, the flip wasn’t the same economic and political entity then that it is now. And in some ways, I think that matters. Here’s the thing. When I recently re-read the post, I didn’t disagree with anything I’d said. Yet my brief love affair with the flip has ended. When I wrote that post, I imagined the flip as a stepping stone to a fully realized inquiry/PBL classroom. What is the flip? The flipped classroom essentially reverses traditional teaching. When I first encountered the flip, it seemed like a viable way to help deal with the large and sometimes burdensome amount of content included in my senior Biology & Chemistry curricula. My flipped experiments I first encountered the flip in a blog post. My students loved the idea of trying something that very few other students were doing. We began to shift What was my role? The flip faded away The flip is gone for good No.

Flipped Classroom ¿le damos la vuelta al aula? | El Flipped Classroom (FC) es un modelo pedagógico que transfiere el trabajo de determinados procesos de aprendizaje fuera del aula y utiliza el tiempo de clase, junto con la experiencia del docente, para facilitar y potenciar otros procesos de adquisición y práctica de conocimientos dentro del aula.Sin embargo, ”flippear” una clase es mucho más que la edición y distribución de un video. Se trata de un enfoque integral que combina la instrucción directa con métodos constructivistas, el incremento de compromiso e implicación de los estudiantes con el contenido del curso y mejorar su comprensión conceptual. Se trata de un enfoque integral que, cuando se aplica con éxito, apoyará todas las fases de un ciclo de aprendizaje. Fuente: The flipped classroom ¿Flipante? Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando...

The flip: Classwork at home, homework in class Today, the 48-year-old helps teachers around the world “flip” their classrooms. Last week, he was at Harvard Law School talking about the virtues of flipping. A book he and Sams wrote, “Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day,” is coming out in June, and Bergmann is planning the fifth annual conference on Flipped Learning this summer. He and Sams also are launching a nonprofit organization to train teachers in the concept. He is now the lead technology facilitator for the Joseph Sears School in Kenilworth, Ill. Here are excerpts of conversations I had with Bergmann on the phone and by e-mail: Q. In the simplest form, basically, it’s this: What’s normally done in class, the direct instruction piece, the lecture, is done now at home with videos. So it’s homework in school and lesson at home? When you are stuck in the old model, kids would go home and do one of three things. Tell me about the videos. The access issue is big. So what was the next iteration?

Redefining the Introduction to Computer Science I’m incredibly excited to take this opportunity to announce a new project that I’ve been leading here at Khan Academy: Khan Academy Computer Science. We’re releasing a completely new platform that targets people with no programming knowledge and gives them an engaging and fun environment to learn in. Over everything else we wanted to emphasize creativity and exploration and make it approachable for people of all ages, including young kids. To get started feel free to visit the Khan Academy Computer Science site: Explore, play around, and build something! Jamie Wong, who worked on the CS platform this summer, has also written up a blog post on his experience developing the platform. Methodology Earlier this year I was working on an iteration of the CS platform which was heavily focused on structured curriculum leading towards exploratory projects. Until I saw Bret Victor‘s mind-blowing talk on using a responsive programming environment. How do we teach? Thank Yous

Google Sites as a Tool for Student Portfolios - Flipped Events Google Sites Resources Intermediate/Advanced For advanced users, try at least 2 of the following activities. Try using the embed gadget in the Featured category to embed a non-Google product such as a Slideshare or VoiceThread link. If you are looking for material to embed, try the following links: Go to More>Manage Site>Site Layout>Colors and Fonts. Advanced Resources ¿Le damos la vuelta al aula…? The Flipped Classroom Seguro que has leído en algún artículo, o en algún tweet, la expresión Flipped Classroom, que atendiendo a la traducción literal sería algo así como la clase del revés. Bueno, lo que nos faltaba …poner a los alumnos boca abajo y que en ese momento llegara el mismísimo Inspector Zito The Flipped Classroom es un modelo de trabajo en el aula con el que están experimentando algunos docentes. Para que esto sea posible, el docente facilita a su alumnado materiales audiovisuales, pueden ser vídeos o incluso podcast, de una duración no superior a cinco minutos a través de los cuales presenta la unidad, las principales ideas o los conceptos fundamentales. Todos hemos vivido la experiencia de llegar a casa, comenzar a trabajar las tareas y encontrarnos con problemas y dudas para avanzar que no somos capaces de resolver ni con los apuntes de clase, ni con los materiales de apoyo sugeridos por nuestro profesor [si existen] ni consultando a otros compañeros del curso. 1. 2. 3. 4. – YouTube Edu

thinkerstoolbox - home La clase inversa (Flipped Classroom) y sus tecnologías | Manuel Alcántara Plá La clase inversa o flipped classroom/flip teaching es el tema de moda en innovación docente. Si no me crees, échale un vistazo a la conversación que hay ahora mismo sobre ello en Twitter. Sin embargo, no es algo tan nuevo: Eric Mazur ya hacía campaña por algo así en el Harvard de los 90, pero no se puede negar que ahora está en el momento álgido. ¿Qué es la clase inversa (flipped classroom)? El nombre viene de que el movimiento básico que promueve esta metodología consiste en sacar la teoría de la clase para ocuparla con la realización de los ejercicios, es decir, lo contrario a lo que hacemos en una clase tradicional. Me temo que la justificación más urgente de este cambio la tenemos que dar desde lo negativo: se amontonan los estudios que demuestran que la clase tradicional en la que el profesor explica la teoría para que los estudiantes la memoricen no funciona (aquí tienes un resumen del Oxford Center for Staff and Learning Development interesante al respecto).

Lesson plans for teachers Common Core Implementation Kit enables the creation of a Common Core State Standards aligned lesson plan with a few easy clicks. Common Core operates from within Word 2013 and provides daily learning targets for Common Core State Standards, along with instructional notes, student friendly “I Can” statements, vocabulary lists, differentiation ideas, activity ideas, assessment ideas, common student misconceptions, and links to open educational resources aligned to the standards. Save time planning lessons and locating resources for your students The Common Core Implementation Kit is a free tool that makes it easy for teachers to create Language Arts and Math lesson plans aligned to the Common Core State Standards all from within Microsoft Word 2013. Common Core consists of a series of course-specific Microsoft Word templates that access Common Core information through a Microsoft Office Task Pane that is displayed next to the lesson plan document. System requirements

Cómo crear tu propia Khan Academy Salman Khan es el fundador de la Khan Academy, una organización educativa sin ánimo de lucro. En su página web puedes encontrar gratuitamente una colección de más de 2.700 microlecciones a través de videos tutoriales hospedados en YouTube. Khan Academy, junto con MITx, Uncollege de Stanford o YouTube para Escuelas, confirman una tendencia tecnológica interesante en Educación. Los profesores, cada vez más, graban sus clases y las cuelgan en la nube para que sean accesibles a estudiantes en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar. Las ventajas son claras. Los estudiantes pueden acceder al contenido académico de forma flexible, se ponen al día rápidamente cuando se pierden una clase y sobre todo revisan el material tantas veces como sea necesario a la hora de preparar un examen. Sin embargo, esta práctica pretende ir mucho más allá. Salma Khan propone un cambio de metodología para escuelas y universidades basándose en el éxito de sus videos online. Grabación de voz Entradas Relacionadas:

Mem Fox » Flashing Screens Or Turning Pages? (I wrote this speech—which later became a chapter in Reading Magic—in the early nineties, before the invention of smart phones or tablets, so please include those devices and any new ones when you see the word ‘television’.) Television will not go away. It’s here to stay and its attractions are many. One way of doing battle with it might be to get rid of it completely or to turn it off most of the time but in most homes that would now be very difficult. Rather than wondering what we can do about television it might be as well to focus on what we can do to make books and reading as attractive as watching t.v. Children learn to speak for many reasons, one of which being that they are completely surrounded by it, they see it in action and they very quickly understand that using language produces excellent results. In order to make books more attractive than television we have to do with books what we have already done with talk. In a non-ideal school there is no self-selection of books.
