Romana Cena - Bombax Press What did Romans eat for dinner? How did Roman dinners differ depending on socioeconomic status? To follow the readings and activities for Romanum Prandium and Romanum Ientaculum, we introduced some common dinner vocabulary to teach about the Romana Cena. We aren’t teaching synchronous classes to our students, so we created videos and short readings for our students to allow for repetition of the vocabulary. We introduced the students to the list of vocabulary. Note: The copyright for Romanum Prandium and the linked videos and stories is owned by my school, Loveland Classical Schools. Romana Cena: Vocabulary We introduced this vocabulary to allow students to talk about dinner and, of course, dessert. We glossed the words and grammar in bold in the story. Rōmāna Cēna Antiquōrum Rōmānōrum Quid Rōmānī comēdērunt cēnae? Quid erat parva cēna multīs Rōmānīs? Paucī Rōmānī quī habēbant multam pecūniam poterant emere carnem būbulam et carnem gallīnāceam. Quid vōs putātis dē Rōmānā cēnā?
The Story of Fascism: Rick Steves' Documentary Helps Us Learn from the Hard Lessons of the 20th Century From Rick Steves comes a thought-provoking documentary that revisits the rise of fascism in Europe, reminding us of how charismatic figures like Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler came to power by promising to create a better future for their frustrated, economically-depressed countries--a future that recaptured the glory of some mythologized past. Once in power, these fascist leaders replaced democracy with a cult of personality, steadily eroded democratic norms and truth, ratcheted up violence, and found scapegoats to victimize. They would lead their nations into war, and ultimately ruin, but not before creating a playbook for other charismatic autocrats who entice voters with simplistic solutions to complex problems. Originally aired on television, Steves has released the documentary on YouTube, hoping that 21st century citizens can "learn from the hard lessons of 20th-century Europe." The text accompanying his documentary reads as follows: Related Content: Free Online History Courses
Comprehension Matters: Rethinking Translation in Latin Reading Courses | by Dani Bostick | In Medias Res | Medium I once inherited a group of students who had claimed they had only survived Latin I and II because of I was skeptical at first, but soon realized this was no exaggeration. With many schools adopting 1:1 technology initiatives or Bring Your Own Device policies, students have access to resources that can quickly become a crutch. Before the Internet, lazy preparation for class consisted of going to the library, finding the correct Loeb edition, and reading the English. Now, students can “prepare” a passage by printing off an English translation, or simply pulling up the translation on their device during class. Academic integrity aside, translation assignments and assessments can still be problematic. How can you tell if this is a problem in your classroom? Can students can earn perfect scores on translations of texts they have seen but cannot navigate an unseen text? Dr. Captions for images.
Totum Cor Meum (“All My Loving” in Latin) | by In Medias Res | In Medias Res | Aug, 2020 | Medium The British Invasion, Latinized. [Editor’s Note: The spirit of the early Beatles lives in this simple love song, which John Lennon looked back on as a “damn good piece of work.” And this Latin translation, by the great Luke Henderson, is a damn good piece of work too, keeping the spirit and staying pretty close to the letter of this song. It’s easy to sing, though close study of the original will help with phrasing. After the first verse the song feels like it’s going into the chorus, which gives the drop-back into the second verse some punch. It runs for a minute and then repeats itself; in the Beatles version this is made more interesting by making the first iteration a solo and the second a duet.] (The Beatles) (McCartney) (tr. oculis osculabor clausis, præstolabor.memento me semper fidum.a procul amans te, scribam quotidie,atque ad te cor mittam meum. simulo me amare te, te basiare,et somnium spero verum.a procul amans te, scribam quotidie,atque ad te cor mittam meum.
Word Search Maker | World Famous from The Teacher's Corner WARNING: Your JavaScript is disabled. Almost nothing will work properly without JavaScript enabled. Choose up to 3 fonts + Arial (default) Font Selection DISABLED Sort word list alphabetically Saving Options:Ad Block: NoneAd supported: 2 Word List Save SlotsPremium Subscriber: 10 Word List Save SlotsTurn Off your ad-blocker to see the 'Ad supported' word list saving options here. Here are solutions to 95% of the problems people have! All of our worksheets have answer sheets. Don't see this blue menu on the left AFTER creating your worksheet? Browser is low on memory and the javascript engine has shut down in the browser (usually caused by too many browser tabs open or a badly coded extension that is installed and leaking memory). This is a bug that happens on RARE occassions with certain computers. ALL options can be adjusted using the BLUE MENU to the left of the puzzle that is created. This is caused because javascript does not have enough memory to generate the crossword puzzle.
Word Search Maker Make your own word search game on any topic you like, simply by providing between 10 and 30 words. Once submitted, your puzzle will be instantly playable on-line as well as easily printed, so you can share it with friends. Instructions are available at the bottom of this page Between 10 and 30 words. Instructions To create a word search puzzle you must supply a word list of at least 10 words.The word list should be based on a single theme or topic.
Crossword Puzzle Maker | World Famous from The Teacher's Corner You must have an OLD browser. The old crossword maker doesn't allow all of the new features like cool fonts, adding images, shadows, special colors, and much more coming in the furture like saving, and being playable online. You can upgrade your browser to IE 9+ or better yet, get the Google Chrome browser and enjoy all of those great features. Not convinced? 2 reasons crosswords will not generate: 1. 1. Take the following example word list: "home, cat, dog". A slightly different impossible list: "home", "dog", "lizard" - all 3 have letters that they share! When you add a bunch of words, the chance for it being an impossible can increase (depending on many factors). 2.
10 Spanish Vocabulary Games for the Language Classroom Inside: Spanish vocabulary games for the language classroom. The best way to “learn vocabulary” is in context. I use to give long lists of isolated words, until I switched to proficiency-based teaching and threw out my textbook. I realized my students were memorizing the words to pass a quiz, and then forgetting them. Or GAMES! They are great for brain breaks, team building, getting everyone moving, and motivating our students. If you’re looking for more ideas, check out my Spanish learning games page, or try these: “It” counts to ten while everyone else quietly chooses a corner of the room to stand in. To review vocabulary, tape a sketch of four vocabulary words onto each corner of the room. To take this up a notch, make each corner a category (food, things to do, etc.). Play charades and pictionary combined, to give the students more choice. Write the phrases on slip of paper. 1st round (actions): Team 1 begins as a player draws a slip. Bingo is great because it is flexible. Like it?
Icebreakers for High School and Middle School Spanish Classrooms Inside: Icebreakers for Spanish classrooms (high school and middle school). As a semi-introvert, most icebreakers terrify me. All the ones that make you remember everyone else’s name, think of a clever adjective for yourself, or THE WORST KIND: make up a dance move. Rest assured– all the ideas here are introvert-approved! As students adjust to being back in desks and classes, it is nice to have some community-building activities in your back pocket. YOU, the teacher, are the best judge of how silly the games can be, and whether it’s best to do an icebreaker the first day or a few days in. Icebreakers can be tricky in Spanish class, but in those first days, I do think it’s important to establish a couple of things: We speak in the TL as much as possible. To see a comprehensive list of games, check out my page on Spanish learning games. I really think it’s important to do low-pressure icebreakers those first days, especially if you’re trying to do so in another language. 2. 4. 5. Like it?
Middle School Classroom Games: 3 Structures, Same Content — Amy Skillicorn I am able to use the same content (slides) for a game of Insidiae, which is the Latin word for treachery. This game is also known as Grudgeball. The students are also in pairs, answering the same style of quick questions. Instead of earning points, however, they “attack” another team with a point. The goal is to have the fewest points by the end of the game! Because they do not control their own points, I do not give a reward to the winner. I recently heard about Sink or Swim from the teacher Youtuber Pocketful of Primary.
Free Ancient Greece Printables for Your Homeschool History Curriculum - Blessed Beyond A Doubt Free Ancient Greece Printables for Your Homeschool History Curriculum Enrich your homeschool history curriculum with a few of these FREE Ancient Greece history printables. You will find worksheets, lessons, games, puzzles, coloring sheets, notebooking pages, papercrafts, and more. You might also enjoy my big list of printable Roman history resources to add to your homeschool history curriculum. Related Posts
Roman History Printable Resources - Amy's Wandering I started searching for some Ancient Rome history printables for my kids to put in their notebooks and I was amazed at the wonderful pages I found! Many of these are high school level too, which can be harder to find. Of course I had to round them all up and share them with you, ‘cuz that’s what I do. BBC Primary History Worksheets History on the Net Worksheets Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire Outline Rise and Fall of great Empires Worksheets Ancient Rome Image & Map Gallery Roman Empire Word Cards & Posters Ancient Rome Lapbook Roman Empire Teacher’s Guide and Vocabulary Rome Unit Study with Timeline Pieces Roman Age Coloring Pages Ancient Rome Worksheets and Powerpoints Dress the Roman Gladiator Ancient Rome Paper Dolls Ancient Rome Lapbook Rome Notes to go with Rome Powerpoints The Romans Flashcards and Writing Pages Working with Roman Numerals Roman Numerals Bingo Roman Numeral Flashcards Ancient Rome Public Domain Pics Roman Architecture Coloring Sheets Ancient Rome Reading Comprehension Worksheets
The Story of Machetes and Philinnion, from Phlegon of Tralles