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Robots, RC, Sailing, ARG, and every combination thereof! Forget about STEM! We’ve been all about STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) with our robotic zoo! Over the past six weeks, the kids at the North Tampa Robotics Club, South Tampa Robotics Club, and Learning Gate Community School have been hard at working building a robotic zoo to exhibit at the Tampa Bay Mini Maker Faire. African Savanna In this tropical grassland, massive herds of zebras and giraffes roam freely. The giraffe uses its long neck and towering body to reach the succulent leaves high up in the tree while the zebra, an animal rarely domesticated pauses momentarily and responds to being petted. Materials The habitat is constructed of paper mâché, painted and decorated with an assortment of craft and hobby materials. Central American Jungle Deep in the jungles of Central America, the plants attack and the animals do their best avoid predators by blending in with the background. Materials The habitat is constructed primarily of natural materials. Dragon’s Realm
KNX Features · arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota Wiki KNX Explanation The KNX IP Protocol is an international open standard for smart homes and smart buildings automation. It is a decentralized system. Each device can talk directly to each other without the need of a central controller or server. Any panel or server is just for telesupervision and for sending requests. Each device has a physical address (like a fixed IP) as 1 . 1 . 0 and that address is used for configuration purposes. Each device can be configured with group addresses as 2 / 2 / 1 and that address can be used for sending/receiving commands. Integration Several home automation systems have KNX support. If using the Home Assistant distribution called Hassio, everything for KNX is already included by default. If you use the ETS (KNX Configurator Software) you can add any Sonoff Tasmota KNX as a dummy device. If the Sonoff device is connecting to a Wifi Repeater you might experience some issues receiving KNX Telegrams. Implemented Features General: For using rules: Usage Examples
Lego Ed Europe (Germany) Konstruktionsprojekte von LEGO® Education für die EV3-Plattform sind ein Unterrichtspaket mit 30 Unterrichtsstunden und offenen Problemlösungsaktivitäten, die das Lernen in den MINT-Fächern (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik) aufgrund von realistischen Aufgaben aus der Robotertechnik zu einem echten Erlebnis werden lassen. Die Unterrichtsinhalte verteilen sich auf drei Hauptabschnitte mit jeweils fünf Konstruktionsprojekten. Insgesamt sind also 15 Konstruktionsprojekte enthalten. — Roboter in Bewegung: Den Schülerinnen und Schülern wird die Aufgabe gestellt, Roboter zu entwerfen, zu bauen und zu programmieren, die sich mithilfe von Motoren mit Rotationssensoren bewegen. — Intelligente Roboter: Den Schülerinnen und Schülern wird die Aufgabe gestellt, ihre Roboter mit Sensoren zu versehen, um deren Verhalten steuern zu können und um Sensordaten zu messen, als Graph darzustellen und zu analysieren. - R/C Servos FPGAs are suitable to control R/C Servos. What is an R/C Servo? An R/C Servo ("remote control servo motor") consists of a motor, some electronics, and a set of gears enclosed into a small box. A single axis comes out of the servo. You control precisely the angle of rotation of the axis by sending pulses to the servo. The axis rotational angle is limited to about 270 degrees (it cannot make a complete turn, but only 3/4 of a turn). Here's a picture of one servo (old and bitten up, but illustrates our purpose). Useful informational links include: R/C Servos are used in: In remote controlled models (cars, airplanes...).In robotics. Electrical connection and PWM pulses Servos have 3 wires: Black: ground.Red: power supply (+5V).White: rotation control (using PWM). A new pulse needs to be sent regularly (every 10 to 20ms), even if the angular position doesn't need to be changed, or the servo will stop trying to hold it. PWM pulses from an FPGA Dividing the clock Generating the PWM pulse
Pitsco Store - Textrix Designed especially for SkillsUSA, the Robotics: Urban Search & Rescue Challenge Kit features heavy-duty, aircraft-grade aluminum elements for construction, powerful drive motors, and expandable capabilities. TETRIX® provides the ideal platform for creativity. The patented hole pattern on TETRIX structural pieces is unique to this system and enables competitors to attach pieces at angles as well as horizontally and vertically. The challenge kit includes the following: Brackets and mounts Structural channels and plates Structural tubing and hubs Wheels, gears, and drive trains NiMH battery pack and charger R/C transmitters, receivers, and motor controllers Wireless camera Requires AA batteries, sold separately. - Quadrature Decoder FPGAs are suitable to create quadrature decoders. What are quadrature signals? Quadrature signals are two signals generated with a 90 degrees phase difference. Here's one axis moving forward by a few steps. If you count the pulses, you can say that the axis moved by 3 steps. Now the axis is moving backward by the same amount. So the idea is that by looking at the edges and levels, we can determine the direction and distance of movement. Where are they used? In robotic axles, for feedback control.With knobs, to determine user input.In computer mice, to determine the direction of movement. If you open a mechanical mouse, here's what you can see. There are two optical quadrature encoders, each made from a slotted wheel, a light emitter and a pair of photodetectors. The mouse includes an IC responsible for the quadrature decoding and the serial/PS2 interface. We used a CD4093 with the inputs of the each NAND gate tied together to form inverters. Quadrature decoder In verilog HDL, that gives us: - Digital oscilloscope A digital oscilloscope has many advantages over its analog counterpart, like the ability to capture single events, and to display what happens before the trigger. You can build a digital oscilloscope simply by hooking an ADC and an FPGA together. This particular design uses an 100MHz flash ADC, so we are building an 100MSPS (mega-samples-per-seconds) oscilloscope. This oscilloscope design is interesting because it shows how powerful and useful modern FPGAs can be. But if you are new to FPGA technology, keep that in mind this is not the easiest design to understand on this site. HDL design Or how to create the oscilloscope logic inside the FPGA. Hardware This design was created using the Flashy boards.See also the "hands-on" page on how to build a simple oscilloscope. Software Screenshot Here's the view of a 27MHz signal, sampled at 100MHz and reconstructed using the "sample equivalent time" technique. Links