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HTML5 Bookmarks - daily news articles and bookmarks

HTML5 Bookmarks - daily news articles and bookmarks

50 Excellent CSS3 Techniques and Tutorials for Beautiful Design CSS3 has got a huge potential to create very elaborate and complicated details by strictly using CSS and no images. It can carry out a lot of functions as it is based on motion techniques. Many designers all over the world believe that CSS3 is a technique which has unbelievable potentiality which will be used to create wonderful designs in the years to come. At present, it is not being used varied all over the world due to a number of limitations – obsolete browsers being one of them. Many say that it would be the application of the future as it can improve the efficiency of the workflow by substituting waste workarounds as it was once used in the case of Internet Explorer 6. It has many features which are not compatible with the old web browsers and hence it will require some present day internet browsers like Internet Explorer 7 & 8, Chrome, Safari and Firefox to use the CSS3. Create an Audio Player in HTML5 & CSS3 Filter Functionality with CSS3 Create CSS3 Pricing Tables CSS3 Lightbox

QNAP – Install DropBox on your NAS So you use DropBox on your PC’s, Laptops, Cellphones, so why not on your QNAP NAS? The advantage? Well … you’d have DropBox access from anywhere in your network or through the QNAP web interfaceyou would not have to install DropBox on your PC’syou’d save space on your PC’s since the DropBox files only need to be stored on your NAS Why DropBox? Getting DropBox going on your QNAP isn’t all that complicated – follow the following steps … (these instructions are based on QNAP Forum Post). Caution This guide is based on an x86 (Intel) based QNAP NAS. For most operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS X, iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry), in case you’d like to use the free DropBox service, a dedicated client is available on the DropBox website. All screenshots are based on an installation on a TS-859 Pro+, other models (x86 platform NAS models only!). Note sure what platform your QNAP NAS is? Step 1 – Install OptWare and Phyton DOWNLOAD - DropBox QPKG (Intel) Step 3 – Install the DropBox QPKG

Уроки HTML5 HTML5 дает нам много новых возможностей. Для упрощения внедрения и управления графическими и мультимедийными объектами в сети без необходимости обращения к собственным плагинам и API были введены различные элементы и атрибуты. Для всех, кто хочет освоить HTML5, либо изучить его более детально, и выучить что-то новое, подборка уроков по HTML5. Design & Code a Cool iPhone App Website in HTML5 Демо Code a Backwards Compatible, One Page Portfolio with HTML5 and CSS3 Демо Bouncing a Ball Around with HTML5 and JavaScript Демо An HTML5 Slideshow w/ Canvas & jQuery Демо Touch The Future: Create An Elegant Website With HTML 5 And CSS3 Демо Create a Typography Based Blog Layout in HTML5 Photoshop-Урок по созданию макета Демо How to Make an HTML5 iPhone App 28 HTML5 Features, Tips, and Techniques you Must Know How to build a threaded comment block with HTML5 and CSS3 Демо Cross-Browser HTML5 Placeholder Text Демо Демо Демо How to Create an Upload Form using jQuery, CSS3, HTML5 and PHP Демо Демо Демо Автор — Дежурка

Creating a Slick Auto-Playing Featured Content Slider I love the Coda Slider plugin for jQuery. I've used it recently to build a couple of tabbed "widgets". One here on CSS-Tricks in the sidebar to show Script & Style links, Featured Posts, and Popular Posts. Both of these examples use the Coda Slider pretty much "out of the box". View Demo Download Files Functionality Checklist Like I said, the Coda Slider was 90% there already. Here is what we need in addition: Different types of custom content in the panels. Let's go through the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The HTML Here is the framework HTML for just the slider itself: <div class="slider-wrap"><div id="main-photo-slider" class="csw"><div class="panelContainer"><div class="panel" title="Panel 1"><div class="wrapper"><! The CSS The full CSS for this example has a basic reset, some utility styles and basic structure. The JavaScript In the header section of your HTML, you'll need to include jQuery and all the plugin files. We aren't done yet though. Couple more things to note. UPDATE: Auto-Play

Optware/ipkg on Synology DS211+ ModdingNote that the following covers the DS211+ device, which is characterized by being based on the Marvell Kirkwood mv6282 ARM core (1.6Ghz version of 1.2Ghz mv6281). AFAIK the content of this blog entry should be equally applicable to all DS211 variations, but you should consult the Synology wiki for your device to be certain. While quite feature rich out-of-the-box, developer types will likely want to make their NAS do even more, either out of a real need or just to tinker. For instance, I eventually plan to connect my USB weather station and generate live charts. Installing Optware Optware (ipkg) is an online package system a la what you may know from Debian/Ubuntu. Bootstrapper and Optware packages are maintained by the NSLU2-Linux community for use with various modifiable hardware devices incl. many Synology products. Download the Optware bootstrapper: Start the installation: NAS> sh syno-mvkw-bootstrap_1.2-7_arm-ds111.xsh Optware Bootstrap for syno-mvkw. Now reboot the NAS:

jQuery Image and Video Gallery Plugin, HTML5 Photo Gallery and HTML5 Video Gallery - Android, iPhone and iPad Compatible Photo Gallery and Video Gallery Features List Photo and Video Support: Support images, videos, YouTube and Vimeo. You can create a photo gallery, a video gallery or a gallery of photo, YouTube, Vimeo, mp4, m4v, flv, ogg, ogv and webm local videos. Work for Desktop and Mobile Web: A perfect combination of HTML5, Flash and jQuery. HTML5 Gallery works on Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone and all modern web browsers. Social Media Support: Built-in Facebook, Twitter and Google+ support Google Analytics Event Tracking: You can set up a Google Analytics account to track how many times each image or video has been viewed or played. Google Fonts: You can display the title with stylish and free Google fonts. LightBox Effects: Support built-in LightBox effects for images, videos, YouTube and Vimeo XML or Inline HTML Codes Playlist: You can provide playlist with regular inline HTML codes or an XML file. Image Preloading: HTML5 Gallery can preload next image thus avoiding unnecessary waiting. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

50 Excellent CSS3 Techniques and Tutorials for Beautiful Design CSS3 has got a huge potential to create very elaborate and complicated details by strictly using CSS and no images. It can carry out a lot of functions as it is based on motion techniques. Many designers all over the world believe that CSS3 is a technique which has unbelievable potentiality which will be used to create wonderful designs in the years to come. Many say that it would be the application of the future as it can improve the efficiency of the workflow by substituting waste workarounds as it was once used in the case of Internet Explorer 6. It has many features which are not compatible with the old web browsers and hence it will require some present day internet browsers like Internet Explorer 7 & 8, Chrome, Safari and Firefox to use the CSS3. It can be used to create multiple backgroundsDeveloping and drawing border imagesHandling of opacityUsed in text- shadowing and box sizingUsed for support of columns of many different web layouts. Create an Audio Player in HTML5 & CSS3

Hey, Scripting Guy! How Long Has My Server Been Up? - Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog Hey, Scripting Guy! Everyone at work has the idea that our network is unreliable. However, I know that our servers are seldom down. Hi HB, You are really asking two questions. To approach your problem, HB, we can use the WMI class Win32_OperatingSystem which has thelastBootupTime property. $aryComputer = Get-Content c:\fso\servers.txt $now = get-date $filePath = "C:\fso\uptime.txt" foreach ($computer in $aryComputer) { $wmi = Get-WmiObject -class win32_operatingsystem -namespace root\cimv2 ` -computername $computer $lastBootTime = $wmi.ConvertToDateTime($wmi.LastBootUpTime) "$computer has been up for $($now - $lastBootTime)" | Tee-Object -variable uptime out-file -filepath $filepath -inputObject $uptime -append } #end foreach To begin with, HB, we use Windows PowerShell to see if we can connect on our local computer and pick out the lastBootupTime. (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -Namespace root\cimv2 ` -computername localhost).lastbootuptime $now = get-date

html5shiv - HTML5 IE enabling script HTML5 : structure globale du document Pour débuter sereinement avec une nouvelle intégration HTML5 et comprendre ses implications, nous allons commencer par le début : la structure globale d'un document. La conception d'une page web en suivant la philosophie du standard HTML5 spécifié par le W3C (ou du standard vivant tel que désigné par le WhatWG) répond à quelques réflexes de base. La structure d'un document (l'imbrication des balises à la racine) est simplfiiée pour répondre aux attentes pragmatiques des intégrateurs et webdesigners. Un document HTML5 minimal Sans surprise, les bases d'un code HTML5 ressemblent beaucoup à celles rédigées à l'aide des précédentes versions HTML 4 et XHTML 1.x. <! Le doctype La première ligne d'en-tête a été considérablement simplifiée. Ce doctype allégé a été mûrement testé et réfléchi : il permet toujours - pour les anciens navigateurs - de rester dans le mode d'interprétation conforme aux standards et d'éviter le mode quirks. L'élément racine <html> L'attribut lang (sur <html>) Initializr
