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HTML5 Bookmarks - daily news articles and bookmarks

HTML5 Bookmarks - daily news articles and bookmarks

QNAP – Install DropBox on your NAS So you use DropBox on your PC’s, Laptops, Cellphones, so why not on your QNAP NAS? The advantage? Well … you’d have DropBox access from anywhere in your network or through the QNAP web interfaceyou would not have to install DropBox on your PC’syou’d save space on your PC’s since the DropBox files only need to be stored on your NAS Why DropBox? Getting DropBox going on your QNAP isn’t all that complicated – follow the following steps … (these instructions are based on QNAP Forum Post). Caution This guide is based on an x86 (Intel) based QNAP NAS. For most operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS X, iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry), in case you’d like to use the free DropBox service, a dedicated client is available on the DropBox website. All screenshots are based on an installation on a TS-859 Pro+, other models (x86 platform NAS models only!). Note sure what platform your QNAP NAS is? Step 1 – Install OptWare and Phyton DOWNLOAD - DropBox QPKG (Intel) Step 3 – Install the DropBox QPKG

Aprende cómo hacer sitios web ¡Hola! Bienvenido al área de aprendizaje de MDN. Si quieres aprender a crear tus propias páginas web, sitios o aplicaciones, has venido al lugar indicado. El objetivo de esta área de MDN no es llevarte de «principiante» a «experto», sino de «principiante» a «cómodo». Si eres del todo un principiante, el desarrollo web puede ser un reto —pero no te preocupes, te llevaremos de la mano y te proveeremos de suficientes detalles para hacerte sentir cómodo y que aprendas los temas apropiadamente—. Novedades El contenido del área de aprendizaje se amplía con regularidad. Si tienes preguntas sobre temas que te gustaría que se abordaran o te parece que faltan, envía un mensaje en el Foro de discusión, de la comunidad Mozilla (sitio en inglés). ¿Quieres convertirte en un desarrollador de interfaz de usuario web? Hemos elaborado un curso que incluye toda la información esencial que necesitas para alcanzar tu objetivo. Empieza aquí Dónde empezar Soy un principiante: ¡Bienvenido! Temas tratados Contáctanos

Optware/ipkg on Synology DS211+ ModdingNote that the following covers the DS211+ device, which is characterized by being based on the Marvell Kirkwood mv6282 ARM core (1.6Ghz version of 1.2Ghz mv6281). AFAIK the content of this blog entry should be equally applicable to all DS211 variations, but you should consult the Synology wiki for your device to be certain. While quite feature rich out-of-the-box, developer types will likely want to make their NAS do even more, either out of a real need or just to tinker. For instance, I eventually plan to connect my USB weather station and generate live charts. Installing Optware Optware (ipkg) is an online package system a la what you may know from Debian/Ubuntu. Bootstrapper and Optware packages are maintained by the NSLU2-Linux community for use with various modifiable hardware devices incl. many Synology products. Download the Optware bootstrapper: Start the installation: NAS> sh syno-mvkw-bootstrap_1.2-7_arm-ds111.xsh Optware Bootstrap for syno-mvkw. Now reboot the NAS:

HTML5 Please - Use the new and shiny responsibly Hey, Scripting Guy! How Long Has My Server Been Up? - Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog Hey, Scripting Guy! Everyone at work has the idea that our network is unreliable. However, I know that our servers are seldom down. Hi HB, You are really asking two questions. To approach your problem, HB, we can use the WMI class Win32_OperatingSystem which has thelastBootupTime property. $aryComputer = Get-Content c:\fso\servers.txt $now = get-date $filePath = "C:\fso\uptime.txt" foreach ($computer in $aryComputer) { $wmi = Get-WmiObject -class win32_operatingsystem -namespace root\cimv2 ` -computername $computer $lastBootTime = $wmi.ConvertToDateTime($wmi.LastBootUpTime) "$computer has been up for $($now - $lastBootTime)" | Tee-Object -variable uptime out-file -filepath $filepath -inputObject $uptime -append } #end foreach To begin with, HB, we use Windows PowerShell to see if we can connect on our local computer and pick out the lastBootupTime. (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -Namespace root\cimv2 ` -computername localhost).lastbootuptime $now = get-date

Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc Feature table embedding The WCIU compatibility tables can be embedded through an iframe on your own website by appending "/embed" to any feature page's URL like this: id]/embed For additional customization, use the following form: Terms of use Use at your own discretion, and please do not abuse. While the service should be pretty reliable, I make no guarantees for uptime, correctness, etc. May I use your data in my presentation/article/site, etc? Yes, the support data on this site is free to use under the CC BY-NC 3.0 license. Do you have the data available in a raw format? Yes, the raw support data is available on GitHub and is updated regularly. Could you add feature X to the site? Adding features takes quite some time and there are many requests for additions. Which features do you choose to add to this list? I use the following criteria: Most features are added in priority order from this list. How do you test support? When is a feature considered "supported"?

Getting Things Done GTD with Personal Development and Motivation for Success - - DIGTD - Making You More Productive Tutoriales HTML5 y CSS3 Dropcanvas Offers Up Free, Dead Simple File Sharing, But Can It Last? There’s no shortage of robust, full-featured file storage and sharing services out there, but where do you turn when you want the quickest, simplest way to go? Crate costs money, JustBeamIt requires both users to be online at the same time, but newcomer Dropcanvas? They may be onto something. The beauty behind Dropcanvas is that it requires virtually no thought or effort to use properly. That’s all there is to it. Dropcanvas came about when co-creator Chris Newnham came up with the concept after trying to talk his aunt through the process of sharing her vacation photos with her friends. After sharing the service with their friends and family, the pair decided to take things to the next level by launching the public beta on Reddit two weeks ago, a process that temporarily brought the service to its knees. Here’s the interesting bit though — the pair don’t have any plans to try and monetize the service.

Los 20 mejores recursos para Aprender HTML5 desde cero « Nube de ideas En este Post voy a compartir los 20 mejores recursos para aprender HTML5 desde cero. Seguro que existen muchas más referencias y muchísimos más recursos. Por eso os ánimo a que a comentéis vuestros ases en la manga….que libro, web, curso y recurso os ha sido imprescindible para aprender HTML5!!! Web: HTML5 Fácil. [PDF] Manual de HTML5 en español [en línea][Consulta: 7 de mayo de 2012][PDF] Accesibilidad a los contenidos audiovisuales en la Web a través de HTML5 [en línea] [Consulta: 7 de mayo de 2012] Libros: HTML5 y CSS3 (Manuales Tecnicos (anaya)) [Tapa Blanda] Alexis Goldstein (Autor), Louis Lazaris (Autor), Estelle Weyl (Autor): HTML5 Accessibility (Professional Apress) (9781430241942): Joshue O Connor: BooksEl gran libro de Html5, CSS3 y Javascript Juan Diego Gauchat, Marcombo, 2011HTML5 para Android y IOS. Post: Diana Redondo Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando...
