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Best Free Podcasts Ultradox Crea tu propia sopa de letras El mundo de deckerix TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. The first thing we need to work with TypeScript is an editor. I recommend Visual Studio Code. You can dowload it from their official website. Once you have installed Visual Studio Code, you can start creating a new .ts file. Visual Studio Code first TypeScript code Visual Studio Code includes TypeScript language support but does not include the TypeScript compiler which helps us to transform our TypeScript code into a javascript file. The easiest way to install the TypeScript compiler is through npm, the Node.js Package Manager. If you have npm installed, you can install TypeScript globally (-g) on your computer by: npm install -g typescript Install typescript compiler through npm Now you can test your install by checking the version for example. Terminal testing TSC Create a simple tsconfig.json file like this one: Run compiler

Encrypt your files with a drop Herramientas para el aula | Especiales Este software nos permite “volar” a cualquier lugar de la Tierra y ver imágenes de satélite, mapas, relieve y edificios 3D. Además podemos también ver galaxias del espacio exterior y cañones del océano. Podemos explorar un amplio contenido geográfico, guardar los lugares que visitamos y compartirlos con otras personas. Resumiendo entre algunas características del Google Earth podemos observar: imágenes históricas de todo el mundo, datos del lecho y la superficie oceánicos proporcionados por expertos, viajes simplificados con posibilidad de añadir audio y grabaciones de voz, etc. DescargaTutorialCursos Sugerencias de aplicación Integración con Astronomía. Podemos ingresar a imágenes de la Luna y de Marte, aplicando nociones básicas de astronomía, utilizando las opciones del programa Google Moon y google Mars. Aplicación con Geografía. Aplicaciones en viajes educativos. Recorridos virtuales on line.

IceRocket real-time search Physical Reference Data Elemental Data Index Provides access to the holdings of NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory online data organized by element. Periodic Table: Atomic Properties of the Elements Contains NIST critically-evaluated data on atomic properties of the elements. Contains values of the fundamental physical constants and a related bibliographic database. Contains databases for energy levels, wavelengths, and transition probabilities for atoms and ions and related bibliographic databases. Includes databases containing spectroscopic data for small molecules, hydrocarbons, and interstellar molecules. Contains databases on thermophysical properties of gases, electron-impact cross sections (of atoms & molecules), potential energy surfaces of group II dimers, and atomic weights and isotopic compositions. Contains databases on the interaction of x-rays and gamma-rays with elements and compounds. This database calculates stopping-power and range tables for electrons, protons, or helium ions.

How to Write an Add-on for Google Docs and Sheets - Video Tutorial Google Add-ons add new capabilities to Google Docs and Sheets. This video tutorial explains how you can create your own Google add-ons using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You have seen examples of some really useful add-ons for Google Docs but wouldn’t it be great if you could write your own add-on, one that adds new features to your Google Docs, one that makes you a rock star among the millions of Google Docs users. Well, it ain’t that difficult. If you know some HTML, CSS and JavaScript, you can create a Google Docs add-on. This step-by-step tutorial (download) will walk you through the process of creating your own add-on for Google Docs. Ok, lets’s get going. Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Save your changes and then choose onOpen from the Run menu inside the Script editor. You’ll see a new Google Maps option under the Add-ons menu. Share your Google Add-ons with other Google Docs users Now that your first Google add-on is ready, you may want to distribute it to other users of Google Docs.

Find the Postal Address of any Location on Google Maps With Google Maps Lookup, you can quickly determine the approximate postal address of any location on the world map. To get started, drag the red marker anywhere on the Google Map and the address details (including the latitude and longitude) of that place will display in the pop-up window. Reverse Geocoding with Google Maps Internally, the tool uses the Geocoding features of Google Maps to find the address of a particular point. Type the city name, partial postal address or even the zip code in the search box and hit Enter to quickly jump to any particular region on the map.Put the latitude and longitude values into Google Earth to know the date when the satellite images were taken.Copy-paste the latitude and longitude values of a place from Google Maps into Bing Maps, switch to the Aerial views and compare the satellite imagery.

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Gracias lo voy a incluir. @morreducation by morreducation Oct 18
