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Bookshelf Porn

Bibliopathe 25 Romantic Words That Don’t Exist in English But Should Sometimes words aren’t enough to communicate with the object of your affection — English words, that is. In case you aren’t lucky enough to speak 12 languages fluently, we’ve compiled a love and dating-themed vocabulary list drawn from sources as varied as Tagalog, Dutch, and Inuit. Get over your saudade, indulge in a little cafuné, and you’ll be queesting in no time. 1. Source 2. Source 3. Source 4. Source 5. Source 6. Source 7. Source 8. Source 9. Source 10. Source 11. Source 12. Source 13. Source 14. Source 15. Source 16. Source 17. Source 18. Source 19. Source 20. Source 21. Source 22. Source 23. Source 24. Source 25. Source plus: And Then I Never Heard From Him Again: The Awful Rise of Ghosting Stop Telling Single Women They’re Fabulous 35 Sexy Literary Pickup Lines to Snare You a Book Lover

100 libros que debes leer antes de morir (Primera parte) Twitter2575 2575facebook35.4K 35.4Kpinterest41 41google plus324Share324linked in22 22email13 13stumbleupon7998Share7998meneame52Share52 Dice el escritor argentino Jorge Luis Borges, que de todos los instrumentos del hombre el más asombroso es, sin duda, el libro. Los demás son extensiones de su cuerpo. El microscopio, el telescopio, son extensiones de su vista; el teléfono es extensión de la voz; luego tenemos el arado y la espada, extensiones del brazo. Pero el libro es otra cosa: el libro es una extensión de la memoria y la imaginación. Por eso no resulta extraño que los mundos empastados lleven a otras realidades y que sus ríos de palabras ahoguen en emociones. Siguiendo con Borges, “la literatura es un sueño guiado”, y es que quién más nos enseña a querer, odiar, amar y soñar que los escritores. Matar a un ruiseñor (1960), Harper Lee: Este libro aborda temas de discriminación racial. Orgullo y prejuicio (1813), Jane Austen: El diario de Ana Frank 1984 (1947-1948), George Orwell

Rainy Day in Animal Kingdom Weather plays a major part in the Animal Kingdom, changing daily and reflecting the seasons. You can never predict the weather , because it can start raining at the drop of a hat. However, you can’t let rain ruin your day at Animal Kingdom. billet sur le Copyright Il y a quelques temps, je me suis demandé si le droit d’auteur ne rendait pas fou, face à la multiplication d’affaires traduisant un dérapage de la propriété intellectuelle. Le copyright dégénère de plus en plus souvent en copyfraud (revendication abusive de droit), avec les conséquences néfastes que l’on sait pour l’accès au domaine public, à la connaissance et à l’information. Pour essayer de mieux comprendre ce phénomène, je me suis replongé dans l’histoire du droit d’auteur, exercice toujours instructif pour prendre un peu de recul et redonner du sens lors des périodes tourmentées (je vous recommande à cet effet l’ouvrage de Françoise Chaudenson A qui appartient l’oeuvre d’art ?). Et de fil en aiguille, j’en suis venu à me demander jusqu’où on pouvait rembobiner ainsi l’écheveau du copyright. A ma gauche, Saint Colomban : premier pirate de l’Histoire ? A ma droite, Saint Finnian : premier copyfraudeur de l’Histoire ! On imagine bien Finnian en adepte des DRM rustiques de l'époque !

A List of Books | 623 of the Best Books Ever Written Silence Effective April 22, 2013 HarperCollins Publishers L.L.C. ("HarperCollins" or "we") wants you to be familiar with how we collect, use and disclose information from and about you. This Privacy Policy describes our practices in connection with information collected through services such as websites, mobile sites, applications ("apps"), and widgets (collectively, the "HarperCollins Services"). By using HarperCollins Services, you agree to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. As set forth in our Terms of Use, the HarperCollins Services are predominantly for a general audience, are not targeted to children, and do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 years of age. This Privacy Policy applies to all users, including both those who use the HarperCollins Services without being registered with or subscribing to a HarperCollins Service and those who have registered with or subscribed to a HarperCollins Service. Information from Social Media.

Animals' Eyes Up Close Husky Suren Manvelyan, is a bit of a jack of all trades. He has a PhD in Theoretical Physics specializing in Quantum Chaos but has recently turned his attention to photographing the amazing detailed landscapes of eyes. With such close photos, one is able to see details such as the irises' color gradients, textures, patterns and even tiny blood vessels, causing these eyes to look like alien landscapes. Black Rabbit Hyena Snail Caiman Nile Crocodile Iguana Siamese Cat Tiger Python Horse Albino Tiger Python Fish Suren Manvelyan's Website via [Lost At E Minor]

Bibliothèques incongrues... - Information documentation Mercredi 2 décembre 3 02 /12 /Déc 16:54 Voici quelques images de bibliothèques qui m'ont bien fait rire... serait-ce un retour aux livres qui se prépare??? Quand l'envie de lire est pressante, rien à faire, il faut pouvoir se soulager! Rien ne vaut un bon petit fauteuil-librairie pour se détendre après une rude journée de labeur... Partager l'article ! inShare Par Laura - Publié dans : Humour 0 Top 10 Most Beautiful Places to Read Books | Education Hub - Health, Finance, Schools and Jobs Mark Twain said ““In a good bookroom you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening them.” I am sure Mark Twain will be more than amazed with look of those beautiful libraries around the world. Today’s article combine the top 10 most beautiful old, rustic and vintage looking libraries around the world. The Libreria Acqua Alta in Venice Shakespeare and Company in Paris House on the Rock in Wisconsin New York Public Library The Royal Portuguese Reading Room The Bodleian Libraries at Oxford University The Biltmore House Library The Hearst Castle Library The University of Coimbra General Library The Library of Congress

Is The Moon An Artificial Alien Base? by UFO Disclosure Several strange phenomena have let some to believe that the eternal companion of... by UFO Disclosure Several strange phenomena have let some to believe that the eternal companion of the Earth, the Moon, is in fact some sort of a huge spaceship. Crazy theory? Not really! A curious video taken from a backyard telescope, which showed an alleged UFO fleet over the moon, caused a stir worldwide. This makes us wonder about what could possibly hide in that celestial body. Those who believe in the Alien Moon theory state that the moon had to be created by a highly developed civilization, much more than ours. If to all of the above we add the fact that there are some astronauts, those who went on NASA’s missions such as the “Apollo”,the now retired astronauts, have publicly said they have had contact with UFO’s and aliens, and that are even extraterrestrial beings living there having that said, for some, this does not sound so crazy after all.

Nikon D50 Review Review based on a production Nikon D50, firmware 1.00 Digital SLR's are quickly becoming the fastest moving segment of the digital camera market, this means more new digital SLR's, more competition and lower prices. The Nikon D50 is introduced as a more affordable and easier to use version of the D70 which was released just under fifteen months ago. Anyone who has seen or handled the D70 will immediately see a strong resemblance in the D50, it's only when you start to examine the camera in a little more detail that you notice the differences (we've detailed them below). Differences between D50 and D70/D70s Although quite similar in use and appearance there are some noteworthy differences between the D50 and D70, we have detailed all of the feature / specification differences in the table below. Two new AF-S DX lenses Show all listings (10) ...

Couv. ill. en coul. 3 Mind-Blowing Lateral Thinking Puzzles Have you ever wondered if your mind is normal (i.e. average) or somehow different? Here are 3 lateral thinking tests. The answers are published below, but do not go immediately to read them! Tests Here is the story of a young girl. Question: What motive did she have to do it? Take at most 10 seconds to do this test, otherwise it will not work. Find how many ‘f’s there are in the following text: Do the following reasoning exercise, answering the questions one by one, without going to the next question if you have not answered the previous yet. It is not necessary to write your answers. How much is: Yes, these are a bit more difficult but the exercise is really worth doing, so be patient: Now think of a tool and a color! Answers She hoped that the young man would appear again at the funeral. Explanation: If you gave the correct answer, you probably think like a psychopath. The test was developed and used by a famous American psychologist to determine whether a person has murderous mentality.

certaines photos font rêver... voire fantasmer ;-) by sphere_doc Apr 2

url perlée pour la 1e fois le 2 avril 2012 by sphere_doc Apr 2
