Khan Academy Academic Earth | Online Courses | Academic Video Lectures Meeting Training and Learning Challenges with Reusable Learning Objects by Jacqueline Beck & Bobbe Baggio: Page 2 Using RLOs Reusability adds value to learning objects. The value of the learning object has a direct correlation to the organization’s ability to use it multiple times. The concept of creating small bits of learning information that are reusable is not a new one. Teachers and instructors have been doing this for a long time. We would like to point out two particular applications of learning objects that may not be as obvious, to offer a thought about the focus of learning objects and to give you two brief examples of actual design and re-use. RLOs and blended learning Blended learning is an important potential application for RLOs. For example, we produced some simple movies for one of our clients, and we incorporated these into online asynchronous training applications. In fact, we went a little further. Flexibility for the learner In order for the intention to become learning, you need to guide learners toward an understanding of the object. Is it time for an example? How? Summary
Online Courses Directory Design for Adult Learning, Teaching and Learning Theory, Feedback | LearnDAT (Learning Design and Technology) Design for adult learning Ideally, the design of a course should allow students to customize the experience to meet their goals and complement their personal learning styles. Leonard and DeLacey draw two observations from an Adult Learning Workshop [*] held at Harvard Business School that are useful to keep in mind when designing enhanced, blended or fully-online courses: students who already know the power of a classroom experience will not easily abandon that model for something new; because humans have "certain, predictable preferences and capabilities in learning," some principles of learning span different academic methods. They offer seven simple, yet valuable ideas that should be incorporated into the design of online courses: Learning is a social activity: group activities and communities aid in the effectiveness of the learning experience because of the basic nature of human beings as social creatures. [*] Leonard, D. and DeLacey, B. Factors to consider Teaching styles