Live C++ Tutorial. C++ in flash Tutorial Learn web design & graphic design. A book of design for programmers & developers. – Design for Hackers Game From Scratch C++ Edition Part 1 This part is sadly rather dull, there will be absolutely no coding but it is a necessary evil. In this part we are going to configure your development environment to work with SFML. If you already know all about how to set Visual Studio up, or are working in a different IDE, feel free to skip to the next part. One thing to be aware of before we start. Alright, assuming you downloaded all the requisite files listed at the end of the last post, lets get started. First off, fire up Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2010. Selected the File –> New –> New Project… menu. The following dialog will appear: Select “Win32 Console Application”. Now another dialog will pop-up: Simply click the Next button ( or Finish ). For now, you can leave everything exactly as it is and just click Finish. There are a few things to be aware of here. Once that is completed, Visual C++ will set up your project like this: Now that this is created, we need to set up SFML to work with your newly created Project. insert:
jqmobile-metro-theme by sgrebnov This theme provides a Metro user interface for Cordova apps using jQuery Mobile on Windows Phone 7.5. Live demo Web demo for the site Windows Phone demo app Copyrights Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. jQM theme for Windows Phone jQM theme for Windows Phone is presented by file and related images folder. /themes/metro/ Additional plugins All additional theme plugins are located at /plugins folder /plugins/app-bar/ - an Application Bar /plugins/date-picker/ - Cordova plugin for WP that exposes the native DateTime picker /plugins/progress-bar/ - implements porgress bar control /plugins/toggle-button/ - toggle button ** Each plugin folder contains sample page with usage example.
Quick Link For Admin – Magento Extension - Solwin Infotech This Magento extension helps to manage Quick Link in back-end user. It will manage per admin user. This extension will provide you direct access to any page from admin. Admin can enable or disable this extension at any time from back-end. Admin can enable Quick Link dropdown inside admin header. Key Features: – Easy to install and manage – Helps to add quick link access – Ability to manage quick links per admin user – Ability to create Group for quick link – Add any page to Quick Link in one click – Enable Quick Link dropdown inside admin header. – Enable Quick link access to Dashboard – Provide quick access to any page – Easy to manage quick links – Add Quick link using ajax – Can be managed from Quicklinks > Manage Quicklinks – Can set sort order for each group’s quicklink Compatible with the following versions: Magento Community 1.7.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x How to use: Go to Admin -> System -> Configuration -> Solwin -> Manage Quicklinks Set Enable to Yes.
A Quick, Painless Tutorial on the Python Language Norman Matloff University of California, Davis June 17, 2008 ©2003-2008, N. Contents What Are Scripting Languages? Languages like C and C++ allow a programmer to write code at a very detailed level which has good execution speed (especially in the case of C). The term scripting language has never been formally defined, but here are the typical characteristics: Used often for system administration, Web programming, text processing, etc. Why Python? The first really popular scripting language was Perl. Advocates of Python, often called pythonistas, say that Python is so clear and so enjoyable to write in that one should use Python for all of one's programming work, not just for scripting work. Background Needed Anyone with even a bit of programming experience should find the material through Section 8 to be quite accessible. The material beginning with Section 10 will feel quite comfortable to anyone with background in an object-oriented programming (OOP) language such as C++ or Java. Approach
Native, Web or Hybrid Apps? What's The Difference? Are you a publisher? Interested in mobile apps? Join our Mobile App Success course. To get all our lessons and new ones sign up for free. The world of app development is an exciting, yet sometimes confusing place. The moment you consider investing in a mobile app, you’re immediately faced with a barrage of terminology. The Basics As it stands, most mobile devices use one of the two dominant operating systems: Google-developed Android (48.3%) and the Apple-developed iOS (41%). The difference between these operating systems and their related devices isn’t just aesthetic: Just as your MacBook won’t run a Windows application, an Android phone can’t run an app built for iPhone — in most cases at least. With the rise of the smartphone, it’s apparent that we love apps. What about Blackberry and Windows phones? Native Apps Native apps are what typically springs to mind when you think of an app. Developing Native Apps There are a number of advantages to writing apps in this way: What are Web Apps?
Launched WordPress Wedding Theme – TwoGether | Solwin Infotech When it comes to wedding, everyone gets filled with thrill, joy, excitement, cheer, emotions, energy and especially the duos who always think of adding more values to make this precious moment memorable. Creating a wedding website is an exciting part of planning your precious day, and it is also an excited moment for the guests who enjoy as well as shower their best wishes on your occasion. When love is in the air for the couple, wedding is the next step towards togetherness. Today we, the techies at Solwin Infotech are launching “TwoGether” the best elegant WordPress wedding theme at your service. Significant Features of Wedding WordPress Theme The wedding theme supports high impactful designs, and it’s amazing wedding WordPress theme features serve in offering you the best opportunity to create a well-built wedding website. The Magnificence of Wedding Theme Wedding theme is available as free version and Pro version will out soon.
RUR-PLE André Roberge, © 2004, 2005 Learning to program computers should be fun, for adults and children alike. RUR-PLE is an environment designed to help you learn computer programming using the language Python. Within an artificial world in which a robot can be programmed to perform various tasks, you will learn what it means to write a computer program, using Python's syntax. You will also be able to apply your programming skills in a more traditional environment using the built-in interpreter. If these words don't mean much to you for now, don't worry. While learning to program can be fun, it does require some work on your part. Rule # 1 Learning about computer programming is like learning to play a musical instrument: you have to do it, not simply read about it. The second thing you need to know is the most important, best-kept secret for writing good computer programs. Rule # 2 Write your computer programs to make them easy for people to read. List of lessons The shape of things to come
Hybrid vs Native Mobile App. Decide in 5 minutes! I’ve stumbledupon a lot of curious and confused entrepreneurs who go crazy trying to decide on how to approach their Mobile App. If you’re confused and wondering whether to build a hybrid mobile app or a native mobile app, don’t worry, this article will help you decide your mobile app strategy in less than 5 minutes! Quick one-liners on Hybrid Apps and Native Apps before we get started: Hybrid App: Developer augments web code with native SDK. Native App: This is platform (iOS, Android etc.) specific and requires unique expertise. 5 Questions to ask before you decide The answers to most of the questions that I have pointed here might be interrelated. > Do you want to use native features in the Mobile App? If your app is heavy on native phone capability and this is your primary USP, then native app development will work best. > How quickly do you want to take it to the market? The time to market is dependent on various factors like the amount of features and number of resources you have.