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The Ultimate Guide To Building A Personal Website

The Ultimate Guide To Building A Personal Website
This guide was originally published in March 2012. Since then, hundreds of students (and even non-students!) have created their own personal websites using it. What’s the #1 networking tool you can have in your arsenal as a student? Resumes are boring. Plus, your resume becomes static and outdated the moment you hand it to someone. That’s why you need a personal website. A website is the complete opposite of a resume. 4 Reasons Why You Need to Build Yourself a Website 1) A website isn’t static; it’s dynamic. 2) Having a website makes you more findable. However, if you have a website, you can be found by a much wider audience and control what it is they see first. I’ve been offered jobs, met clients for my web design work, and gotten interviews simply because I have a website. Make sure you can be found! 3) Not many people have one. 4) You gain some new skills that can be very useful in the future. Say you’re applying for a job in advertising. Convinced Yet? This is my personal site. Cascade

Build A Personal Brand You Can Be Proud Of I want to become violently ill every time I hear a student talk about their goals like this: “Uh, I just want to graduate and get job somewhere.” That’s the most lazy, thoughtless career goal a student can have. It reeks of carelessness, a lack of ambition, and low self-confidence. It’s the kind of goal that lands people in thankless jobs where they rot for 30 years and end up wondering where their lives went. Yet, I hear students say it all the time. I Know that Isn’t You. Since you’re reading this blog, I’m going to assume you’re the type with more defined goals. These are the type of student that inspire me – the ones I want to associate myself with. As a student with ambitious goals, I’ve spent a lot of time not only working towards them, but also trying to find the most effective way to do so. What I’ve found turns out to be a pretty obvious truth: It’s not enough to work hard and create remarkable things. It’s simple, and it’s obvious. It’s All About Personal Branding.

My Impossible List I think I’ve had a plain old bucket list in the form of a Facebook Note ever since I was in high school. However, I never got around to anything on the list – all those things were events I figured would happen in the future – meaning some undefined time that didn’t implore me to take action now. To fix that, I’ve created my impossible list. I got the idea from Joel Runyon, who created the world’s first impossible list and defined the difference between it and a regular ‘ole bucket list. This page is very personal, but I keep it here on CIG as an ever-present reminder to all who would take heed of it: Think about what your true life goals are, and constantly evaluate your progress towards them. Fitness/Health Goals Get in the top 5,000 users on Fitocracy (Currently around 10,600 – got some major work to do!) Professional Goals Skill Goals Become fluent in JapaneseNovember 13, 2013 update: All hiragana, all katakana, 130 kanji, 245 vocab terms. Fun and/or “Insane” Goals Events to Attend

Part 1: Create a beautiful contact form from scratch using Photoshop, HTML, and CSS contact, contact form, contact form design, contact form from scratch, contact form photoshop, contact form tutorial, create a contact form, css web form, design form., photoshop contact form, web form Forms are one of the most difficult tasks you can encounter when coding a website, well at least it was for me when I first started. Many designers do very good up until this point or get to this point and just give up on contact forms. Well if you’re one of those designers or are completely new to creating web forms have no worries. In today’s tutorial I will teach you how to create a contact form from scratch using Photoshop to design it and slicing it up for code using HTML, CSS. Part 1 of the 3 tutorials will cover the design of the contact form. Things you will need: Step 1 Open Photoshop, Create a new document 900px x 900px, background white. Step 2 Now right click on the background layer>>blending options>>pattern overlay and select the pattern we’ve downloaded earlier. Step 3 Step 4

How does the Internet work? To help you understand how the Internet works, we'll look at the things that happen when you do a typical Internet operation — pointing a browser at the front page of this document at its home on the Web at the Linux Documentation Project. This document is which means it lives in the file HOWTO/Unix-and-Internet-Fundamentals-HOWTO/index.html under the World Wide Web export directory of the host 12.1. Names and locations The first thing your browser has to do is to establish a network connection to the machine where the document lives. To do this, your browser queries a program called a name server. The name servers on different machines talk to each other, exchanging and keeping up to date all the information needed to resolve hostnames (map them to IP addresses). The nameserver will tell your browser that's IP address is; knowing this, your machine will be able to exchange bits with directly. 12.2. Now here's the important part. 12.3.

How to Write a Web Design Proposal You became a web designer to create great web sites and applications. The plan didn’t include dealing with slow paying clients or spending countless hours trying to find work. It also didn’t include having to write proposals after you find prospective clients. Unfortunately, this is what you face every day. If you plan on paying the bills, you1 can’t avoid these painful activities. Here we’re going to take a look at hacking the proposal writing process. Anatomy of a Proposal Before you can quickly and efficiently write amazing proposals, you’ll need some basic background on what a persuasive proposal is made of. A persuasive proposal has three parts: Problem statementProposed solutionPricing information You’ll have everything you need as long as you include these essential elements. Problem statement An effective proposal describes a client’s needs and their drivers. The best way to show what this means is by example. You might see something like this on a mediocre proposal: Proposed Solution

How To Create Your First iPhone App (2012 Edition) A Guide To iOS SDK For Web Designers Advertisement As a designer looking to broaden your skill set, you’ve decided that learning how to make native apps for Apple’s iOS platform is an attractive and potentially lucrative prospect. With a frisson of excitement, you start to do some research. The euphoria is short-lived however, as you quickly discover that unless you are an experienced programmer, the task is far from easy. The documentation provided by Apple is aimed at those with a degree in computer science. This post will help you get to know the iOS development tools a little better. The result will look like this: Going Native? By “native” iOS development, we mean using Apple’s software development kit (SDK) and the programming language Objective-C to author apps for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. In relaxing the App Store’s submission review guidelines in September 2010, Apple made it easier for developers to use third-party frameworks and more familiar languages, such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript, to create apps.

Classes and MovieClips, Page 1 by kirupa | 28 May 2007 In Flash CS3, you have support for creating ActionScript 3.0 (AS3) projects. Besides allowing you to write code in the new AS3 language, there are some subtle differences that may go unnoticed unless you are actively looking for new things. One such difference is what happens when you create or convert something into a new movie clip. With AS3 projects, when you convert or create something into a movie clip, you specify the name of your movie clip like you always did. This time around, though, what happens is that you not only create a new movie clip object, you also have access to the class that defines your new movie clip. By accessing the class and writing code directly inside it, you can bypass adding code using the timeline. The actual code is defined inside the class itself. In this article, I will explain how to take a movie clip, create a class file for it, and write some code inside the class file to create the animation you see above.

XML Music Player By Blue_Chi | Flash CS3 | ActionScript 3.0 | Intermediate | Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 In the final section of our tutorial we add one final feature and will fix any bugs that might pop up if you decide to make some small variations to the player, we will also polish the code and optimize it. Here is the outline of this section: Adding a feature for continuous playback. Fixing possible bugs. Optimizing the code. Continuous Playback Currently our gallery will stop playing once a song finishes, we need to add the feature to make it automatically move to the next song once a track finishes playing. function playSong(mySong:Number):void{ var myTitle = my_songs[mySong]. title_txt.text = myTitle; artist_txt.text = myArtist; if (my_channel){ my_channel.stop(); } my_sound = new Sound(); my_sound.load(new URLRequest(myURL)); my_channel =; my_channel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, onNext); } We are registering our event listener with the same function we used for our next_btn.
