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The 100 Startup

The 100 Startup

Activiteiten - Uw zaak starten Startersservice, alles in huis om uw zaak te starten Activiteiten - Uw zaak starten Sessies: UNIZO organiseert maandelijks infosessies waarop je terecht kan voor algemene informatie rond het starten van een zaak. Deze infosessies zijn zeer praktijkgericht en bovendien gratis. Een niet te missen kans, om succesvol van start te gaan. Vind hier de geplande infosessies in jouw buurt. Opleidingen: Wens je meer gerichte informatie over bepaalde thema’s van het ondernemen dan kan je hiervoor opleidingen volgen bij UNIZO. Vind hier de lijst met geplande opleidingen in jouw buurt. Zoeken naar activiteiten Share Afprinten Reeds geregistreerd? Wachtwoord vergeten / Registreren Wil je 2-wekelijks een interessante nieuwsbrief ontvangen? Bekijk hier een voorbeeld Activiteiten specifiek voor startende ondernemers April 2014 Stel uw vraag

Lessons Learned KillerStartups - Where Internet Entrepreneurs Are The Stars CURRENT - Reiten Company: Con-Form Revenue 2011: NOK 570 million Industry: Concrete prefabrication Fund: Reiten & Co Capital Partners VII Ownership: Entry: April 20, 2012 Web: Contact RCO: Narve Reiten Morten Viksøy The leading Nordic provider of building envelopes based on prefabricated concrete elements Established in 1982, Con-Form has grown to become the leading provider of building envelopes based on prefabricated concrete elements for the apartment and hotel construction markets in Norway and Sweden. Competentia NOK 1 billion Oil & Gas, Engineering Reiten & Co Capital Partners VII April 11, 2012 Bård Brath Ingerø Christian Melby An international supplier of high-end oil&gas engineering personnel Competentia is a consulting business, providing highly skilled project management and engineering personnel to oil and gas companies world wide. StormGeo NOK 135 million Weather forecasting and risk management May 25 2011 André C. Webstep NOK 312 million IT consulting April 12 2011 Software

Grow VC About What is Grow VC? Grow Venture Community (Grow VC) by Grow VC Group, is the first global, transparent, community-based platform dedicated to entrepreneurs and investors. Grow VC enables great ideas and great teams to get visibility with the right investing audience, funding and support earlier. Grow VC Group International Headquarters is located in Hong Kong, with offices in the US, UK and Finland. 1 Ropemaker Street, London EC2Y 9HT, United Kingdom845 Third Avenue, New York City, 10022, New York3905 Two Exchange Square, 8 Connaught Place, Hong Kong We as a global organization are located all over the world and constantly grown. Who are we? Our team is truly global with individuals already on the ground in all major markets, on six continents with working experience from all over the US, Europe and Asia, in various different countries. We also have an advisory board to help us out with our business strategy and relations in different regions. Why does Grow VC exist?

The $100 Startup Is Live! Greetings from midtown Manhattan, where a large amount of coffee is about to be consumed in a corner room at the Doubletree hotel. Today is the day. After three years of research and writing, it’s finally here. The $100 Startup is going out to the world! Hundreds of people from all over the world have helped in the making of this book. It’s their story of freedom and your blueprint for change. The central message of the book is: If you want to create more freedom and security for yourself through a “very small” business, the skills and the money you have are all you need. You can pick up the book from any major bookseller: We had a couple of pre-order promotions already, so for now I’ll just mention one thing. If you’d like to help—and if you’re interested in the book—now is the time. If you have a blog or website (of any kind), I’d be extremely grateful for your links and reviews as you read the book over the next month. The Tour Begins Tonight! Sign up for an upcoming location over here.

The Startup Toolkit - for founders in search of a business model Mi Agente Comercial - MI AGENTE COMERCIAL Werkloosheid - Tussenstap De faillissementsuitkering is een van de laatste kansen op een vervangingsinkomen. (laatste aanpassing 19/3/14) Na een gedwongen stopzetting van een zelfstandige activiteit is er vaak op het eerste zicht recht op een faillissementsuitkering. Andere overwegingen Vraag je dan af of je gezondheid wel zo betrouwbaar is, en onderschat de weerslag van langdurige stress en de gevoelens van mislukking en maatschappelijke uitsluiting na faling niet. Maak dan uit of je op eigen kracht werk (als werknemer of al zelfstandige) zult vinden, dan wel of je daar wat financiële of andere steun (opleiding, solliciatietraining, coaching) kunt bij gebruiken. Hecht je belang aan je pensioen ? Een leefloon van het OCMW mag je maar vragen nadat je alle andere rechten, dus ook dat op faillissementsuitkering uitgeput hebt. Zo, nu kun je met kennis van zaken gaan voor het vervangingsinkomen dat best past bij jouw situatie. Na je zelfstandigheid werkloosheidsuitkeringen bekomen ? Er zijn drie voorwaarden : Zie ook :

ANAXAGO - HOME Resources - Entrepreneurship Introduction to Entrepreneurship Historically, approximately 50% of HBS graduates become entrepreneurs by the time they are 15 years out of school. Half of this number have started two or more businesses. Most graduates wait until they have a high potential idea they are truly passionate about. Often, such ideas come through in-depth experience in a market and exposure to unsatisfied customer needs – experience that may be tough to get within the bounds of a full-time educational experience. Nevertheless – whether by dint of past experience, summer internship or just good fortune, there are usually at least 100 potential new ventures being explored in any given year. What follows is a list of resources and activities targeted at students actively exploring starting – or buying – your own business. Web Resources Free: The Kauffman Foundation Promotes entrepreneurial success at all levels, from elementary school students to high-growth entrepreneurs. Articles Login Required: Journals

ETENCE Etterhvert som norsk næringsliv blir stadig mer internasjonalt og grensene mellom nasjonale og globale markeder viskes ut, øker kompetansebehovet blant norske virksomheter. For å møte internasjonal konkurranse på hjemme og utemarkedene, trengs både kunnskap, kompetanse og gode holdninger. Grow Competence Consulting AS har konsulenter med lang erfaring innen eksportmarkedsføring og internasjonalisering. På bakgrunn av vår kompetanse og nettverk, tilbyr vi rådgiving innen et bredt spekter av internasjonale problemstillinger. Målgrupper Våre målgrupper er små og mellomstore bedrifter som er på ulike stadier i internasjonaliseringsprosessen. Eksportbedrifter som ønsker å øke eksporten ved en eler flere av de følgende strategier: Øke markedsandelene i eksisterende markeder Gå inn på nye markeder Introdusere nye produkter på eksisterende markeder Vi tilbyr også våre tjenester til offentlige instanser, bransjeforeninger o.l. som ønsker bistand til gjennomføringer av prosjekter eller utredninger.

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