Catalogablog Canadiana Authorities Canadiana Authorities enables keyword searches for authority records (standardized terms) from Canadiana, the national bibliography found in the AMICUS Catalogue. Canadiana: The National Bibliography of Canada Search: Database Authority records Authority records are created by Library and Archives Canada's (LAC) cataloguing staff and are given authority control numbers. namename/titleuniform titleseries title Name authorities Name authorities are standardized terms for authors/creators and issuing bodies (associations, government departments and agencies). Title authorities Title authorities are standardized terms for name/titles, uniform titles and series titles. "Seen From", "See Also," "Equivalent" references These are references that are two-way links between related headings. an author by a pseudonyma body that has changed its namea body that has been established with a name in both official languages. See also (MARC field 5XX) Equivalent (MARC fields 1XX, 4XX, 5XX and 7XX) Search help Notes
Learning to (copy) Catalog | Library Developments Are you new to the wonderful world of copy cataloging? Maybe you haven’t thought about cataloging since library school and your new job requires a memory jog? Well, here are some resources to jumpstart your skills: The Northeast Kansas Library System’s Technology Librarian, Heather Braum, provided a very clear and engaging webinar in January 2012 called Beginning Cataloging: First Steps to Becoming a Fantastic Copy Cataloger. Additional Resources: Need a little more than copy cataloging? Last but not least of course, the Library of Congress also has many great cataloging resources for the more advanced and academic set with their Catalogers Learning Workshop. Autoridades de la B.N.: Búsqueda Descubre una nueva forma de acceso a nuestras colecciones y recursos a través de La búsqueda es alfabética a través de índices. Introduzca el término completo o las primeras letras, seleccione el índice deseado y pulse Buscar.El sistema de alfabetización es letra a letra, sin tener en cuenta espacios ni signos ortográficos.Se muestran todas las entradas de autoridades, aunque sólo se puede acceder al contenido de las que están estudiadas y validadas.Las entradas alternativas se muestran precedidas de un punto, y conducen automáticamente a la visualización del registro de autoridad correspondiente.A la izquierda de las formas autorizadas se muestra un recuadro para marcar los registros de autoridad, que se podrán después exportar o visualizar.
Wikis and Cataloguers: Success for the First Step | The Cataloguing Librarian Our new wiki was installed in the beginning of December. I was both nervous and excited. This is the first “big” project that could have a huge impact not only in the cataloguing department, but also throughout the rest of the library. If this pilot project works, I can write a report that recommends wikis for other departments throughout the library system, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses that I have encountered, as well as the learning curves, training challenges and staff participation. The First Step Although not fully implemented, my first step with our Wiki was to introduce the cataloguers to its possible functions and uses. With my excitement in this project and by taking the time to answer questions and explain the possibilities of the Wiki, all of the cataloguers began suggesting ideas or providing me with feedback. Collaborative Lists New Lists are created as we catalogue items. Our solution was to place the New lists on the Wiki. Like this: Like Loading...
EBSCO Support: Sears List of Subject Headings - Frequently Asked Questions Sears List of Subject Headings - Frequently Asked Questions Click the link below for the answer to the question. What is the Sears List of Subject Headings?The Sears List of Subject Headings is a thesaurus-like database delivering a core list of headings, together with patterns and examples to guide the cataloger in creating further headings as needed. Since the first edition in 1923, the Sears List has served the unique needs of small and medium sized libraries, suggesting headings appropriate for use in their catalogs and providing patterns and instructions for adding new headings as they are required. The successive editors of the List have faced the need to accommodate change while maintaining a sound continuity. Back to top Where can I find the front matter for the Sears List? You can also directly access the front matter here. Back to top Why do I need the front matter? What is included in this database? Back to top What are scope notes? What is the scope of the Sears list? Back to top
Planet Cataloging About the ISBD Review Group ISBD Review Group (Singapore August 2013) Objectives The main objective of the ISBD Review Group is to maintain the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD), which is intended to serve as a principal standard to promote universal bibliographic control, to make universally and promptly available, in a form that is internationally acceptable, basic bibliographic data for all published resources in all countries. The ISBD's main goal is, and has been since the very beginning, to offer consistency when sharing bibliographic information. In the ISBD, national bibliographic agencies are called upon to "prepare the definitive description containing all the mandatory elements set out in the ISBD insofar as the information is applicable to the resource being described." 2) prepare documentation for the next revision of the standard due to begin in about four years; to reach this second task the ISBD Review Group plans to: Origins of the ISBD The ISBD consolidated edition and FRBR
Library Cataloguing Aids - Lynne's WEB "Computerized search engines are no substitute for a well-cataloged library. Library catalogers -- perhaps the least thanked of a seldom thanked profession -- add value to already valuable information. Like indexers, they classify, categorize. And like indexers, theirs is a job that's perceived as easily automated. It ain't so. The cataloger interprets. In order to fully utilize all the concepts of RDA we will in future be using MARC tags that up until now most of us have never used. For those of you who are having trouble grasping the ‘concept’ of RDA, perhaps seeing the concept translated into marc tags will help make it all seem clear and more understandable. The Library of Congress, Marc Standards Division has published a DRAFT document on the web entitled: “Marc 21 Format 2009 Changes to Accommodate RDA (DRAFT)” ISBN-13 The International Standard Bibliographic Number (ISBN) was expanded from 10 digits to 13 in January 2007. Wondering how to input the new 13 digit ISBNs ? AMICUS Web
LCSH Browser This database contains about 6.2 million Library of Congress Subject Headings, set up for browsing by the authority headings themselves but also by phrases and even words contained in the headings. The large majority of the records are for personal names and name/title combinations. This is in a very early stage! Little time and no funding was available for it, so please don't expect perfection. How can this help? Looking for publications on French poems written by female authors, what do you enter? How to browse [There's Boolean searching as well] After clicking on any term, you get four links displayed: one does a Worldcat search, the second a Google Books search, then a search in LibraryThing and in OpenLibrary. Browse LCSH is an allegro database