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Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network

Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network

Bullying and LGBT Youth Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) youth and those perceived as LGBT are at an increased risk of being bullied. There are important and unique considerations for strategies to prevent and address bullying of LGBT youth. Creating a Safe Environment for LGBT Youth It is important to build a safe environment for all youth, whether they are straight or LGBT. All youth can thrive when they feel supported. Parents, schools, and communities can all play a role in helping LGBT youth feel physically and emotionally safe: Build strong connections and keep the lines of communication open. Federal Civil Rights Laws and Sexual Orientation Federal civil rights laws do not cover harassment based on sexual orientation. Many states protect against bullying because of sexual orientation in their state laws. Additional Resources

Huff Post: Gay Marriage Mermaids Folha Online - Ilustrada - Cássia Eller morre aos 39 anos no Rio - 29/12/2001 29/12/2001 - 19h32 da Folha Onlinee da Folha de S.Paulo Aos 39 anos, a cantora Cássia Eller morreu hoje às 19h05 após sofrer três paradas cardíacas na clínica Santa Maria, no bairro de Laranjeiras, na zona sul do Rio de Janeiro. A cantora tinha sido internada às 13h e chegou a ficar no CTI (Centro de Terapia Intensiva). Segundo seu empresário, a cantora estava sentindo-se mal e reclamando de enjôos, devido ao excesso de trabalho. Os sintomas, segundo ele, seriam resultado de estresse provocado por excesso de trabalho. "Ela está trabalhando muito. Ao chegar à clínica, Eller foi internada na unidade coronariana. O boletim médico, assinado pelo diretor da clínica, Gedalias Heringer Filho, informa que Cássia Rejane Eller chegou à clínica "com quadro de desorientação e agitação, tendo evoluído rapidamente para depressão respiratória e parada cardiorrespiratória". O único boletim médico divulgado confirmou a morte da roqueira, mas não revelou a causa. Leia mais no especial Cássia Eller

The Art of Transliness The Youth Project - Supreme Court Today, June 26, 2013 the Supreme Court of the United States announced its decisions in two landmark cases dealing with the freedom to marry. The Supreme Court’s historic decisions will dramatically improve the lives of same-sex couples across the country, allowing many couples the ability to protect each other and their families. In Windsor v. United States, the Supreme Court struck down Section 3 of the so-called Defense of Marriage Act, the 1996 law that denies legally married same-sex couples over 1,100 protections and responsibilities of marriage. By striking down Section 3 of DOMA, the Supreme Court has affirmed that all loving and committed couples who marry deserve equal legal respect and treatment. It marks an enormous victory for equal justice under the law and ends DOMA’s two-tiered system for marriage, which for over 16 years has forced the government to pick and choose among marriages and create a "gay exception" that only caused pain, uncertainty, and financial harm.

GATE - Global Action for Trans* Equality | working for trans* rights internationally Live Blog: Marriage at the Supreme Court There's a lot to reflect on about today's historic Supreme Court hearing of Hollingsworth v. Perry. It's exciting to see the freedom to marry face consideration by our nation's highest court. The approach taken by Theodore B. Olson and David Boies, on behalf of Kris & Sandy and Paul & Jeff included a combination of procedural questions and arguments made on the merits of the freedom to marry. His position included technical points related to California's ballot initiative process, whether proponents of Proposition 8 had the standing to bring it to the Court, and interpretations in favor of same-sex couples' constitutional freedom to marry. It would be unwise to speculate on what the Supreme Court will decide in Hollingsworth v. The momentum we have built for marriage and the strategy that has brought us to this exciting moment is the same strategy that will bring us to victory, whether in June or going forward. Thanks for following along with the Freedom to Marry Live Blog today.

Trans • What? 'É como queimar sutiãs', diz Daniela após casamento com uma jornalista - notícias em Música na Bahia A cantora Daniela Mercury conversou com o G1 sobre a publicação da foto nas redes sociais em que assume relacionamento com a jornalista baiana Malu Verçosa. “'Isso é simplesmente uma atitude de dignidade e usufruir do nosso direito de viver como todas as outras pessoas. Eu quis lidar como eu lido com as outras relações. A gente não se casou de papel passado, mas a gente tem alianças nas mãos, alianças no coração e vamos, a partir de agora, viver uma vida juntas”, disse a cantora nesta sexta-feira (5), em entrevista concedida em Lisboa, Portugal, onde apresenta shows do disco "Canibália-Ritmos do Brasil". "É o único jeito de lidar com tranquilidade, de não se deixar passar por preconceito, nem deixar de viver com dignidade, com minha liberdade individual", complementa a artista, considerada rainha da axé music, sobre suas motivações em assumir o relacionamento neste momento da vida e da carreira. A cantora revela estar apaixonada e viver uma vida de casada.

Glossary of terms There is a wide variety of terms — often ambiguous, complex, and newly-coined ones — to describe trans experience and identities. Included among this list will be some fairly simple explanations; if a term is hotly debated, I will say so, and not bother to explain the details very clearly. I'm also taking the liberty of defining a few words that you're no doubt familiar with ("gender" and "sex" and so on, and other words like "pass" or "stealth"), as they may have connotations in the trans community that most people don't normally associate them with. Click one of the underlined letters below to take you to the beginning of that letter's particular section. An ally, in this context, refers to a cisgender (see below) person who fully supports the rights of trans people, treats their genders with respect, and actively helps work against transphobia. Androgyny is the quality exhibited by people who are difficult to identify as either clearly male or clearly female.

Principal Principal | Disciplinas | Extensão | Grupos de Pesquisa | Laboratórios | Lattes | Projetos | Publicações Belinda Piltcher Haber Mandelbaum Professora Doutora (2004), Laboratório de estudos da família, relações de gênero e sexualidade, Departamento de Psicologia Social e do Trabalho, Instituto de Psicologia, USP. Nossas linhas de pesquisa compreendem formas de intervenção junto a famílias em contextos sociais diversificados, visando o atendimento psicossocial a grupos familiares que vivem situações de instabilidade advindas tanto de transformações sociais quanto de transtornos internos à própria dinâmica familiar. Para tanto, investigamos diversas formas de atendimento a famílias, seja em nosso Instituto ou em outras instituições e espaços sociais. Publicações selecionadas: MANDELBAUM, B. MANDELBAUM, B. MANDELBAUM, B. MANDELBAUM, E. Belinda Piltcher Haber Mandelbaum belmande@usp.brEste endereço de e-mail está protegido contra spambots. Principal

Allyship: first steps Allyship to trans people involves a number of different actions: some are necessary and relatively easy, while some require more commitment and activism. I will make several lists in order of priority. Some of these are behaviors that you must engage in to treat trans people respectfully; some are goals to aspire to, but they may take a while and require some more courage! Call people by their preferred name, pronouns, and label.
