The following are some good resources to help students explore the human body through interactive imaging, games, exercises and more. Build-a Body: This is a great website that allows students to build the human body using interactive elements system by system. Each system has descriptions and provides some facts about diseases. Students will only drag and drop the parts of body such as bones, organs,..ect. BioDigital Human This is a great resource for anatomy. Medical Animations The university of Pennsylvania Health System has a great website offering medical animations, explanations of several medical problems, resources on anatomy, physiology, and the human body. InnerBody This is a website where students can learn about human anatomy and physiology. Zygote Body This is the the substitute of Google Body. Virtual Eye Dissection and Eye Anatomy As its name suggests, this website lets users view photos from an actual eye dissection, and perform virtual dissection on the eye.
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Abductor hallucis muscle
It arises from the medial process of the tuberosity of the calcaneus, from the laciniate ligament, from the plantar aponeurosis, and from the intermuscular septum between it and the flexor digitorum brevis. The fibers end in a tendon, which is inserted, together with the medial tendon of the flexor hallucis brevis, into the tibial side of the base of the first phalanx of the great toe. It is responsible for abducting the great toe. Innervation[edit] Abductor hallucis is innervated by the medial plantar nerve. Variations[edit] Slip to the base of the first phalanx of the second toe Additional images[edit] Coronal section through right talocrural and talocalcaneal joints References[edit] This article incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy. External links[edit]
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Muscles des jambes en image
0 commentaire Voici en quelques planches anatomiques la situation de chaque muscle des jambes. Les muscles de la jambe : Niveau 0 : les os Les muscles de la jambe : Niveau 1 : Les muscles de la jambe : Niveau 2 : Les muscles de la jambe : Niveau 3 : On en parle sur le forum de musculation : Anatomie des muscles A propos de l'auteur : Foenix Jean Passionné de musculation et pratiquant depuis plus de 10 ans, Jean est le fondateur de All-Musculation. Tags Muscles des cuisses; Muscles ischios-jambiers; Muscles quadriceps; Mollets; Muscles; Anatomie
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