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Web 2.0 in the classroom by Ryan McCallum on Prezi

Web 2.0 in the classroom by Ryan McCallum on Prezi

CATTURARE VIDEO DELLO SCHERMO: 50+ Soluzioni (Win,Mac,Linux) In questo post voglio riportare una lista di tools che penso possa essere esaustiva per coloro che hanno l’esigenza di realizzare screencast, ovvero (per dirla in modo grezzo) vogliono fare un video delle schermo del computer. Ho già affrontato l’argomento “screencasting” ma in questo articolo ho rivisto, aggiornato e completato la lista , sia con soluzioni web based utilizzabili dal browser, sia con software (a pagamento e gratuiti): sta a te trovare ciò che è ideale per le tue esigenze . I servizi web based generalmente offrono già la possibilità di pubblicare sul loro hosting online lo screencast creato, alcuni software permettono l’export diretto su youtube, con altri invece dovrai creare il file video e poi caricarlo manualmente se vuoi metterlo sul web: in tal caso potrai ovviamente utilizzare uno dei tanti siti di video sharing gratuiti che ci sono a disposizione su internet (youtube compreso, ovviamente) . SERVIZI WEB BASED (screencasting online): Link: Screenr SCREENCAST-o-MATIC

Fibonacci number A tiling with squares whose side lengths are successive Fibonacci numbers In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers or Fibonacci sequence are the numbers in the following integer sequence: or (often, in modern usage): (sequence A000045 in OEIS). The Fibonacci spiral: an approximation of the golden spiral created by drawing circular arcs connecting the opposite corners of squares in the Fibonacci tiling;[3] this one uses squares of sizes 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and 34. By definition, the first two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are either 1 and 1, or 0 and 1, depending on the chosen starting point of the sequence, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two. In mathematical terms, the sequence Fn of Fibonacci numbers is defined by the recurrence relation with seed values or The Fibonacci sequence is named after Fibonacci. Fibonacci numbers are closely related to Lucas numbers in that they are a complementary pair of Lucas sequences. Origins[edit] List of Fibonacci numbers[edit] and

CogDogRoo » StoryTools 50 Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story (return) Note! 50+ Ways is no longer being updated here but over at the new site for 50+ Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story-- It has more organizational features and includes ways for you to add content to the site once you join the new wiki. Below you will find 50+ web tools you can use to create your own web-based story. Slideshow Tools Generates content that allows linear playback of a series of images, some with ability to add audio. 2. Upload images from computer or flickr or upload PowerPoint files. 3. "...effortlessly combine photos and video clips with words and music to personalize your story. 4. "RockYou! 5. "Slide lets you use photos and other digital content to publish and discover the people and things that matter to you." 6. 8. Creates horizontal slide shows from flickr sets ) no text or audio.

Bit Crush Three language lessons you can learn from the word “schlemiel” In honor of National Poetry Month, let’s tackle some of the trickiest aspects of meaning — after all, poetry is one of the great ways to express subtle and slippery thoughts. Our focus today is translation. How can someone convey the meaning of a word that has no equivalent in another language? Among the toughest words to translate, and there are some doozies, schlemiel is a top contender. It is a Yiddish word for a chronically unlucky person. The trouble behind “schlemiel” presents us with a common translation problem – the translator will inherently run into words in one language that may not have an equivalent word in the other language. (Curious to learn some of the toughest words to convey in English, like prozvonit and hyggelig? Here are three tools that the skilled translator keeps at hand when faced with an untranslatable word. When confronted with a lacuna (a gap in a piece of writing), a translator may resort to free translation or adaptation. Dr. Mrs. Anonymous

10 Tips to Help Master Prezi Last week, I spent two days teaching Prezi at the Langley Center for New Media. As the event came to a close, a few attendees asked if I could sum up more than 16 hours of teaching in a top 10 list. Well, here’s my first stab at 10 tips that should help you become a better Prezi presenter and publisher. 1. Work in 1024 × 768 Import assets (like screenshots) at the resolution you plan to present at, otherwise your imported assets will look awful. 2. While we’re talking about the correct presentation resolution, it’s important to remember that Prezi is designed to help you easily present at 1024 × 768. 3. Working efficiently in Prezi, like many software suites, completely hinges on using the keyboard shortcuts. 4. When I set out to create a presentation, I think in 10-minute frames. 5. While I’m constructing my presentation (constantly adding elements and trying to work through the story and element organization), I work across a widely separated landscape. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 100 more hints

Pearltrees, la via più social per ordinare i tuoi siti preferiti | Cronache Anconetane Quante volte abbiamo gettato la spugna nel tentativo onorevole -ma disarmante- di mettere ordine al nostro lungo elenco dei “preferiti”. è un interessante esperimento che propone un nuovo approccio, visual e social, alla gestione di bookmarks. Vuoi provarlo? Vai al sito e registra un tuo account. Come aggiungere e ordinare le perle. Creare la tua collezione è facile. Fuori dal guscio: l’aspetto social di pearltrees. La drop zone e la pearltrees extension Funzioni utili che meritano di essere trattate a parte. Allo stesso modo tutte le volte che visiterai gli alberi di perle di un tuo amico o contatto su pearltrees potrai fare drag e drop e “rubare” le perle che ti interessano e intascarle nella tua drop zone. di Michela Sbaffo

Lakeside School Its most famous alumni are Bill Gates and Paul Allen, founders of Microsoft, who got their start programming tic-tac-toe on a time-shared computer provided by the Lakeside Mothers' Association and the Lakeside Mathematics Department. Other famous alumni include the McCaw brothers, who built a family business into the McCaw Cellular telephone empire which they eventually sold to AT&T Wireless; actor Adam West; bestselling author Po Bronson; and former Washington State Governor Booth Gardner. History[edit] Lakeside sends 100% of its graduating class to four-year colleges.[3] Global Service Learning[edit] Established in the summer of 2005, the school's Global Service Learning Program aims at helping students gain a broader view of the world while helping the underprivileged around the world. The Global Service Learning Program is one piece of a broad change in curriculum and administrative policies aimed at increasing diversity. Notable alumni[edit] References[edit] External links[edit]

17 Examples of Great Presentation Design We can all agree that, in most cases, there's more than one way of doing something. For example, some people default to the "loop, swoop, and pull" method when they tie their shoes, while others swear by the "bunny ears" technique. Either way you swing it, your shoes get tied, right? Trouble is, in some areas of life, different approaches don't always return the same results. When it comes to presentation design, for instance, there's no shortage of avenues you can take. Download the full collection of PowerPoint presentation design examples here. We're not saying there's one right way to design your next PowerPoint presentation, but we are saying that some designs make more sense than others. 1) "The Search for Meaning in B2B Marketing," Velocity Partners We've said it once, and we'll say it again: We love this presentation from Velocity Partner's Co-Founder Doug Kessler. 2) "You Don't Suck at PowerPoint," Jesse Desjardins Balancing visual backgrounds with text isn't easy.

Come modificare un PDF Ormai sono dieci minuti che armeggi con stampante e scanner, si può sapere cosa stai combinando? Hai bisogno di modificare un file PDF, ma non potendo installare software adatti allo scopo sul PC con cui stai lavorando, hai deciso di stampare il PDF, modificarlo a mano e scansionarlo nuovamente per riportarlo sul PC? Ma questa è pura follia! Se hai bisogno di modificare velocemente dei documenti in formato PDF, puoi semplicemente rivolgerti a PDFescape. Si tratta di un servizio online gratuito che permette di modificare file PDF online in maniera estremamente rapida ed efficiente, senza installare alcun software sul tuo PC. Tutto quello che devi fare per modificare file PDF online è collegarti al sito Internet PDFescape e cliccare sul pulsante Start Using Unregistered. A questo punto, sei libero di modificare il tuo file PDF con gli strumenti che trovi nella parte sinistra della pagina (clicca su Expand per vederli tutti). | Cultivating a sense of care & connection with the natural world. The how to make a great Prezi, Prezi by Ned Potter on Prezi UNESCO ASPNet The UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network, or ASPNet for short, is a program established in 1953 to encourage schools worldwide to educate students on issues related to UNESCO's "overarching goal of promoting peace and international understanding". As of 2008[update], it includes nearly eight thousand educational institutions in over 170 countries. ASPnet schools conduct their own projects, often linking with schools from other countries, or may become involved in a UNESCO-coordinated activity, such as the "World Heritage in Young Hands" project. A national coordinator, typically housed at the National Commission, serves as the liaison between the schools and UNESCO.[1] References[edit] External links[edit] Official website

A Model Of Excellence For Kids And Teens | Everything Counts! If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting! Bobbi Deporter Imagine a camp where kids and teens learn to become exceptional human beings. This sound likes a really super camp doesn’t it? In 1982, Bobbi broke the mold by creating a learning and life skills academic summer program for youth. Just as Southwest Airlines changed our perceptions of flying and Starbucks changed our perceptions of coffee shops — SuperCamp has throw away the rule book and created an innovative category in engaged, joyful, successful learning. Here’s a note from a SuperCamp Graduate: “I have been a SuperCamper for two years. Bobbi DePorter has changed the lives of over four million kids around the world. You Are -- A to E The success of SuperCamp led Bobbi to create Quantum Learning school programs for educators and students. What impresses me most about Bobbi and the SuperCamp curriculum is their focus on excellence as a critical life skill.
