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Christianity from Judaism to the Constantine: Crash Course World History #11

Christianity from Judaism to the Constantine: Crash Course World History #11

The Historical Horror of Childbirth Childbirth in much of human history has been a class act. The upper classes were encouraged to reproduce as much as possible, and a woman who was pregnant or recovering from childbirth took time to rest while servants took care of her and the child. The lower classes worked right up to and soon following birth, as they had to work to eat. The upper classes also had the latest medical knowledge at their fingertips, but this wasn't always such a good thing. Photograph from The Victoria and Albert Museum. Class distinctions in childbirth during the Renaissance were recorded. It was during the Renaissance that medical doctors began to take part in childbirth, although not without a struggle. Three women were pregnant when they boarded the Mayflower on its journey to America. Motherhood in early America was even more frightening for slaves. As Europe became more crowded in the 17th and 18th centuries, communicable diseases caused even more frequent deaths in childbirth. Comic by Kate Beaton.

Reiserecht: Kundin bucht Bordeaux statt Porto Stuttgart - Eine Buchung ist auch dann gültig, wenn die Mitarbeiterin eines Reiseunternehmens den Zielort wegen undeutlicher Aussprache des Kunden falsch verstanden hat. Der Kunde ist dafür verantwortlich, dass der Mitarbeiter ihn richtig versteht, urteilte das Amtsgericht Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt. Das berichtet die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Reiserecht in ihrer Zeitschrift "ReiseRecht aktuell". In dem Fall hatte eine Kundin einen Flug nach Porto buchen wollen. Vor der verbindlichen Buchung habe sie zweimal in korrekter hochdeutscher Sprache die Flugroute genannt, erklärte die Mitarbeiterin. Diese Art von Fehlbuchung ist kein Einzelfall: Jährlich besuchen mehrere Urlauber einen Ort namens Rodez in Frankreich, die eigentlich nach Rhodos in Griechenland wollen. Aktenzeichen: 12 C 3263/11 News verfolgen HilfeLassen Sie sich mit kostenlosen Diensten auf dem Laufenden halten: alles aus der Rubrik Reise

Historical and Traditional Birthing Positions Although most women envision birth in a semi-reclining or semi-sitting position these days, there are many other possible positions in which to give birth.However, it's always important to point out that there is no one "right" position for laboring or pushing out a baby. All positions have pros and cons. Care providers should encourage women to experiment with different positions and then trust that the woman's body will tell her the right position for her needs. If the traditional semi-reclining or semi-sitting positions feel "right" to you, there is nothing wrong with that. However, many women want to move into other positions in labor and while pushing, or their babies are not descending well in the usual positions and might benefit from a position change ─ yet they are often actively discouraged from changing positions. This is a strong statement about the differences in birthing culture then and now. Let's review a few of these "alternative" positions. Squatting Supported Squatting

6 Ridiculous Myths About the Middle Ages Everyone Believes When you think of the Middle Ages, chances are you picture gallant knights sitting astride brilliant destriers galloping through a sea of plagues, ignorance, and filth. And you can hardly be blamed for that, when everything from the movies you watch to your high school history teacher (who was mainly the football coach) has told you that ... #6. Getty The Myth: They call it the Dark Ages for a reason. Getty"No, we can't cross the ocean there, don't you see that sea monster in the way?" The Reality: Aside from the fact that, as we've already explained, most people in the Middle Ages did not think the Earth was flat, the church wasn't responsible for killing science -- to the contrary, it was largely responsible for saving it. After the barbarians invaded Europe and Rome went the way of the dinosaurs, the Catholic church was the last remaining aspect of Roman culture in Western Europe. Getty"Look, the monks' scroll clearly says that all monks had 12-inch dongs, so it must be true." #5. #4.

Thesis Statement - Write an Essay - Flocabulary ‪When you're writing an argumentative essay, you need a thesis. A thesis is only one complete sentence, but this one important sentence includes: 1. The topic 2. Your position on the topic 3. A short summary of the ways that you will support your position in the essay. Quite a lot for one sentence! It's gonna drive your essay, like it's in the cockpit. Everything in an essay should be related to the thesis. The thesis is highlighted. A thesis is almost always the last sentence in the first paragraph of an essay. Not that kind of argument... Your essay can't just say something. Overrated? If you're trying to figure out whether something is a thesis or not, use this test: Ask, "Could it be debated? But just because something is a thesis, it doesn't meant that it is a good thesis. Like wearing socks with flip-flops, "Tupac made some good hip-hop" is a bad choice. A good thesis is specific, and gives the reader a strong idea of the type of information that will follow. A better thesis

Premiere als Lehrer : "Immerhin hast du nicht geheult" Montagmorgen, 10 Uhr, meine erste Stunde als Lehrer. Ich räusperte mich, an jeder meiner ungelenken Bewegungen klebten 30 Augenpaare. Nein, eher 31 Augenpaare, auch der starre Blick von Herrn Klober, dessen Stunde ich heute anleitete, brannte mir fast ein Loch in die Stirn. Er hatte einen Notizblock aufgeschlagen, auf dem er jede meiner Bewegungen notierte. Vor mir saß die 10a der Heinrich Böll Gesamtschule. Ich war weniger bedeutend als der Hund des Hausmeisters "So, erst einmal Guten Morgen, liebe Klasse, mein Name ist Bastian Bielendorfer." Stille. "Was sagt man, wenn der Lehrer den Raum betritt?" "Aber Sie sind doch gar kein Lehrer", schallte es aus der letzten Reihe. Meine Schüler sprechen Trümmersprache "So, heute geht es ja um die Küchenuhr von Wolfgang Borchert", ich zeigte auf die "Kirchenhure" an der Tafel, "bitte schlagt eure Deutschbücher auf Seite 124 auf." "Hab kein Buch!" "Wie, du hast kein Buch?" "Vergessen…", sagte der Junge. "Hat auch kein Buch… vergessen", sagte Tillmann.

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