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50 Websites For Free Vector Images Download | Graphics Unlike raster images, vector images are flexible and scalable enough to not lose quality when stretched out beyond their original size. This makes it perfect for use for both web and print design. In fact, we have plenty of compilations that feature vector images (you can start with our multipurpose vector icon sets), but in case you want to do your own searches, we have the next best thing. Are you wondering where to download free vectors for your next project? Note: While most (if not all) of them are free, we still encourage you read and understand their license before downloading and using these free vectors. 40+ Websites to Download Royalty-Free Images 40+ Websites to Download Royalty-Free Images Chances are you're pretty tired of seeing traditional stock photos of people in suits shaking hands. Pikbest Pikbest is a design resource platform that has thousands of vectors, along with graphic templates, videos and music. Vecteezy Vecteezy is home to vector icons, art and patterns. Freepik

Convert GPS .csv files to Ill... This script creates Illustrator paths and points from a .csv file exported from Garmin’s free BaseCamp software. In BaseCamp, select any number of tracks and/or waypoints and go to File > Export > Export Selection. Select .csv as the file type and save a copy of this file in the same location as the script. You’ll need to open the script and change the file name of the .csv file near the top, or save your .csv as “GPS Route.csv”. You can run the script in a document of any dimensions. The waypoint objects created in the script have a “Symbol” property which is not used, but you could easily modify the script to take advantage of this (eg applying a style or using an appropriate symbol from the library). I’d appreciate any feedback, and would love to hear if you find the script useful.

After Effects + MadMapper and How to map a building… In this tutorial, we’ll use After Effects to produce a QuickTime movie that we will remap on a building. We’ll also need Photoshop to adjust our initial pictures. The effect we’re after is a Glowing-Scan of the building. The technique is rather simple, but it illustrates the process to achieve a photo-based architectural mapping. This tutorial assumes that you know the basics of Adobe Photoshop + After Effects and MadMapper. STEP#1: Select a building to map and take a few pictures of it. Here’s the first picture we’ll use, loaded into Photoshop: STEP#2 Now we’ll need to correct the perspective of this photo, in order to have a flat view of the building. Note that since the building is symetrical, we only need one half. Note the right part aligned with the middle of the center window and front door. STEP#3 Create some guides on the straight parts of the building. STEP#4 Now press Command-T to transform this layer. STEP#7 Mark the features of the building. Save the Photoshop file as a PSD.

ScribeFire: Fire up your blogging Receta de té chai Sobre cómo preparar un té chai, podemos decir que no existe una receta única, nuestras filias y fobias personales, con respecto a algunas de las especias con las que se puede preparar, hacen que cada taza de té sea algo único. En nuestra mano está el poder de experimentar con distintas combinaciones de aromas y sabores hasta que encontremos el té chai perfecto para nosotros. Mientras tanto y dependiendo de las especias que tengo en casa ahora mismo, doy la receta del que me acabo de preparar, que a mí personalmente me ha gustado mucho, igual que me ha gustado el olor a canela, a anís a dulce y navidad, que ha dejado por toda la casa. Ingredientes 1/5 de litro de agua, 1 cucharada de té verde, 1 pieza de anís estrellado, 3 clavos de olor, 1 rama de canela, 2 vainas de cardamomo, 3 semilla de pimienta de Jamaica. Cómo hacer té chai Retiramos del fuego y añadimos las hojas de té, tapamos y dejamos reposar durante 5 minutos. Tiempo de elaboración | 15 minutos. Degustación

GatherContent — Simple Website Content Organisation & Collaboration. ¿Gusta Usted? Comida casera mexicana: RECETA DE TÉ CHAI Va de nuevo! A ver si me duran las fotos! Leyendo problemas con los blogs, parece que al subir las fotos donde escoges derecha izquierda o en medio, debes escoger ninguna. Platicando con mi amiga Mely, me dijo- quiero preparar un TE CHAI-, yo no lo conozco - le dije -y me envió la receta. El té chai se origina en la India cuando los ingleses deciden plantar té en el siglo XIX para evitar el monopolio de China. En Occidente se popularizó con el nombre de Té Yogui o Yogui Tea ya que era ofrecido tras las clases de yoga del Yogi Bhajan. 4 tazas de agua. 2 cucharaditas de hojas de té negro o verde ( Ó 3 sobres de te negro o verde) 4 clavos de olor 2 vainas de cardamomo (las semillitas) 1 raja de canela 2 cucharaditas de jengibre fresco (un trozo) 1 cucharadita de semillas de anís verde (le puse anís estrella) 2 tazas de leche (Uso Carnation evaporada) Azúcar o miel de abeja (endulzante al gusto) En el último momento añadimos la leche, el té negro y el azúcar o miel (a gusto de cada uno).

Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet TAGS v3 Important: Changes to Twitter API Because Twitter are making changes to their API this version of TAGS will stop working in March 2013. TAGSv5.0 is compatible with the new API and you should get it here! For existing TAGS users: What will happen to my existing TAGS sheets? When Twitter turn off the old API (test outages this March) all authenticated and unauthenticated search requests will stop working. How do I upgrade my existing version of TAGS? As I can’t push an update to existing copies of TAGS you’ll have to manually update by opening your spreadsheet, then opening Tools > Script editor… and replacing the section of code that starts function getTweets() { and finishes 134 lines later (possiblly with the line function twDate(aDate){ ) with the code here. To support my research in Twitter community visualisation I’ve updated my Twitter Archiving Google Spreadsheet (TAGS) [formerly called twitteralytics – I pre-emptively changed the name to play nice with Twitter ToS]. Basic setup/use
