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Learn Haskell Fast and Hard

Learn Haskell Fast and Hard
I really believe all developers should learn Haskell. I don’t think everyone needs to be super Haskell ninjas, but they should at least discover what Haskell has to offer. Learning Haskell opens your mind. Mainstream languages share the same foundations: variablesloopspointersdata structures, objects and classes (for most) Haskell is very different. But learning Haskell can be hard. This article will certainly be hard to follow. The conventional method to learning Haskell is to read two books. In contrast, this article is a very brief and dense overview of all major aspects of Haskell. The article contains five parts: Introduction: a short example to show Haskell can be friendly.Basic Haskell: Haskell syntax, and some essential notions.Hard Difficulty Part: Functional style; a progressive example, from imperative to functional styleTypes; types and a standard binary tree exampleInfinite Structure; manipulate an infinite binary tree! 01_basic/10_Introduction/00_hello_world.lhs Introduction ou

A Gentle Introduction to Haskell, Version 98 This is the master HTML version of the Gentle Introduction To Haskell, version 98. Revised June, 2000 by Reuben Thomas. You may download the following: Brief Table of Contents. All code in this tutorial, with additional commentary, is found in the code directory packaged with this tutorial. Premission is granted to correct, improve, or enhance this document. Copyright (C) 1999 Paul Hudak, John Peterson and Joseph Fasel Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of "A Gentle Introduction to Haskell" (the Text), to deal in the Text without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Text, and to permit persons to whom the Text is furnished to do so, subject to the following condition: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Text.

Haskell: The Confusing Parts If you’re used to the C family of languages, or the closely related family of “scripting languages,” Haskell’s syntax (mainly) is a bit baffling at first. For some people, it can even seem like it’s sneaking out from under you every time you think you understand it. This is sort of a FAQ for people who are new to Haskell, or scared away by its syntax. Use this as a cheat sheet, not a textbook. Misc. Quick review, because if you’ve heard of Haskell, you should also have heard of most of this. foo :: Bar baz -> Bar quux is a type signature for the function foo, where Bar baz is the type of argument it takes, and Bar quux is the type of the return value. There’s no null and no void. Haskell’s syntax is indirectly based on ML, so if you stop reading here and go learn OCaml instead, some of this information will still be kinda useful. Type Names and Constructors There are two completely separate namespaces in any Haskell source file: The value namespace, and the type namespace. Statements vs.
