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"Dew" It Yourself Jewelry Stand

"Dew" It Yourself Jewelry Stand
Given that title and my penchant for puns, I'm guessing it will take you guys exactly 3.7 seconds to guess what my new jewelry stand is made from: Aw, you only needed two seconds, didn't you? I knew it. Yep, this pretty green number is made from four plastic Mountain Dew bottles and exactly $3.72 worth of materials from the hardware store. Not too shabby. First, collect your bottles. If you happen to have a Diet 'Dew addict for a spouse like me, this will take less than three days. I found it easiest to cut the bottoms off my bottles with a strong utility knife, and then trim them down further with scissors. Other than the bottles you will need: One 12-inch length of threaded rod (no cutting necessary; they come this size in the hardware store) and one baggy each of a coordinating size nuts and washers. Drill holes that are the same size as your threaded rod in the center of each tray: As you can see, the Dremel gives a nice rounded edge to the "v" between each "petal." Ok, last one:

Upcycled Plastic Bottles & Bags: Unique & Beautiful Art Who would have thought a plastic bag or a plastic water or soda bottle could be upcycled into something so unique and beautiful? Check out these unique upcycled products made by talented artists and I think you'll agree that one person's trash can definitely be another person's treasure. unique flowers made from the bottoms of soda bottles (above and below) by Michelle Brand What is PET? PET aka polyethylene terephthalate is a highly recyclable plastic product made from oil. PET Plastic bottle stick pin brooches (above) and bowl (below) by gulnurozdaglar on Etsy Plastic bottles at a landfill site...Landfill decomposition rates:Milk carton: 5 yearsPlastic milk jug: 500 yearsAluminum can: 80 to 200 yearsPlastic drinking bottles: hundreds of years Plastic bags: hundreds of yearsCigarette butt: up to five years & leaches toxins into the groundNewspaper: 2 to 4 weeks or longerGlass bottles: tens of thousands of yearsStyrofoam: no sign of ever breaking down(figures from

Reciclaje How to Make Tiny Bow I am a girl, and sometimes I am really into girls stuff. When I need to wrap or decorate a gift, I often struggle to finish it the way it looks simple but effective at the same time. Until now, my favorite toppers were Tissue Paper Mini Pom Poms. As I was fed up with all those motley bags and ugly, plastic poms you can find anywhere, I started looking for another nice, handmade solution to my "deco-wrapo-trouble" Tiny Bow made on a fork is simply awesome, not only because it is so small, but also for the variety of purposes it can be used for. Although it wasn't that easy with little Anya by my side (it took us almost 3 days to take pictures and make the video), I am glad that I have finally paved my way to preparing full tutorials for you. I am waiting impatiently to read your comments and see some pictures of your versions of Tiny Bow!

Sociedades Soap Making 101 - How To Make Cold Process Soap Soap Making 101 – How To Make Cold Process Soap Please be sure to Join our email list and receive all our latest and best tutorials daily – free! 8K+ Background image – Have you ever wanted to make your own “personalized” soap using your favorite herbs? We’ve just discovered a great tutorial! There are a few methods of making soap and this one is called “cold process” – meaning, obviously, that no heat is required. It’s important to note that soap making is not the easiest DIY recipe out there. The tutorial is really well put together and includes the essential safety tips. One of the great benefits of making your own soap is that you can use your favorite essential oils and skin oils. Here, then is the full tutorial:

Reducir - Reutilizar - Reciclar Pallet desk DIY tutorial • 1001 Pallets This pallet desk idea is incredibly simple, space-saving, smart and economical. More information: Peculiarmee Cambio Climatico 50 Things You Should Stop Buying & Start Making As a society, we have become over-reliant on “ready made” products. We have lost the ability to make things from scratch. Rather than blend up some peanuts to make delicious, tasty and fresh peanut butter, we’ll spend many dollars on a jar from the store that contains artificial preservatives, unnecessary packaging and that simply lines the pockets of huge, unethical multinational corporations. Aside from foods, you can also make your own personal care products, beauty and make up products, cleaning products and home accessories that taste, work or look better than store bought, without the harmful chemicals and toxins and free from excessive, earth damaging packaging. Foods Homemade Ketchup – This ketchup won’t brake the bank, tastes better than the real deal and contains no added sugar – so it’s nutritionally good for the whole family. Peanut Butter – It is so simple to make this pantry staple it would be silly to buy it. Want to learn more about making your own foods? Next Page >>>

Efectos, causas y soluciones del cambio climático Hace veinte años, la comunidad científica internacional debatía sobre la veracidad de que la Tierra estuviera sufriendo un cambio en su entorno climático. Actualmente, el discurso ha variado y los esfuerzos se centran en valorar la magnitud del problema y prevenir sus consecuencias. Efectos Según el IPCC (Panel Internacional de Expertos en el Cambio Climático), el calentamiento global de la Tierra es ya un hecho que está produciendo, y producirá, graves consecuencias en el clima, la atmósfera y la biodiversidad: aumento de la temperatura media de la Tierra durante el presente siglo entre 1 y 3,5 grados, disminución de las capas de hielo en los Polos, incremento del nivel del mar e inundaciones de zonas bajas e islas, aumento de la desertización, desaparición de flora y fauna en ecosistemas, escasez de agua e inestabilidades atmosféricas (huracanes, incendios, etc.), efectos secundarios de catástrofes humanas (propagación de la hambruna y enfermedades, etc.). Causas Soluciones Publicidad

Soap Making 101 - Making Cold Process Soap While there are other methods of making soap (hot process and melt & pour), this tutorial will provide a basic overview on how to make your own all natural cold process soaps. It will be added to the Soapmaking page on my blog along with other helpful links and recipes; so be sure to bookmark or pin it for easy reference. (For more in-depth information including tips on coloring soap naturally, how to read a lye calculator, plus 25 of my favorite palm oil free recipes, check out my ebook: Natural Soap Making: Cold Process Basics & Recipes!) Making soap is one of my favorite hobbies. There are so many ways to personalize a single recipe, that I rarely make the same soap twice! A few things to note, before we start: Many people are afraid to make soap because it involves handling lye. Okay! (1.) (2.) (3.) (4.) (5.) (6.) (7.) (8.) (9.) (10.) (11.) (12.) This wraps up my post on the basics of soap making. Did you enjoy this soap tutorial?
