le portail RadioAmateur de F5UQN - Réalisations - Unun 9:1 - Antenne large bande Antenne large bande et adaptateur d'impédance 9:1 Les premiers essais du récepteur SDR effectués avec l'antenne servant habituellement au trafic ont rapidement conduit à la réalisation d'une antenne complémentaire. Oui, mais... Les pré-requis étaient donc les suivants, essayer de couvrir le spectre du récepteur de 1.8 à 30MHz, encombrement réduit, fonctionnement sous toiture, réalisation rapide, coût de revient minimum et cerise sur le gâteau essayer d'avoir un rendement acceptable. Autant dire l'antenne utopique, la fameuse antenne qui défit les lois de l'électricité. Le choix s'est orienté vers une antenne filaire afin de se rapprocher au mieux de ces critères. Le WPX du week-end m'a permis de faire quelques essais en émission avec un fil d'une dizaine de mettre en extérieur et là encore les résultats sont honorables au regard de la technique employée et de son coût de revient dérisoire.
my buddipole antenna in jpole configuration on 6 m OsmoSDR OsmoSDR is a 100% Free Software based small form-factor inexpensive SDR (Software Defined Radio) project. If you are familiar with existing SDR receivers, then OsmoSDR can be thought of something in between a FunCube Dongle (only 96kHz bandwidth) and a USRP (much more expensive). For a very cheap SDR (with limited dynamic range), you can use the DVB-T USB stick using the RTL2832U chip, as documented in rtl-sdr. It consists of a USB-attached Hardware, associated Firmware as well as GrOsmoSDR gnuradio integration on the PC. The first generation hardware (1.2 MS/s) was available to interested developers from We are currently doing a re-design for the second-generation hardware, featuring higher sample rate and other goodies. Christian has posted a detailed status update to the osmocom-sdr mailing list, describing his progress with enhancing the sample rate from 500 kS/s to 4 MS/s (at 14 bits ADC). (Read more) (Read more) (Read more) So what is rtl-sdr? Those ...
mossmann's blog EZCAP EzTV 668 with RTL2832U E4000 SDR Il est donc possible d'utiliser ce type de clé pour recevoir la SDR sur nos bandes radio Je remercie l'Om qui m'a fait part de cette information le système couvre de 60 à 1700 Mhz avec une largeur de spéctre entre 2,5 et 3 Mhz et qu'il est bien meilleur que le funcube et aussi compatible avec le fameux soft HDSDR En premier lieu Installer le soft HDSDR à cette adresse HDSDR : Ensuite, suivez les instructions sur cette page Configurer le soft HDSRD: Dans Device hint: mettre cette valeur RTL readlen = 256144 = tuner FC0013 = valeur du tuner côté antenne ( voir photo ci-dessus) regarder à la loupe ci besoin HI. Ensuite clic sur create et vous obtenez le résultat ci dessous. Pour finir, tapez F2 pour mettre en route le soft et vérifier les paramètres audio Voir la capture d'écran ci-dessous Je vais aussi changer la prise antenne TV pour une prise BNC (adaptée à nos appareil radio). Voici une vidéo à titre d'exemple Coté reception 88/108 Mhz
Lehmann Aviation IPv6 Get Your Network Ready for IPv6 The last block of IPv4 addresses have been allocated, and it’s time to get your network ready. OpenDNS now supports IPv6 addresses — meaning that, by using the OpenDNS Sandbox, you’ll be able to resolve your DNS using IPv6 DNS servers. Why IPv6? IPv6 supports a far larger number of addresses than IPv4, which is why the change is taking place now — since IPv4 was implemented in 1981, the Internet has grown dramatically, and there are no more available IPv4 addresses. How to Use the OpenDNS IPv6 Sandbox Experimenting with IPv6 DNS requires a small change to your computer or router settings to point to the IPv6-enabled OpenDNS IPv6 addresses. 1) Verify you have IPv6 Enabled You can visit Kame to verify you have a working IPv6 IP address. 2) Enter the OpenDNS IPv6 Sandbox IPs: 2620:0:ccc::2 2620:0:ccd::2 3) Test your settings: 4) You’re ready for IPv6. Note: IPv6 support in the OpenDNS Sandbox is limited to standard recursive DNS initially.
Antenne Filari - IT9AYD HOME PAGE SdrDx –OS X and Windows SDR Software « fyngyrz I’ve been working on developing OSX/Mac and Windows versions of SdrDx. At this time, SdrDx for OS X and Windows supports Ethernet-connected version of AFEDRI SDRs, the USB-connected Airspy (AirSpy HF+ under OS X only, via this OS X server), Ethernet-based Andrus MK1.5, USB FunCube Pro, USB FunCube Pro Plus, Peaberry, Ethernet based RFSPACE SDrs, USB RTL sticks (RTL supported under OS X only, via this OS X server) and Softrock SDR receivers. Both the Peaberry and Softrock SDRs require a lot of expertise to get working. The others are pretty much plug-and-play. SdrDx 2.17a In addition, SdrDx can be made to support any SDR with a sound card interface, including I/Q input via your native or auxiliary sound card, with a little scripting work; the Peaberry and Softrock support use this mechanism via Python. SdrDx (running on the Mac) is shown to the right. SdrDx, in combination with your SDR, is an extremely powerful receiver. You can have real knobs and buttons OS X Beta Changes
DX World - Ham Radio news for real DXers - Free DX Resource for all Radio Amateurs sharp soft with rtlsdr in rx firsts steps Handheld Tactical SATCOM Antenna - TACSAT High performance UHF MILSATCOM communications for handheld radios The BH-HTA-TACSAT-02 is a highly durable, lightweight unit with low visual profile that meets the soldier’s need for satcom-on-the-move in the 243-318 MHz band. These antennas interoperate with handheld and manpack radios including: Thales PRC-148 (MBITR) Harris PRC-152 & PRC-117 Raytheon PSC-5 Features: • Durable, very rugged • Impervious to dust, water, grit • Silent to deploy, use, and pack • Low visual profile; dark matte finishes • Extremely lightweight and compact • Easy to deploy and pack • Available with optional “quick draw” thigh holster Included Items: -The BH-HTA-TACSAT-02 kit comes with basic antenna, 2 gain extensions, 6-ft coaxial cable and Accessory Kit -Gain Extensions plug onto basic antenna, provide up to +8 dBic gain -Accessory Kit includes prehensile tripod, magnetic mount system, 20-ft extension coaxial cable, and kit bag.