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le portail RadioAmateur de F5UQN - Réalisations - Unun 9:1 - Antenne large bande Antenne large bande et adaptateur d'impédance 9:1 Les premiers essais du récepteur SDR effectués avec l'antenne servant habituellement au trafic ont rapidement conduit à la réalisation d'une antenne complémentaire. Oui, mais... Les pré-requis étaient donc les suivants, essayer de couvrir le spectre du récepteur de 1.8 à 30MHz, encombrement réduit, fonctionnement sous toiture, réalisation rapide, coût de revient minimum et cerise sur le gâteau essayer d'avoir un rendement acceptable. Autant dire l'antenne utopique, la fameuse antenne qui défit les lois de l'électricité. Le choix s'est orienté vers une antenne filaire afin de se rapprocher au mieux de ces critères. Le WPX du week-end m'a permis de faire quelques essais en émission avec un fil d'une dizaine de mettre en extérieur et là encore les résultats sont honorables au regard de la technique employée et de son coût de revient dérisoire.

rtl-sdr – OsmoSDR DVB-T dongles based on the Realtek RTL2832U can be used as a cheap SDR, since the chip allows transferring the raw I/Q samples to the host, which is officially used for DAB/DAB+/FM demodulation. The possibility of this has been discovered by Eric Fry (History and Discovery of RTLSDR). Antti Palosaari has not been involved in development of rtl-sdr. Specifications¶ The RTL2832U outputs 8-bit I/Q-samples, and the highest theoretically possible sample-rate is 3.2 MS/s, however, the highest sample-rate without lost samples that has been tested wit regular USB controllers so far is 2.4 MS/s. A stable sample-rate of 3.2 MS/s without lost samples is only possible with the Etron EJ168/EJ188/EJ198 series of host controllers due to their specific maximum latency. Supported Hardware¶ People over at reddit are collecting a list of other devices that are compatible. This is the PCB of the ezcap-stick: More pictures can be found here. Software¶ Much software is available for the RTL2832. Binary Builds¶ .

Digital Signal Processing my buddipole antenna in jpole configuration on 6 m - A blog about RTL-SDR and software defined radio Max's App Note Blog - MAN105 Wireless LCD in 5 minutes! Today, I was thinking how dirty and full of stuff my desk was. So I decided to relocate my graphic LCD to another person's desk but still have control over it. To do this, I figured I could simply use the ACODE-300 wireless bluetooth modules. [Larger Image Download] You can connect your devices as shown in the above schematic. (Make sure to use sockets for the ACODE-300 modules, so you can plug and un-plug the modules for setup) When you are done making the above, you will ultimately end up with the below: (Study Board & ACODE300) (ACODE-300 Proto board for Study Board Close-up) (front of GHLCD) (back of GHLCD w/ my ACODE-300 Proto board installed) (My ACODE-300 Proto board for graphic LCD Close-up) (Connections to TTL Outputs of GHLCD & Baud rate set to 115200) The ACODE-300 Bluetooth modules are very easy to use and can be applied to any serial RS232 interface. When you are done making your proto-boards and connections,you are ready for testing. (LEDs continuously ON)

OsmoSDR OsmoSDR is a 100% Free Software based small form-factor inexpensive SDR (Software Defined Radio) project. If you are familiar with existing SDR receivers, then OsmoSDR can be thought of something in between a ​FunCube Dongle (only 96kHz bandwidth) and a USRP (much more expensive). For a very cheap SDR (with limited dynamic range), you can use the DVB-T USB stick using the RTL2832U chip, as documented in rtl-sdr. It consists of a USB-attached Hardware, associated Firmware as well as GrOsmoSDR gnuradio integration on the PC. The first generation hardware (1.2 MS/s) was available to interested developers from ​ We are currently doing a re-design for the second-generation hardware, featuring higher sample rate and other goodies. Christian has posted a detailed status update to the osmocom-sdr mailing list, describing his progress with enhancing the sample rate from 500 kS/s to 4 MS/s (at 14 bits ADC). (Read more) (Read more) (Read more) So what is rtl-sdr? Those ...

Welcome to the wiki! [ wiki] ~ of Simon Schoar » SevenBlocks A Tribute to Seven Segments Over a hundred years ago the seven segment display was born and they became ubiquitos in our daily lifes. Thousands of segments are guiding us throughout our life, without us spending a single thought on this beautiful invention. SevenBlocks is a digital clock resembling a classic red on black alarm clock, featuring a mechanic seven segment display of solid blocks moving into the viewers space. Ingredients: ATMega8, HXT-500, Acrylic glass, 75HC595, DS1307, DCF77, LM75, … See for Bill Of Materials, DXF files, Eagle/Gerber files and source code. - All files are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC BY 3.0) -

mossmann's blog DD-WRT Tutorial 3: Building a Wireless Bridge You can connect a wired device to a wireless network by turning an old Linux router into an Ethernet-to-wireless adapter. Not too long ago, we were promised a world in which virtually every electronic gadget could connect to a network, talking to one another, exchanging data, joking and laughing and basically enjoying the fruits of an electronic utopia. We were also promised flying cars. Where is my flying car!? We’re inching our way there. Networking abilities are appearing in more non-traditional electronic devices, including some digital audio players, some digital cameras, printers, and specialized devices like the Xbox gaming consoles. But wait! Bridge For Sale Some products, like the Xbox, support specialized wireless bridges specifically made for this purpose. Technically, the DD-WRT supports two methods of connecting a wired device (or devices) to a wireless network: wireless client mode and wireless bridge mode. In either mode, you have a primary router and a secondary router.

EZCAP EzTV 668 with RTL2832U E4000 SDR Il est donc possible d'utiliser ce type de clé pour recevoir la SDR sur nos bandes radio Je remercie l'Om qui m'a fait part de cette information le système couvre de 60 à 1700 Mhz avec une largeur de spéctre entre 2,5 et 3 Mhz et qu'il est bien meilleur que le funcube et aussi compatible avec le fameux soft HDSDR En premier lieu Installer le soft HDSDR à cette adresse HDSDR : Ensuite, suivez les instructions sur cette page Configurer le soft HDSRD: Dans Device hint: mettre cette valeur RTL readlen = 256144 = tuner FC0013 = valeur du tuner côté antenne ( voir photo ci-dessus) regarder à la loupe ci besoin HI. Ensuite clic sur create et vous obtenez le résultat ci dessous. Pour finir, tapez F2 pour mettre en route le soft et vérifier les paramètres audio Voir la capture d'écran ci-dessous Je vais aussi changer la prise antenne TV pour une prise BNC (adaptée à nos appareil radio). Voici une vidéo à titre d'exemple Coté reception 88/108 Mhz
