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Top services de cartes géographiques Google Earth est un service de géolocalisation très avancé et pratique. Il a attiré l'attention non seulement des particuliers mais aussi des entreprises et des chaines de télévision qui y font recours quand elles ont besoin de localiser un évènement dont elles ne possèdent pas les images. Mais tout cela n’empêche qu'il y ait d'autres applications de géolocalisation alternatives. Dans cet article on va citer ces alternatives qu'on peut essayer en parallèle. 1° openstreetmap: un service de géolocalisation. 2° google Maps: est un service de cartographie de google qui fournit beaucoup de données utilisables comme des itinéraires de voyage, des plans de villes et bien d'autres infos. 3° maps nokia: appelé aussi ovi maps ce sont des cartes crées par Nokia qui nous permettent d'explorer le monde et découvrir les nouveau lieux pour planifier nos voyages. 5° Nasa World Wind: une autre bonne alternative à google earth. Vous avez aimé?

Scholarly Database :: Welcome Is Time an Illusion? | Science By Leonardo VintiniEpoch Times Staff Created: March 6, 2010 Last Updated: June 17, 2012 Could our past, present, and future exist together? ( “Time is a moving image of eternity.” We tend to believe that destiny is not fixed and that all time past fades into oblivion, but can the movement be a mere illusion? “If you try to get your hands on time, it’s always slipping through your fingers,” said Julian Barbour, British physicist and author of “The End of Time: The Next Revolution in Physics,” in an interview with the Edge Foundation. Barbour believes that people cannot capture time because it does not exist. The concept of a timeless universe is not only irresistibly attractive to a handful of scientists, but such a model may pave the way to explain many of the paradoxes that modern physics faces in explaining the universe. We tend to think and perceive time to be linear in nature, the course of which inevitably flows from past to future.

METAgraphias Muitas vezes, para que uma iniciativa prossiga em suas intenções, palavras devem adquirir certas especificidades, o que implica na elaboração de sentidos (sensoriais e cognitivos). Estas supostas especificidades engendram a definição conceitual das próprias palavras a serem utilizadas, o que pode acontecer (e geralmente acontece) com outras palavras. Ou seja: as palavras, enquanto elementos estilísticos e discursivos, são metalinguísticas em si mesmas. No entanto, considerando que as visualidades compõem conteúdo fundante deste projeto editorial, cujo enfoque é a elaboração de conteúdos bibliográficos para formatos não-bibliomórficos, talvez seja sensato pleitear outras possibilidades de apresentação. Deste modo, conceitos e palavras também ganham espaço para que sejam apresentados como se fossem imagens. Assim, a relação entre palavras e visualidades não fica restrita à ilustração, à decoração cognitiva, ao supérfluo e desnecessário.

Données gratuites Certaines données IGN sont accessibles gratuitement pour des profils spécifiques. Données gratuites pour tous Les données ci-dessous sont accessibles gratuitement pour tous les usages, y compris commerciaux, selon les termes de la licence ouverte Etalab version 1.0 Les données ci-dessous sont accessibles gratuitement tant pour des usages commerciaux que non commerciaux, selon les conditions générales de réutilisation des informations publiques Le SCAN 1000® est gratuit pour toutes les utilisations internes. La BD CARTHAGE® est un produit téléchargeable sur Vous pouvez vous référer aux conditions publiées sur ce site. Coédition IGN et Eurogeographics, EuroGlobalMap (EGM) est une base de données topographique de l'Europe. Données gratuites pour une mission de service public Les données ci-dessous sont accessibles gratuitement aux organismes exerçant une mission de service public ni industrielle ni commerciale. Données gratuites pour l'enseignement et la recherche

Liens Liens Atlas/Cartes thématiques Les cartes des Ceriscopes, publication en ligne annuelle du CERI et de l'Atelier de cartographie ( Thème de cette année : la pauvreté.Earth Sciences & Map Library of UC Berkeley ( de Grid-Arendal, du Programme des Nations-unies pour l'environnement (PNUE)La cartothèque de la Documentation française - De nombreuses cartes à disposition des étudiants, enseignants, chercheurs en géographie, relations internationales, histoire, sciences-politiques. Plus de la moitié (52%) des cartes sont réalisées par notre Atelier.Columbia University ( - SEDAC, programme de recherche du Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN). Atlas/Cartes (statistiques) interactives Applications cartographiques/ Infographie Cartes anciennes Cartographie générale Curiosités cartographiques

Temporal precision in the LGN « xcorr: computational neuroscience There’s a new paper just out in J Neurosci by Dan Butts et al. (2011) that offers some key insights into temporal precision in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). The spike trains of LGN cells are remarkably regular; while a Poisson train has Fano factor (variance to mean ratio) of 1, and cortical neurons in areas like MT frequently range around 1.2-1.5 (Dayan & Abbott 2001), retinal ganglion cells and LGN neurons can reach Fano factors of 0.2 or less (Berry and Meister, 1998). In fact, LGN spike trains are so precise that the jitter of the first spike within a burst event can vary with a standard deviation smaller than 3 ms from trial to trial (Keat et al. 2001). The 2011 paper explores how this precision can arise computationally. The authors propose a generalized nonlinear model (GNM) to account for this baffling precision. Butts DA, Weng C, Jin J, Alonso JM, & Paninski L (2011). Dayan & Abbott (2001). Berry MJ, & Meister M (1998). Keat J, Reinagel P, Reid RC, & Meister M (2001).

MapHugger The Joy of Stats About the video Hans Rosling says there’s nothing boring about stats, and then goes on to prove it. A one-hour long documentary produced by Wingspan Productions and broadcast by BBC, 2010. The change from large to small families reflects dramatic changes in peoples lives. Hans Rosling asks: Has the UN gone mad? Hans Rosling explains a very common misunderstanding about the world: That saving the poor children leads to overpopulation.

Rule of 6ix: miRNAs, viruses and high blood pressure You may have read earlier this week how human cytomegalovirus - a seriously common pathogen - was discovered to be a possible cause of high blood pressure. What you may not have heard about (or read), is the actual paper that these headlines refer to - see paper here. And, if you had, you may not have been so quick to jump to that same conclusion the media had for it was only a correlation - no causation was determined - but the results are nonetheless important, as you'll see below.What is hypertension? Hypertension - or high blood pressure - is a chronic disease with deadly implications, affecting an estimated one billion adults worldwide. Two flavors of hypertension are currently recognized: essential - the most common sort (90%) and secondary, the more rarer form. Given its global importance, the factors predisposing to - or causing - essential hypertension are subject to intense research, making the identification of a viral origin of the disease all the more interesting.

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