DEG Consulting Fundamentos de la Dirección de Personal en las organizaciones: autoridad, motivación y liderazgo. INTRODUCCIÓN El objetivo final de todas las ideas y sugerencias que se han convenido en llamar gestión de empresas no es sino asegurar la supervivencia d e éstas en el tiempo. La longevidad media de las empresas industriales es inferior a 40 años: para maximizar el bº es prioritario sobrevivir y la supervivencia se basa en encontrar ventajas y diferencias respecto a otras organizaciones. El éxito de las organizaciones depende directamente de la aplicación efectiva de las personas. Dirección puede definirse como el proceso de trabajar con y a través de individuos y grupos, más otra serie de recursos, para alcanzar los objetivos organizativos. El liderazgo se produce cada vez que se trata de influir en el comportamiento de un individuo o grupo. NIVELES DEL ENTORNO. Los líderes transfieren poder a sus organizaciones para crear un ambiente de trabajo positivo. Un continuo de liderazgo – 7 posibles comportamientos: - El gerente toma la decisión APROXIMACIONES TEÓRICAS .
9 Social Marketing Metrics That Actually Matter Even the most social-savvy business owners can get caught up in the numbers game: counting and recounting likes, followers, fans, retweets, shares. Not to say those numbers don't correlate to how well your business connects with customers online, but 100 shares doesn't necessarily mean 100 sales — and it certainly doesn't measure the potential value of those 100 shares. For example, were any of the 100 fans sharing that post actually influencers? Did the fans in question sign up for your list, or share and forget? Are your likes and follows actually impacting your sales? To find out which social metrics are really worth monitoring, we asked a panel of successful young entrepreneurs to share which numbers they're tracking right now on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites. 1. We came up with a metric that we call "Facebook Engagement Ratio," which is the number of people talking about us, divided by the number of likes. - Kit Hickey, Ministry of Supply 2. - Shane Snow, Contently
The Art of Less Doing - Ari Meisel Bernardo Stamateas: "Antes del golpe físico siempre hay un golpe de palabra" El hombre contemporáneo inserto en una sociedad cada vez más compleja, es desde hace tiempo el centro de interés e investigación de Bernardo Stamateas. El autor de títulos como “Pasiones tóxicas”y“Quiero un cambio”, llegó a Mendoza para disertar en la Feria del Libro acerca de cómo poner límites a la violencia verbal. Tópico que trata en su última publicación titulada: “No me maltrates”. La charla se desarrolló en el escenario exterior del espacio cultural Julio Le Parc y contó con una importante convocatoria. “Cuando los magos esconden algo lo dejan a la vista de todos, me dijo una vez un mago. Porque lo obvio se vuelve invisible. El objetivo fue el de plantear desde un primer momento que el acto del habla nunca es inocente. Para desentrañar la problemática y acercarla a lo cotidiano, Stamateas puso a consideración de los asistentes diferentes tipos de maltratos. Un tercer maltrato que fue puesto a consideración según la investigación de Stamateas es “La descalificación”.
Digital Marketing and Business Ideas worth Sharing zenhabits 7 Keys to Building Great Work Teams Fostering teamwork is a top priority for many leaders. The benefits are clear: increased productivity, improved customer service, more flexible systems, employee empowerment. But is the vision clear? To effectively implement teams, leaders need a clear picture of the seven elements high-performance teams have in common. 1. COMMITMENT. Team members understand how their work fits into corporate objectives and they agree that their team's goals are achievable and aligned with corporate mission and values. To enhance team commitment, leaders might consider inviting each work team to develop team mission, vision, and values statements that are in alignment with those of the corporation but reflect the individuality of each team. 2. To enhance balanced participation on a work team, leaders should consider three factors that affect the level of individual contribution: inclusion, confidence, and empowerment.
digital marketing strategy The World's Best Behavioral Economics Reading List Blog - bschool The 50 Best Tips for Small Businesses on Facebook Posted on May 3rd, 2011 As a small business, you may have heard what a great tool social media, and Facebook in particular, is for a business like yours. Of course, you can't just plunge headfirst and expect incredible outcomes. Learn from these seasoned pros to find out how you can master your small business presence on Facebook. General Here you'll find great tips for all areas of Facebook. Pages Use these tips to better develop your Page on Facebook. Apps These apps and app ideas will help you make better use of Facebook's capabilities. Ads With these tips, you can get the most out of Facebook's ad platform. 50 Best Blogs for Following Asian Business Posted on April 25th, 2011 It's impossible to be involved in international business today without paying attention to the economies of Asian nations like China, India and Japan. Asian Business These blogs cover a wide range of countries and topics when it comes to business. China India Japan