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Creative Learning Exchange — Fysiktentamen på Köpenhamns Universitet SUBJECT: FYSIKTENTAMEN PÅ KÖPENHAMNS UNIVERSITET FROM: Håkan Nilsson <*> DATE: 2006-03-06 Följande handlar om en fråga på en fysiktentamen på Köpenhamns Universitet: Beskriv hur man kan bestämma en skyskrapas höjd med hjälp av en barometer. En student svarade: Man binder ett långt snöre om barometern och sänker den sedan från skyskrapans tak ner till marken. Detta högst originella svar retade examinatorn till den grad att han kuggade studenten som överklagade eftersom hans svar obestridligen var rätt och universitetet tillsatte en opartisk skiljedomare. I fem minuter satt studenten tyst och tänkte intensivt. När han uppmanades att skynda på svarade studenten som följer: Först och främst skulle man kunna ta med sig barometern upp på skyskrapans tak, släppa den över kanten och mäta den tid det tar för den att nå marken. Eller om solen skiner kan man mäta barometerns längd, sätta den i marken och mäta längden på dess skugga.

Systems Theory Systems theory is the interdisciplinary study of systems in general, with the goal of elucidating principles that can be applied to all types of systems at all nesting levels in all fields of research.[citation needed] The term does not yet have a well-established, precise meaning, but systems theory can reasonably be considered a specialization of systems thinking; alternatively as a goal output of systems science and systems engineering, with an emphasis on generality useful across a broad range of systems (versus the particular models of individual fields). A central topic of systems theory is self-regulating systems, i.e. systems self-correcting through feedback. Self-regulating systems are found in nature, including the physiological systems of our body, in local and global ecosystems, and in climate—and in human learning processes (from the individual on up through international organizations like the UN).[3] Overview[edit] Examples of applications[edit] Systems biology[edit]

Like Brain Teasers? This DIY Puzzle “Nails” It I love brain teasers and wood-based puzzles and this is a good one that you can easily make yourself. Basically, all you need is a chunk of pine, a nail, and some boiling water (oh, and a saw and a drill). It’s called the “Tooth and Nail” puzzle, and it appears to be an optical illusion. It is not. SPOILER ALERT: How this works is fascinating. Gareth Branwyn Gareth Branwyn is a freelancer writer and the former Editorial Director of Maker Media. Systems Analysis Interesting Web Sites List Systems Analysis Web Sites General Systems Analysis Links Systems and Systems Thinking Definition of a System A system definition courtesy of the Pentagon. Horizonwatching: A Smarter Planet --- aka a system! Systems and Systems Thinking Dr. Benefits of Systems Analysis Product Design by Business Week Systems Theory at work: Using a Complex Systems Approach to Study Educational Policy Horizonwatching: A Smarter Planet --- aka a system! MetaPlanning Victorian Data Processing Modern Systems Analyst Don Norman's website. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Web-based Information Systems Hospital begins process by re-examining patient experience Places to Intervene in a System Systems Analysis for Beginners To Combat Terrorism, a Systems Approach is Vital -- read the article. Systems Analysis: A Tool to Understand and Predict Terrorist Activities Systems Thinking at Wikipedia Systems Thinking from MIT VIDEO: Warriors of the Net An Example Systems Analysis Humor in Systems Analysis IDE-O comes to St.

How to Arrange Presentation Slides Like a Graphic Designer | Visual Learning Center by Visme We’ve all been there. We’ve all been forced to follow a presentation that lost our interest within the first few minutes, maybe even seconds. What was it exactly that triggered the sudden boredom? It turns out that our brains are incredible machines. Although we may not be conscious of it, within the first 30 to 60 seconds of a presentation, we’ve already processed millions of stimuli and made judgments about the speaker’s likability and credibility. While our verdicts are mostly swayed one way or another by a presenter’s body language and what is said, a lot also depends on the visual elements that are used to support the speaker’s message. Just think back to all the presentations you’ve seen with cluttered slides, distracting clipart and ill-chosen images, and remember how this led you to consider their messages a little less seriously. To help you avoid this same fate for your future presentations, we’ve created a guide for arranging elements on your slides like a pro designer. 1 Contrast

System Dynamics Home Page Can You Find The Six Words Hidden In These Pictures? If you are like most people on the Internet (and, indeed, the world), you highly enjoy solving puzzles, finding things in pictures, and then letting everyone know you are intellectually capable of doing so. Isn't that what Facebook is all about, after all? Flaunting superiority? Or maybe it's just fun. Finding shit is an A+ procrastination activity, after all. Those puzzles we've been solving — finding pandas, more pandas, still more pandas, Wookies, one more panda, cats, '90s bands...what better way to pass the time at work? You already know where this is going...that's right! highlights 1. How'd you do? puzzlesworld 1. And now this one (six words, again): puzzlesworld 1. How do you feel? More: Can You Find All The '90s Bands Hidden In This Picture?

Systems - A Journey Along the Way Systems A Journey Along theWay Welcome to a journey in the realm of systems. The journey is still unfolding as this web site continues to evolve over time. Yet, even with the endless changes, there continues to be a connection, in one fashion or another, with systems. The real intent here is not to study systems as a discipline, though more an intent to study lots of things and employ a systems perspective to foster understanding. Every attempt will be made to avoid the major failing of "system science." Enjoy the journey! System The word system probably has more varied meanings than any other word in use today. A system is an entity which maintains its existence through the mutual interaction of its parts. The key emphasis here is "mutual interaction," in that something is occurring between the parts, over time, which maintains the system. This definition of a system implies something beyond cause and effect. Emergence Associated with the idea of system is a principle called emergence.

Watch the Destruction of Pompeii by Mount Vesuvius, Re-Created with Computer Animation (79 AD) A good disaster story never fails to fascinate — and, given that it actually happened, the story of Pompeii especially so. Buried and thus frozen in time by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, the ancient Roman town of 11,000 has provided an object of great historical interest ever since its rediscovery in 1599. Baths, houses, tools and other possessions (including plenty of wine bottles), frescoes, graffiti, an ampitheater, an aqueduct, the "Villa of the Mysteries": Pompeii has it all, as far as the stuff of first-century Roman life goes. The ash-preserved ruins of Pompeii, more than any other source, have provided historians with a window into just what life in that time and place was like. As inherently compelling as we find the story of Pompeii, modern drama has struggled to capture the power of the disaster that defines it. Would you like to support the mission of Open Culture? via Metafliter Related Content: Visit Pompeii (also Stonehenge & Versailles) with Google Street View

SystemsWiki This is what a world map looks like if you're colourblind In an average audience of eight men and eight women, there's a 50 per cent chance that at least one person has a degree of colour blindness. A reddit user, Renno Hokwerda, posted a brief series of maps to Imgur to highlight the difficulties faced by some in interpreting colour coded maps. Hokwerda told indy100 that he used Coblis, an online tool which attempts to replicate how some colour-blind people will see certain images: I am not an expert on colour-blindness at all, nor am I myself colour-blind. As Hokwerd says, the tool is not 100 per cent accurate, nor does it cover all forms of colour-blindness, but it does serve as a decent introduction to the subject. You can use the tool, as we have below, to reproduce images with a certain colour palette. Look at how the London Underground map, for example, appears with different perceptions of colour. Original: Achromatomoly (blue cone monochromacy): Achromatopsia (monochromacy): Deuteranomaly (green-weak): Deuteranopia (green-blind):
