Människans nervsystem: Startsida Hjärnatlas Innehåller ca 50 interaktiva bilder och en tredimensionell hjärnmodell, kopplade till ca 6000 begrepp i uppslagsverket. Hjärnatlasen deltar i Riksutställningars vandringsutställning “Se Hjärnan!”. Uppslagsverk Läs mer om nervsystemet (perifera nervsystemet, centrala nervsystemet). Sponsorer: Sahlgrenska akademin, Göteborgs universitet, KK-stiftelsen, Mednet och Institutionen för anatomi och cellbiologi, Sahlgrenska Akademin.
Brain Canada - Homepage | Review of Galantamine: the Lucid Dreaming Pill | The Dream Studies Portal So you’re considering the red pill… Galantamine has emerged as THE lucid dreaming pill. This natural supplement has been used for centuries in China as a memory enhancer, and was even noted by the ancient Greeks for its powerful mind-inducing effects. Now we know that galantamine indirectly promotes dreaming sleep as well as lucid dreaming, which is the art of becoming self-aware in your dreams. There’s a lot of hype about galantamine, so I want to cover the basics about how it works on the brain, the studies that have proven its effectiveness, and my personal recommendations for experimentation with this safe and natural supplement. I also want to be brutally honest about some of the mild psychological and physical side effects as well. Want to cut to the chase? Galantamine & Memory red spider lily (Lycoris radiata) Galantamine is found in the natural world in many plant sources, including the common daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus). How Galantamine Works On your Brain Laberge’s results?
Использование BrainWave Generator Скачать программу Бинауральная стимуляция головного мозга Люди, которые исследовали работу головного мозга человека просекли, что в различных состояниях своей активности, он (мозг) работает на разных частотах. Они придумали этим частотам названия, соответствующие разным буквам греческого алфавита. Каждая из частот имеет важную функцию. АЛЬФА: 7-12 герц. ДЕЛЬТА: 0 - 4 герц. Технические вопросы Вообще говоря такие низкие частоты невозможно транслировать при помощи обычных аудиосредств (и воспринимать при помощи обычных ушей), поэтому и придумали эту штуку со стереоэффектом. Расшифровка встроенных наборов частот BUILTIN: Attention focusing 1 (cyclic): Фокусирование внимания (циклическое). BUILTIN: Attention focusing 2 (from drowsiness): Фокусировка внимания (из drowsiness) Помогает фокусировке внимания с переходом из низкой альфы к высокой бета частоте. BUILTIN: High frequencies: ВЫСОКИЕ частоты . BUILTIN: Noise sample: Distant buzz: ОБРАЗЕЦ Шума: Отдаленное жужжание .
Sortir de l'atmosphère ? Pression et rayonnement ? - Question d'astronomie question posée le 17-05-2010 par Fouad, de Alger Merci pour votre réponse mais je ne trouve toujours pas des réponses plus au moins scientifiques ! Est ce que hors atmosphere la pression = 0 ? car si la pression est nulle les combinaisons des astronautes seraient comme aspirées de l'extérieur, on les verrait gonfler ? Est ce que les rayons de soleil ne sont pas dangereux ? réponse du 18-05-2010 , par Fabrice Mottez Oui, la pression est quasiment nulle dans l'espace. Dans la combinaison, la pression est d'une atmosphère, et à l'extérieur, elle est nulle. Il y a donc une force par unité de surface de 1 bar. Il y a effectivement des rayons UV. La protection vis à vis des rayonnements X et gamma est plus problématique. Pluton ? Bonjour et merci de m apprendre tant de choses. Station ISS Jusqu'à quel âge peut on aller sur ISS ? vitesse astronaute et vieillissement Vieillissement dans l'espace Où a-t'on atterri ?
Wellcome Trust report reviews two decades of human functional brain imaging 6 September 2011 Twenty years after the publication of the first human study using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)* - a technique to measure activity in the brain through the flow of blood - the Wellcome Trust has published a report providing reflections on the field of human functional brain imaging. The Wellcome Trust report assesses the key developments in human functional brain imaging and examines the role it has played as a funder. Sir Mark Walport, Director of the Wellcome Trust, says: "The introduction of fMRI 20 years ago has revolutionised our understanding of how the brain operates. Between 1990 and 2009, the Wellcome Trust invested £114 million on human functional brain imaging research (2 per cent of the Trust's funding commitment over this time). The review identified a number of current challenges and opportunities for the functional brain imaging research community. Image: An MRI of the human head. Contact Notes for editors * Belliveau JW et al.
Map Your Mind - Whose #BRAINCHILD are you? | Mic Map Your Mind shows which areas of the brain are associated with particular attributes or behaviors, based on the latest scientific research. The data that powers Map Your Mind comes from peer-reviewed, scientific studies published in reputable academic journals over the last decade. Many of the studies employ fMRI technology to measure blood flow and areas of fluctuating activity in the brain. A special thank you to Moran Cerf, Ph.D., a leading researcher in behavior, emotion and decision making at Northwestern University, and Kevin Weiner, a specialist in perception and cognition at Stanford's Vision & Perception Neuroscience Lab and the Institute for Applied Neuroscience, for their advice and guidance. “Liz Taylor As Cleopatra In Rome 1962” Credit: Keystone-France / Getty “Portrait Of Voltaire By Quentin La Tour In 1736” “FILE PHOTO: Biopic Roles Traditionally Lead As Award Season Begins With Golden Globe And SAG Nominations” Credit: Dave M. “File:Joan of Arc WWI lithograph2.jpg”
Sound in Space, Visually: Spatium Are Free, Open Source Spatialization Tools Human perception is capable of astounding feats of sensitivity in localizing sound – it is very likely an evolutionary trait. Yet musicians rarely tread beyond simple stereo, perhaps because it’s tough to be creative in space without something that’s visual and intuitive, something that looks like what you’re hearing. Spatium is an extraordinary set of tools for sound spatialization, built in [graphical patching language] Max/MSP and [creative code environment] Processing. It’s free and open source, a set of modules anyone can use to manipulate sound in space or as the basis of their own tools. Portugese artist and developer Rui Penha, who built these as part of his dissertation research, explains: [Spatium] are a set of free, open source and modular software tools for sound spatialization, comprised of spatialization engines, spatialization interfaces and plugins.The interfaces are basically Processing sketches that send OSC, so they can also be useful for other purposes. Description:
Canadian Association For Neuroscience - Home SITE Europe-Éducation-École : Cours de philo en vidéo du Lycée de Sèvres Nos cours en vidéo sont accompagnés de dossiers pédagogiques. La philosophie Jean-Pierre VERNANT, Le mythe de Pandore Jean-Louis POIRIER, La philosophie vaut-elle une heure de peine ? Jean-Louis POIRIER, Une figure mythique obsédante : Ulysse - VIDÉO 1 - VIDÉO 2 - Dossier - PDF Le sujet Jean-Louis POIRIER, Montaigne et la question de l’homme - Dossier - PDF La conscience Arnaud BOUANICHE, L’expérience de la nouveauté - Dossier - PDF Didier MAES, La prise de conscience et ses paradoxes - Dossier - PDF Philippe TOUCHET, Blaise Pascal, le moi et l’infini - Dossier - PDF Philippe TOUCHET, Conscience de soi et le divertissement - Cours rédigé - PDF Jeanne ROLAND, L'odorat, sens inférieur? Marion DURAND, Quel plaisir chez Aristote? Vincent RENAULT, L'espace, de quoi parle-t-on? - PDF Didier WOLFHUGEL, Construction de l'espace européen - Dossier - PDF Frédéric LAUPIES, L'espace, notre condition - Dossier - PDF Marion DURAND, Knowledge and opinion in Plato’s Republic - Dossier - PDF
What DON'T we know about the brain? Vast amounts, whole oceans and skies worth Every so often something comes in one of my Google alerts about how much we do not know about the brain. Those articles and posts make me smile as they are excellent reminders to stay away from brain statements, schemes, and stories that are overreaching or even fantasy extrapolations. No matter how many of these pieces appear that describe our paucity of knowledge, we still see many more articles purporting to tell us how our brains behave and often how to use that information to change other people or ourselves. Of course, what we know so far about the brain can be very helpful in changing and creating habits, and in communicating with others. But we don't know as much as many would have you believe. Why? Here's an except from a "Clear up this fuzzy thinking on brain scans" (Nature), a Google-alert treat that arrived in my inbox today. The limits of the technology, together with our incomplete picture of how the brain functions, make it hard to take these claims seriously.
spatialisation Si on aime les fenêtres flottantes le design est plutôt réussi, hélas au détriment de la réactivité.Je n'ai pu les tester d'une manière approfondie car lors de la première installation les deux applications plantaient au démarrage (10.4), et je ne peux tester la dernière version car depuis plus de 30 jours se sont écoulés....... Quoi qu'il en soit, on trouve dans ces deux applications, qui intègrent modules surround 8.0 (sources mono) et automation par interpolations de points clés, une excellente base pour le contrôle des masses spatiales octophoniques.Ne sont plus développés ? Mac OS X - 200 $ mcgovern-institute-roger-nicoll-scolnick.html#.T1nNPoCdevA The McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT announced today that Roger Nicoll of the University of California, San Francisco, is the winner of the 2012 Edward M. Scolnick Prize in Neuroscience. The Prize is awarded annually by the McGovern Institute to recognize outstanding advances in the field of neuroscience. “We congratulate Roger Nicoll on being selected for this award,” said Robert Desimone, director of the McGovern Institute and chair of the selection committee. Nicoll’s main research goal for almost three decades has been to understand, at the cellular and molecular level, how electrical activity reshapes the brain’s connections. In a key paper published in 1988, Nicoll showed that LTP is triggered by a rise in calcium concentration within the postsynaptic terminal. Nicoll has continued to study the mechanisms of LTP ever since, and has made many further contributions to the field. Nicoll has made many other important discoveries over the course of his career.