{12 Days: Tool 8} Pinterest Cheat Sheet Pinterest: ‘Eye Candy’ and So Much More! Pinterest, a social sharing website that allow users to create and share virtual bulletin boards, has been the darling of social media over the past year. Its primarily female user base continues to grow by leaps and bounds. While Pinterest is exploding with fashion boards, trendy home decor, and to-die-for travel destinations (that sadly don’t fit my budget), it also includes many boards for educators. If you’re a newbie to Pinterest, listed below are a few must-know terms and how-to’s . Pinterest: Pinning Basics Pinterest— a social media site that allows users to create and share virtual bulletin boards, or pinboards Pin— an image added to a pinboard. How Educators Use Pinterest Pinterest has been featured in numerous blog posts including TeachThought , Stephen’s Lighthouse , Cool Cat Teacher’s Blog , and many more. A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words This truism rings even more true on Pinterest. Convinced? Like this post? Kimberly
The 20 Best Pinterest Boards About Education Technology Pinterest is quickly becoming one of the biggest sources inspiration and innovation when it comes to cooking, design, and education. That’s right, education is a prominent fixture on Pinterest now and that, of course, means that education technology plays a starring role. In an effort to help curate the massive amount of Pinterest boards about education technology, you can use the following list as a jumping off point to start your Pinterest journey. The following boards are curated by teachers, admins, and other education enthusiasts. You’ll likely find some new blogs, tools, and ideas among them. After all, that’s what Pinterest is all about! Don’t forget to check out the Edudemic Pinterest board where you can keep track of all the stuff we’re up to. Patricia Brown : Patricia showcases a myriad of videos, articles, tutorials, and lots of other resources all about education technology. We want to see what YOU are pinning!
Pinterest, what’s the fuss? In the fast-paced world of Internet start-ups and social media companies Pinterest has been around for a couple of years already. It has however gained a lot of interest in the past few months after high profile names start using it, and a slightly dubious legal issue it needs to address (more later). But, what is Pinterest? Well … “Pinterest is a virtual pinboard to organize and share the things you love.” Does that make sense? I should know better than to turn to Wikipedia for help but this does explain it quite well – Pinterest is “a pinboard-styled social photo sharing website that is designed for users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests, hobbies and more.” You must first ask (and wait) for an invitation. Be Nice! Here is a great video introduction to Pinterest too: But what of the issue about copyright? Here’s another quote from the volume of stories about Pinterest – you can make your own mind up (as I am doing):
Cyberintimidation La cyberintimidation, c'est le fait de harceler une personne ou de tenir à son endroit des propos menaçants, haineux, injurieux ou dégradants, qu'ils soient illustrés ou écrits. Elle concerne également le fait d'harceler une personne. Les moyens employés sont nombreux : le courriel;les salons de clavardage (chat room); les groupes de discussion; les sites Web;les messageries instantanées. Malheureusement, les conséquences de l'intimidation pour les victimes sont variées, allant de la perte de l'estime de soi à la dépression et même, dans certains cas, au suicide. La cyberintimidation, pas aussi rare qu'on voudrait le croire 25 % des jeunes internautes disent avoir reçu par courriel des documents haineux sur d'autres personnes. 34 % des élèves de 9 à 17 ans affirment avoir été victimes d'intimidation ou de harcèlement sexuel au courant de l'année scolaire. De ce nombre, 27 % ont été victimes d'intimidation par Internet. Source: Réseau Éducation Média La cyberintimidation peut devenir criminelle
How Educators Are Using Pinterest for Showcasing, Curation Pinterest is the “in” site of 2012, and its phenomenal growth has sparked interest among millions of users. It’s also spread to journalism educators, who are increasingly experimenting with it in the classroom. The social network launched two years ago, but in recent months has drawn red-hot excitement for its unique visual, topic-based curation approach. While its 10 million users, especially women, are drawn to it almost obsessively, brands, media firms and news organizations have also planted flags on the network. Now J-school faculty are increasingly in on the act. From ‘mood boards’ to ‘survival boards’ One early adopter was University of Southern California’s Andrew Lih, who last October, long before he and many others knew the site would become a blockbuster, introduced it to online students in an entrepreneurial class to gather what he called a “mood board” for a project on public art. Aggregating images to share with students is an increasingly common classroom use for the tool. A.
La cyberintimidation : une étude exploratoire sur le point de vue des adolescents | Mathieu Bégin iii RÉSUMÉ.........................................................................................................................................iiREMERCIEMENTS......................................................................................................................viiLA CYBERINTIMIDATION : UNE NOUVELLE PRÉOCCUPATION......................................11 LE CADRE THÉORIQUE........................................................................................................5 Le développement de l’identité.................................................................................................5 L’image corporelle et l’apparence physique.............................................................................6 Établir des liens sociaux : facile pour certains, difficile pour d’autres.....................................6 Les relations d’amitié : effets positifs et effets indésirables.....................................................7
Social networking site "Pinterest" enhances student learning This week, many area teachers are back in classrooms. But as any educator will tell you, student achievement is on their mind all summer. As Waverly Shell Rock Community School District teachers explained, technology improvements are allowing them to share ideas year-round -- especially through popular social networking and sharing sites. About a year ago, many area teachers started taking notice, or "interest", in an emerging social network. Third grade teacher Sally Kittleson remembers, "Walking down the hall in our building, and seeing another teacher post a really cute idea that I'd never seen before. The answer -- Pinterest. "Once I found it I was an addict," said second grade teacher Sharon Chesnut. While many people use Pinterest to find recipes or plan a party, educators feel they've landed on a goldmine of information. "I wish I had the creativity of some of the people. The site goes far beyond ideas for decorating the classroom. "I think it's only beginning.
Trois élèves de Québec arrêtés pour complot pour meurtre Les réactions du monde scolaire Trois élèves de l'école Le Sommet à Québec accusés de complot pour meutre Trois élèves de l'école secondaire Le Sommet de l'arrondissement Charlesbourg à Québec devront faire face à la justice pour avoir proféré des menaces de mort. Selon le Service de police de la Ville de Québec (SPVQ), les deux garçons de 14 et 15 ans de même qu'une adolescente de 16 ans pourraient faire face à des accusations de complot pour meurtre. Les jeunes auraient publié des menaces de mort à l'endroit d'élèves et de membres du personnel de l'école sur les réseaux sociaux. « Ils avaient un plan très précis pour causer la mort de certaines personnes dans l'école », explique Catherine Viel du SPVQ. La direction de l'école a rapidement prévenu les policiers après avoir été informée des propos menaçants. Stupéfaction à l'école La direction de l'école s'est adressée aux élèves et au personnel de l'école jeudi pour les rassurer et les informer des événements.
Promoting Visual Literacy Visual literacy is a 21st Century Skill that requires students to interpret, use and create media in ways to encourage critical thinking, decision-making, communication and learning. With easy access to copyright-friendly digital images and a growing number of web 2.0 resources for manipulating them, it's certainly worth offering students the option of conveying a message visually. Let's take a closer look at one way to design effective learning experiences to promote visual literacy.It's always a good idea to start with an Essential Question to drive the learning experience. Students can work in pairs or individually to create images that answer the question visually, then all of the work can be published online for an engaging culminating activity to allow students to share knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of the whole.BigHugeLabs is a good web 2.0 resource to start with.
L'intimidation à l'école: des conséquences permanentes pour les victimes p3 Anxiété, absentéisme, trouble de la mémoire, dépression, l’intimidation à l'école a de graves conséquences sur les victimes. Pour certaines, les effets se feront sentir jusqu’à l’âge adulte. Pour en savoir plus sur l'intimidation Tel-Jeunes, ligne d'écoute: 1 800 263-2266 Non à l’intimidation, j’apprends à m’affirmer, Nancy Doyon, Éditions Midi trente, 2011, 112 pages. La réparation, Katia Gagnon, Éditions Boréal, 2011, 203 pages. Osti de fif! Violence entre enfants: casse-tête pour parents, Diane Prud'homme, Remue-ménage, 2008, 224 pages. Observatoire canadien pour la prévention de la violence à l'école Plan d'action pour prévenir et traiter la violence à l'école, ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport du Québec. Fondation Jasmin Roy American Psychological Association Références L'intimidation et la victimisation chez les enfants d'âge scolaire au Canada, Craig, W., Peters, R. et Konarski, R.. Bullies, Victims, and Bully/Victims: distinct groups of at-risk youth, Haynie, D.
Four Ways to Use Pinterest in Education It seems as though when one technology tool for the classroom is introduced, another one is waiting to make its debut! We’ve shared several 21st century tools with our readers; however, we have not acquainted you with a recent tool, Pinterest. Pinterest is an electronic bulletin board where users can “pin” images from around the web. These images are then categorized into various boards on the users’ profile. Pins are also shared and searchable, which makes Pinterest a wonderful resource for visual information. Lesson Plans- As briefly mentioned above, Pinterest is a superb visual resource full of pictures, videos, and website links. Pinterest can be a fun and exciting tool inside and outside the classroom. Is there a fifth way in which you would incorporate Pinterest into the classroom?
La communication en MST, un dossier L’intégration des TIC dans l’apprentissage des élèves peut se faire en exploitant diverses portes : robotique, applications de géométrie dynamique, balado, météo, logiciel de programmation, microscope numérique, etc. Un aspect des TIC qui est trop souvent oublié est le C, la communication. C’est pourquoi nous avons fouillé de ce côté pour offrir une autre porte intéressante pour l’intégration des TIC. Voici quelques textes qui tentent de présenter en quoi les TIC peuvent favoriser le développement des compétences en MST, en passant par la communication. Un billet sur les bases de la communication : Communication 101La compétence communiquer en MST décortiquée : La compétence communiquer en MSTUn apprenant en MST est gagnant à faire partie d’une communauté. Bonne lecture ! Pierre2