Pacific Domes International - Home - Pacific Domes International PAAF 2 le Retour Using 3D Printers To Generate Villages Of Houses Rome wasn't built in a day, but a village of 10 houses created out of 3D printed concrete parts has been constructed in just one day in Shanghai, China. And the even better news? Each one only cost around $5000. The company that built the structures, WinSun Decoration Design Engineering Co, spent years perfecting the system which allowed them to achieve this impressive feat. The material used to construct the parts is a mixture of high grade cement, recycled construction waste and industrial waste, which is then reinforced with glass fibers. The software used to design the parts also allows for the addition of things like plumbing and windows which can be added on after the building is erected. Although these buildings may not look like your traditional three bedroom home, they are hoped to provide a rapid and inexpensive housing solution for poverty-stricken or displaced individuals and families. Images via
20' Geodesic Dome Greenhouse Geodesic Domes are awesome. This Instructable will show you how I built a 20' dome for about $250, with the majority of that cost being the greenhouse plastic ($167 with shipping.) That's right, the structure itself cost less than $100! Buckminster Fuller wanted his dome houses to be cheap, quickly constructed, and portable. My purpose for building domes is the same as Bucky's: to save humanity from extinction. 1) They use far less material than a square building 2) They are much stronger, domes have withstood hurricanes and tornadoes, even a nuclear blast 3) They use less energy, the oft quoted amount is 30% less, but it goes up as the dome gets bigger I am submitting this as part of the "Win A Home Fabricator" contest. - bbq, low & slow, cuisson à la braise An Afternoon with the Handibot I’ve never been much of a woodworker. While I can design and plan woodworking projects, the finesse that woodworkers have with wood always amazes me. That’s why CNC machines have always fascinated me. A few years ago I even built my own. I would love to have a full size CNC machine, but for me as a tinkerer, it’s cost and space prohibitive. That’s why I was so excited to see ShopBot tools come out with the Handibot. The Handibot is a portable CNC machine that you can carry around and drop on top of the work piece that you want to cut. I’ve had a lot of fun cutting out all kinds of widgets with it in the few months that I’ve had it. First, I needed something to cut. Next, I had to prepare the files. To prepare files for cutting, you need to setup tool paths. This is my parts layout, you can see that this is a toolpath for a larger CNC machine, but since it’s divided into tiles I can cut one of them at a time, working my way over the workpiece. I had to cut 8 tiles across, and 4 tiles up.
Professional Dome Plans -- Building geodesic domes made easy. CorsicARMS 2 I Wood Geodome -- Geodesic design software Lotharingie Survivalisme CLICK-RAFT Geodesic Dome Calculator — Our geodesic dome calculator will calculate the length and number of struts for 2V, 3V, and 4V geodesic domes based on the specified radius. It's a useful tool for planning the size of your dome. Radius = 7 meters * Strut lengths are from vertex to vertex. When designing and building a dome strut lengths will have to be reduced if using connectors and will have to be increased if using bolts to connect flattened ends of pipe. To re-calculate the strut lengths enter a new value for the dome's Radius below. Numbers must be entered in decimal format, IE 10.5 feet, not 10 feet 6 inches. Use the pulldown menu to choose your units. For more information on our work with geodesic domes see: Construction of a Geodesic Dome How We Made Our Geodesic Dome Cover How To Assemble a Geodesic Dome Additional Online Resources Desert Domes - A fantastic online resource for dome builders and designers. Books about geodesic domes and alternative shelter:
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