Education: Lesson plans, tutorials & education resources
in Education
Seeing Math Elementary: Video Samples
Seeing Math™ Elementary: Video Seeing Math™ Elementary creates dynamic learning experiences centered on video case studies that depict experienced teachers at work with their students in classroom, small group and one-on-one situations. The video cases serve as objects of study, creating dynamic and authentic learning experiences that stimulate observation, analysis and reflection and shed light on student thinking about mathematics. Just as in "real life," the case studies present situations that are often ambiguous with no definite "right" or "wrong" solutions. Note: In order to view the following video, you must have QuickTime installed. Pan Balance Equations Grade range: 3 to 6 Audrey Soglin's 5th grade class manipulates concrete representations of equivalence, using pan balances to understand the nature of equations and operations on equations. Other video segments that complement case studies include: For access to complete case studies, please register here.
Khan Academy
Planet Stewards | Questing for the Future of Our Planet
ELI7012.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Get Revising
Phoenix Arising Aviation Academy | A non-profit organization providing experiential learning of math and science through aviationPhoenix Arising Aviation Academy
Pencil - a traditional 2D animation software
Project Gutenberg - free ebooks