The best anti smoking ads - Wall to Watch - StumbleUpon This is a collection of the most controversial and convincing anti smoking commercials. Share ‘Accountability’ és una paraula que hauríem de conèixer Accountability és un terme anglosaxó que vaig aprendre ja fa uns anys quan vaig estudiar les matrius RACI en gestió de projectes. Jo en dic “rendició de comptes” i no en conec cap traducció millor. Com veuràs, ‘Accountability’ és una paraula molt actual i que crec que hauríem d’incloure al nostre vocabulari, i potser així, aplicar-la més. Una matriu RACI no és res més que una taula d’assignació de responsabilitats per les diferents tasques que són activitats d’un projecte o servei. Responsible (R): És qui es responsabilitza de completar la tasca. La persona ‘Accountable’ (A) és la que reconeix i assumeix la responsabilitat final de les seves decisions. El concepte d’Accountability és molt útil en gestió de projectes i també s’aplica en governança política i pública. Fixa’t molt bé en la diferencia entre el Responsible (R) i l’Accountable (A). Per acabar crec que es podrien dir moltes coses, però prefereix-ho que les diguis tu.
The 5 Minute Guide To Cheap Startup Advertising The following is a guest post by Rob Walling. Rob Walling has been an entrepreneur for most of his life and is author of the book Start Small, Stay Small: A Developer's Guide to Launching a Startup. He also authors the top 20 startup blog Software By Rob, that's read by tens of thousands of startup entrepreneurs every month and he owns the leading ASP.NET invoicing software on the market in addition to a handful of profitable web properties. Imagine that you've just completed version 1 of your product and you're preparing for launch. The half-life of advertising traffic is zero. Strategy #1: Try to Get Permission Seriously consider offering something in exchange for a visitor's email address. Strategy #2: Use Advertising to Test Use advertising as a testing tool rather than a long-term stream of customers. Option #1: Niche Advertising As a startup, there are hundreds of general advertising options available, and thousands more niche opportunities. Option #2: Google AdWords Option #5: Reddit
No Solo Usabilidad : Revista de Diseño Web Centrado en el Usuario Designing a good advert For the purposes of this article, 'advertising' covers all one way communications with the consumer. This include advertising via internet banners, magazines, newspapers, radio, TV, billboards, and the multitude of other media available as advertising space. Designing a good advert can mean the difference between success and failure and is worth investing in. Understand your customer Getting to know your customer is vital to designing a successful advert. Use market research to divide the consumer into relevant customer groups, then target them effectively and in as fine a resolution as you can mange using media that they will come into contact with. Related article - Promotional strategy: segmentation Treat the customer with respect - golden rules Most consumers are wary about advertising - they come into contact with it every day, regard it as intrusive and are skeptical of marketing messages. Don't use false or outrageous claims. Attracting attention - how to write a good headline
Plantilla para hacer análisis heurísticos de usabilidad Llevo varias semanas pensando en llegar a este día, la verdad. Y es que después de hacer muchos análisis heurísticos de usabilidad, he completado la despersonalización de una plantilla que utilizo en mi trabajo habitual para realizar este tipo de evaluaciones, para ponerla a disposición de quien la quiera utilizar. Foto de Sarah Brooks ¿Qué es un análisis heurístico? Pues para quien no lo sepa, un análisis heurístico es, según dice Eduardo Manchón en Evaluación heurística (o por expertos) de la usabilidad: La evaluación heúrística por criterios es la realizada por evaluadores especializados a partir de principios establecidos por la disciplina de la IPO/HCI. Esta evaluación detecta aproximadamente el 42% de los problemas graves de diseño y el 32% de los problemas menores, dependiendo del número de evaluadores que revisen el sitio. El resultado es un documento que a modo de plantilla puede ser una buena herramienta de trabajo para emprender este tipo de análisis.
Why Not Ad Retargeting? The business case for ad retargeting is intuitive: if someone looks at an item but doesn’t buy, follow up later to see if he or she might still be interested. Yet the online version of this concept has never really taken off. A study last year by the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) found it to be one of the most under-utilized forms of online marketing technology. 1,046% Lift New figures from comScore and ValueClick may spur marketers to try out the technology: The study, which measured the relative effectiveness of six major online targeting strategies: audience targeting, contextual targeting efficiency pricing, premium pricing run-of-network and retargeting, found the latter to offer the most lift – at a whopping 1,046%. Certainly there is anecdotal evidence available to support these findings. Vendors Jump In Yahoo is not the only vendor to have revived its offerings in this product category. Banner Blindness
Brain Storm! Portraits from Creative Week 2012 Noah Robischon, executive editor, 'Fast Company' To celebrate Creative Week, a steady parade of thinkers and doers sounded off on the process of turning ideas into realities. We lured some of the speakers (and a few attendees) into our studio, to get their quickest visual takes on brainstorming—with courtesy protection against clouded thinking. Click below to view the Gallery (watch this space for updates!): Day One Day Two Day Three The Psychology of Consumerism This is a guest post from David M. Carter, a graduate of the master of applied positive psychology program at the University of Pennsylvania, and the first graduate of the program to emphasize the inherent link between increased well-being and sustainable consumption. A recent story in my local newspaper dealt with a sad-case family. The newspaper story addressed how this family is dealing with a lot of deep-seated issues. Consumerism can be a devastating psychological addiction that saps our financial resources, well-being, and hope. Unknowing VictimsJuliet Schor, a leading scholar on the culture of consumerism in the U.S., recently said that we have reached a critical point in our culture: The average American woman now buys more than 52 items of new clothing each year — more than one per week. Many continue to believe that it’s not possible for them to become brainwashed without their knowledge. It’s true this may help reduce exposure to the lure of market materialism.
AgencySpy - Inside Your Agency. Deep Inside Bicoastal Arcade Edit has strengthened its roster with the addition of editors Jen Dean and Mark Paiva. Dean joins Arcade Edit from Whitehouse Post, where since 2011 she has honed her skills for brands including Google, New York Times, Cotton, BMW, TJ Maxx and Sprint. She began her commercial editing career under Hank Corwin (Natural Born Killers, Tree of Life) at Lost Planet, where spent almost 12 years. Dean discovered her love of film while studying under legendary experimental filmmaker Stan Brakhage at the University of Colorado. Paiva joins Arcade Edit with over 10 years of experience. “Mark is able to visualize the possibilities of a project from the early stages of pre-production to the finished product, and his collaborative nature has attracted a large client base that looks forward to sitting with him in an editing suite and exploring new creative solutions,” said Arcade Edit partner and executive producer, Sila Soyer.
The Ad Contrarian Digital Agency London and Liverpool > iPhone and Android App Development, Smartphone Apps, Social Media Campaigns Most creative and interesting advertisements for 2011 It is always said that first impression is the best impression so to grab public attention towards their products the agencies and the large conglomerates stick to the creative advertisements. These advertisement techniques and unique idea helps you to spread your product or services successfully. Whether the ad is about cars, cool drinks, electronics anything which you think off; with its hilarious and creative ideas will either impress you or makes you look twice. We will take you to an excursion into the world of stunning creative ads enjoy! About the author
Clever Uses of Stickers in Advertising Creative uses of stickers in advertising campaigns by various companies. Food Tray Sticker Fun stickers were placed on meal trays on-board selected Malaysia Airlines flights making the captive audience “feel” their next holiday. [link] Lay’s Ceiling Stickers Passersby in Chicago’s Jackson Tunnel were greeted with an overhead installation of potatoes breaking through the ceiling tiles, along with a clever message: “Our potatoes are grown closer than you may think.” Surfboard Sticker Cool surfboard shaped floor stickers were placed on moving walkways to promote Demolicion extreme sport magazine. Ski Lift Floor Sticker While people were waiting for boarding, clever floor stickers gave them an impression of what their next vacation could be like. Sumo Wrestler Sticker Life-sized stickers of a sumo wrestler were placed on doors in Bangkok to demonstrate that Meiji milk makes you stronger. Glow in the Dark Stickers Beer Door Handle Sticker Apple Store Window Sticker Anti Smoking Stickers Egg Stickers