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How to Make an Orca (Shachi) from a Plastic Straw: 12 steps

Edited by TOHGIN minako, Krystle, Flickety, Eric and 12 others You might not think you could create a creature as powerful as the 鯱 (pronounced "shachi," which means "killer whale," or "orca" in Japanese) out of a plastic straw, but you can. Follow along with this step-by-step guide to make your own delicate orca. Ad Steps 1Note the terminology applying to each piece of the straw. 12 Add eyes. Tips When you're pinching the straw and cutting it into thin sticks, consider using safety scissors.

6 secrets I learned at makeup artist school - StumbleUpon total-beauty TODAY Style TODAY Jan. 12, 2012 at 9:50 AM ET / By Sharon Yi, You could say that I have a love/hate relationship with makeup. But then there are those days when my liner refuses to go on straight, my bronzer makes me look like an Asian Snookie, or my lashes refuse to curl. I had one of those days last week, and after walking into work wearing two very different winged tips on my eyes, my editor assigned me a new story: Go to makeup school and write about it. Want to see the best techniques I picked up without spending the thousands of dollars (and crazy amount of time) it takes to go to makeup school yourself? Lesson No. 1: Spend some bucks on your tools At Napoleon Perdis' Makeup Academy in Hollywood, Rebecca Prior, NP's National Educator, begins the first lesson by introducing us to our tools. Here are the eight basic brushes you need: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Once you have your tools, you need to know how to hold them.

12 Items a Lady Should Keep in Her Purse- MotorCity Moxie - StumbleUpon Several years ago, I enjoyed purse shopping. I stayed with the fashionable handbags, purses, pocket-books or whatever you like to call it. As of late, purses have become burdensome. I do carry pursues. Baby wipes-These come in handy not only after a tinkle, but also to do a quick wipe down in the ladies room.Perfume-Not the entire bottle, just an aspirator will do. Fully charged phone- Keeping the phone charged is necessary in case of an emergency. What items do keep in your purse at all times? Get The Moxie Manifesto Your weekly To-Do Tactics to help you BE GOOD, LOOK GOOD and DO BETTER! It's free! I respect your email privacy.

5 Reasons Life Actually Does Get Better In the last year you've probably heard "It gets better" used as a motto to encourage gay teens who've been the victims of bullying. This is not a rebuttal of that, because I am not an asshole. What I do want to do is expand that message to everyone that age, whether you have a bully problem or not. I figure it's time, as I tend to write about dark and often brutally depressing subjects, like how I was a smoldering drunk for over half of my life and how much my parents sucked at being parents. So, as a man with a truly shitty past, let me say that it's not just a slogan. The Money Situation Will Improve (Even if it Doesn't) I'm not saying you'll be rich when you grow up. My girlfriend and I recently broke into the middle class after years of living one paycheck away from homelessness. GettyAbove, a stray one scouts the wild for its next victim. As a kid, you just have to sit back and take it, not fully understanding why you're living the way you are. Getty Photos.comSure, you'll do. Why?
