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Listen, learn and teach English for elementary and pre-intermediate English learners

Listen, learn and teach English for elementary and pre-intermediate English learners
There are more vocabulary activities related to these podcasts on the 'extras' page. 125 Iceland: the land of fire and ice. Listen to some amazing things about Iceland, including their football team of course!(30 Jun 16) ► Download (1.8MB, 3min 41sec) ► Transcript ► Worksheet & Answers► Vocabulary tasks Watch some of the many things you can see and do in Iceland: ◼ Stop video 124 Breakfast. ► Download (1.5MB, 3min 04sec) ► Transcript ► Worksheet & Answers► Vocabulary tasks 123 Chalk and cheese. ► Download (1.5MB, 3min 05sec) ► Transcript ► Worksheet & Answers► Vocabulary tasks This podcast goes with this pie video: 122 Chinese New Year. ► Download (1.62MB, 3min 33sec) ► Transcript► Worksheet & Answers► Vocabulary tasks Chinese New Year in London's Chinatown (in the rain of course 121 Toys, toys, toys. ► Download (1.62MB, 3min 33sec) ► Transcript► Worksheet & Answers► Vocabulary tasks This is how to wrap your presents simply and beautifully: 120 City life. 119 The delivery van. 117 Why yoga? Related:  Ingles General

Dilo en Ingles – Aprender ingles online. Estudiar ingles online. Aprender con clases de ingles online. Stative and Dynamic Verbs Verbs in English can be classified into two categories: stative verbs and dynamic verbs. Dynamic verbs (sometimes referred to as "action verbs") usually describe actions we can take, or things that happen; stative verbs usually refer to a state or condition which is not changing or likely to change. The difference is important, because stative verbs cannot normally be used in the continuous (BE + ING) forms. This will explain the differences between the two types of verb, and give lots of examples of each kind. Dynamic verbs There are many types of dynamic verbs, but most of them describe activities or events which can begin and finish. Dynamic verbs, as you can see from the table above, can be used in the simple and perfect forms (plays, played, has played, had played) as well as the continuous or progressive forms (is playing, was playing, has been playing, had been playing). Stative verbs Stative verbs usually refer to a state or condition which is quite static or unchanging.

DiloenIngles ¡Bienvenidos al canal de DILO EN INGLÉS! Aquí te damos clases de inglés (pronunciación, gramática, vocabulario) usando nuestro toque personal, con mucha diversión y buena onda. Subimos nuestros videos 4 veces a la semana. Suscríbete para no perder ninguna clase. **Lunes: Messy Mondays - de todo un poco; vocabulario, frases utiles, QR, etc. **Martes: Structures Tuesday - clases de estructura gramatical en inglés, simples y fáciles de entender **Jueves: Pronunciation Thursdays - clases y ejercicios de pronunciación para que hables cada día mejor **Viernes: Phrasal Verb Fridays - nada mas que frases verbales en inglés porque nunca sobran las explicaciones para este tipo de frase ====================SIGANNOS Y CONTACTENOS aquí también: :::Facebook::: :::Tumblr::: :::Twitter::: :::Nuestro Sitio::: :::Google Plus:::

Code - Open Blog Children's Books: Reading Time What kinds of books do children like to read? Where can you find cheap or discount books? Do you buy books at a bookstore or at an online bookstore? Listen to the conversation by pressing the "Play" button and answer the questions. [ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ] Listen to the conversation again as you read the Quiz Script. What are the benefits of reading to children, either in their native or second language? Reading is a popular activity. Want to Tell People About This Listening Activity? Please write your opinions on a similar topic at Randall's ESL Blog HERE. Randall's Sites: Daily ESL | ESL Blog | EZSlang | Train Your Accent | Tips For Students | Hiking In Utah

English to French, Italian, German & Spanish Dictionary All Things Topics - Home Conectores Condicionales en Inglés If you can't see the Babylon translation box, use this link for <a href=" or this one for <a href=" Descárgalo gratis aquí Son aquellos que indican condición para la realización de algo. Algunos de ellos son: if, whether, unless, provided, as long as, in case, in case of. if - si whether - siunless - a menos queprovided / providing - siempre que, mientras as long as - siempre que, mientras in case - en caso de que if - si <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" width="100" height="20"><param name="movie" value="/audio/mediaplayer.swf" /><param name="flashvars" value="file=/audio/resources/connectors/connectors-conditional.02.mp3" /></object> If I see him, I'll give him the message. whether - si unless - a menos que provided / providing - siempre que, mientras as long as - siempre que, mientras in case - en caso de que Want to learn English with other people?

BBC Learning English - Course: shakespeare / Unit 1 / Session 23 / Activity 1 5 ESL Emergency Lessons Picture this: It’s 8am Monday morning, you’re fast asleep, snuggled in your duvet, enjoying a rare day off. Life is wonderful! Suddenly you are jolted back into reality by a phone call…from work… asking you to sub a class in 30 minutes. I’m sure this has happened to everyone and I’m sure you remember the panic it causes trying to plan a lesson, brush your teeth and get dressed instantaneously. Well fear not, here are 5 ESL emergency lessons that don’t require any prep or photocopying, that you can use in just these instances. I adapted this idea from a seminar by Michael Swan and have used it many times in class successfully. Draw a picture frame on the board. Ask students to describe the picture inside (there is none, they must use their imagination). Once the students have come up with a full description of the picture ask them to recap and then put them into small groups. In groups, students write a creative story about the picture. What are you going to do tonight?

The full transcript of Michelle Obama's powerful New Hampshire speech | US news My goodness! You guys are fired up! Well, let me just say hello everyone. I am so thrilled to be here with you all today in New Hampshire. This is like home to me, and this day – thank you for a beautiful fall day. Let me start by thanking your fabulous governor, your next US senator, Maggie Hassan. And, of course, thanks to all of you for taking the time to be here today. Audience member: We love you! Thanks so much. So I’m going to get a little serious here, because I think we can all agree that this has been a rough week in an already rough election. See, on Tuesday, at the White House, we celebrated the International Day of the Girl and Let Girls Learn, and it was a wonderful celebration. So I thought it would be important to remind these young women how valuable and precious they are. And I have to tell you that I can’t stop thinking about this. This is not something that we can ignore. And to make matters worse, it now seems very clear that this isn’t an isolated incident.

Fall in Love with This Teacher’s Text-Marking Activity | Scope Ideabook Editor’s Note: Kim O’Bray’s colorful text marking activity is a key part of her close-reading process. Students engage deeply with the text by using colored pencils to mark everything from figurative language and unfamiliar vocabulary to central ideas and text structures. I really like this text-marking approach because it gets everyone on the same page and encourages students to ask questions and make their own connections. What you’ll need: Any Scope nonfiction article. Key skills:finding text evidence, central ideas, text structure, figurative language, vocabulary, synthesizing, summarizing Time:Three, 45-minute class periods Day 1: Preview and summarize Preview the vocabulary that appears in the article by distributing the vocabulary words and definitions handout. Set a purpose for reading. Have students read the text for the first time, either as a class or independently. Have students summarize the text and share it with a partner verbally. Day 2: Text mark and discuss
