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Как правильно Desktop Application | Xerox Business of Your Brain Brought to you by the minds at Xerox, Business of Your Brain® is a desktop app that analyzes your cerebral cortex (well, actually your Microsoft Outlook) to provide a snapshot of the things standing between you and your mind's ability to focus on real business. Examining your email, contacts, calendar of events and even the vocabulary you use, Business of Your Brain® highlights potential distractions including: Total time spent in meetings "Urgent" matters (that probably aren't) Long-winded emails and the people who send them Any and all mention of "Fantasy Football" Business of Your Brain® is for Microsoft Windows only (at least for now). With Xerox, you are ready for real business.

20 Must-See Business TED Talks Every year, today’s greatest thinkers gather at various TED (Technology Entertainment and Design) conferences around the world. Their talks, which you can find on TED’s website, are often insightful, educational, and fascinating. As a TED junkie, I decided to compile 20 of the best business talks in the conference’s history. Each talk offers insights either into a business leader’s mind, or into concepts that will change the way you think about business and the economy. (If you have any favorites not included on this list, please mention them in the comments below.) 20. Hotel owner Chip Conley talks about adapting Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to a business model based on happiness. 19. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos offers a fun, visual lesson on how people behaved during the gold rush, and how the dot-com story almost exactly reflected that behavior. 18. Author and WIRED editor-in-chief Chris Anderson talks about the four stages that a technology needs to go through to become viable. 17. 16. 15.

Darknet - The Darkside | Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing & Computer Security The Story of Stuff 9 Tactics for Rapid Learning (That Most People Have Never Heard Of) Whenever the subject of why some people learn faster comes up, I get a whole host of common answers: Some people are just naturally smart. (Often implying you can’t improve)Everyone is “smart” in their own way. (Nonsense, research indicates different “intelligences” often correlate)IQ is all in the genes. There may be some truth to these claims. Considering the upcoming launch of my rapid learning program, I wanted to share my favorite tactics to learn faster, retain information better or just enjoy the process of learning more: #1 – Pegging (or How Mental Magicians can Perfectly Recall Hundreds of Numbers) One of my favorite learning tactics, that is rarely mentioned, is pegging. The systems I’ve seen typically work with a special cheat sheet. From there, you can translate any series of numbers into a series of letters. Then, once you have your string of nouns, you just need to create a story that combines each of the nouns in a sequence. If you want to speed read, the basics are:

Three More External USB 3.0 Drives Benchmarked : Which SuperSpeed USB Drive Is Right For You? Another trio of SuperSpeed USB 3.0 drives landed in our German lab recently. As some of the contenders we've benchmarked underperform compared to our expectations, it’s quite clear that hard drive speed matters again, now that we've moved beyond USB 2.0. An increasing number of USB 3.0 storage products are hitting the market, and competition is driving prices in a favorable direction. Is this the time to upgrade to external SuperSpeed storage? There’s one big reason why USB 3.0 is important: it removes the predominant storage bottleneck for external and portable devices by providing roughly ten times more throughput than USB 2.0. USB 3.0 Is Not Mainstream…Yet! Although SuperSpeed USB 3.0 is backward compatible with USB 2.0, the industry has not yet integrated the faster 5 Gb/s controllers into mainstream chipsets. USB 3.0 Controllers to the Rescue

TOP 100 SCIENCE SITES SORTED BY POPULARITY 50 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power | 4 Mind 4 Life: Mental Health Tips 1) Meditate — Meditation has been known to increase IQ, relieve stress, and promotes higher levels of brain functioning. Meditation also activates the “prefrontal cortex” of the brain, an area responsible for advanced thinking ability and performance. 2) Draw A Picture — Drawing stimulates the right-hemisphere of the brain and inspires creativity. 3) Exercise — Long-term exercise has been proven to increase brain power and even create new neurons in the brain. 4) Brainwave Entrainment — Brainwave entrainment is a safe, innovative way to stimulate and shape the brain and it’s functioning. 5) Avoid Junk Food — Junk food has been proven to decrease energy in the body and promotes “brain fog.” 6) Deep Breathing — Deep breathing actually increases oxygen levels and blood-flow to the brain. 10-15 minutes of daily deep breathing can make a huge difference in the quality of your life and brain’s functioning potential. 18) Avoid Stress — A little bit of stress will never hurt anybody.

me n bro Учёные предрекли Солнцу скорый глубокий сон С Солнцем происходят серьёзные перемены, механизм которых до конца не ясен даже гелиофизикам. Похоже, что наше родное светило готово надолго «залечь в спячку». Только несколько дней назад мы стали свидетелями впечатляющего коронального выброса. Однако, несмотря на это проявление активности, в целом настроение у Солнца сейчас довольно «ленивое», а в ближайшие годы его состояние окажется и вовсе «летаргическим». Таков вывод исследований, результаты которых были представлены 14 июня в Нью-Мексико на конференции отделения гелиофизики Американского астрономического общества (Solar Physics Division). Сразу три научные работы, рассмотревшие различные процессы в недрах звезды, привели специалистов к выводу, что следующий цикл солнечной активности будет необычайно слабым, задержится во времени и, быть может, даже не состоится вовсе. И действительно, ещё до начала текущего 24 цикла характер крутильных колебаний верно предсказал запоздавшее его наступление и общую слабость. солнечная активность

Hacking Knowledge: 77 Ways to Learn Faster, Deeper, and Better If someone granted you one wish, what do you imagine you would want out of life that you haven’t gotten yet? For many people, it would be self-improvement and knowledge. Newcounter knowledge is the backbone of society’s progress. Great thinkers such as Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, and others’ quests for knowledge have led society to many of the marvels we enjoy today. Your quest for knowledge doesn’t have to be as Earth-changing as Einstein’s, but it can be an important part of your life, leading to a new job, better pay, a new hobby, or simply knowledge for knowledge’s sake — whatever is important to you as an end goal. Life-changing knowledge does typically require advanced learning techniques. Health Shake a leg. Balance Sleep on it. Perspective and Focus Change your focus, part 2. Recall Techniques Listen to music. Visual Aids Every picture tells a story. Verbal and Auditory Techniques Stimulate ideas. Kinesthetic Techniques Write, don’t type.

100 Amazing How-To Sites to Teach Yourself Anything Posted by Site Administrator in Online Learning May 7th, 2009 Learning new skills and expanding your knowledge doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. There are loads of free resources on the Web that can help you find instructional videos, tutorials and classes to learn a wide variety of skills from fixing basic car problems to speaking another language. General Tutorials These sites offer a wide range of tutorials and videos. Around the House Want to know how to fix that broken cabinet or hang up some great wallpaper? Business and Management If you feel like you’re seriously lacking on business and management skills at work, no need to worry. KnowThis? Language and Writing Those who want to learn a new language, improve their writing skills or just learn more about literature will be well-served by these instructional sites. Technology These tech-focused sites offer help to both technophiles and beginners alike. actDEN: Never learned how to use Microsoft Excel? Math S.O.S. Science Creativity
