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The Donella Meadows Institute

The Donella Meadows Institute

40 years “LIMITS TO GROWTH” Limits to Growth is a study about the future of our planet. On behalf of the Club of Rome, Donnella Meadows, Dennis Meadows, Jorgen Randers and their team worked on systems analysis at Jay W. Forrester’s institute at MIT. Most scenarios resulted in an ongoing growth of population and of the economy until to a turning point around 2030. Peak Oil "We must leave oil before it leaves us" Fatih Birol, Chief Economist EIA, 2008 Peak Oil represents the point in time when roughly half of the ultimate available oil has already been used. Are there Limits to Growth? Webcast of Ian Johnson's speech "Limits to Growth - A Re-assessment" in the Seminar Series 2011 - "Is the Planet Full?" Model the Future International Futures - a modeling system International Futures (IFs) is a large-scale, long-term, integrated global modeling system. What was the message of Limits to Growth by Jorgen Randers, one of the authors of "Limits to Growth" Read or download print version [...] read more In 2000, Matthew R.

Terre à terre, les archives Passeur de sciences | Petites et grandes nouvelles dans l'actualité des sciences et de l'environnement Le Blog d'Olivier Berruyer sur les crises actuelles Oil Man | Chroniques du début de la fin du pétrole, par Matthieu Auzanneau

Unité mixte de recherche Ecologie de Biogéochimie des Sols et Agro-systèmes - CoffeeFlux Measuring and modelling water, sediment and carbon Ecosystem Services in an agroforestry coffee watershed (Costa Rica) Aims and "Philosophy" of the CAFNET/Coffee-Flux Project "Coffee-flux” is a platform where collaborative research on coffee agroforestry is promoted: data are being shared between collaborators and positive interactions are enhanced. The philosophy is to concentrate several investigations on one specific site and for several years, to share a useful common experimental database, to develop modelling and to publish results in highly-ranked scientific journals. Partners, sponsors and networks Coffee-flux was launched in December 2009 in Costa Rica by Cirad, CATIE , Agroforestery systems with perennial crops PCP and the Aquiares farm. Coffee-Flux is a contributor of FLUXNET and became an Observatory within the European and french TGIR SOERE F-ORE-T network in early 2011. Site and infrastructure description Monitoring of Environmental Services Hydrological service: Carbon service:

SAFSE - Recherche de compromis entre productions et services écosystémiques fournis par les systèmes agroforestiers tropicaux Carnegie Airborne Observatory Le blog de Pierre Larrouturou Reprise] Goodbye Hollande !, par Emmanuel Todd EXCELLENT article d’Emmanuel Todd, qui est pour moi un des 2 ou 3 meilleurs analystes de la Crise actuelle. Propos sans langue de bois sur l’Allemagne – le nouveau tabou, apparemment… Je serais un tout petit peu moins dur sur la forme, en insistant sur le fait qu’il souligne bien la prééminence du “patronat allemand”, en le différenciant bien du peuple allemand. Tout comme nous différencions bien les visées du patronat bancaire français avec le peuple français. Il est évident que les peuples français et allemand sont très différents ; mais il nous faut être les meilleurs amis du monde, et c’est parfaitement possible et fort agréable ; mais il est illusoire et, pire, suicidaire, de tenter de les forcer à fusionner, cela finira mal, et cela a déjà commencé… J’y reviendrai demain. Un an après l’élection présidentielle, l’intellectuel, coauteur du « Mystère français » dresse pour Marianne un bilan des espoirs trahis. Entretien avec Aude Lancelin et Laurent Neumann pour Marianne .

Economie et crise aux USA Berkeley - Biometeorology Lab Welcome to the Berkeley Biometeorology Lab Web site. Biometeorology is a field that explores the interactions between life and its surrounding environment. Biometeorology is instrumental in providing information that is of use to biogeoscientists, atmospheric scientists, remote sensing scientists, hydrologists and ecologists who are working on problems associated with: 1) the carbon, water, and nitrogen cycles; 2) the prediction of weather and climate; 3) the chemical state of the atmosphere and 4) the structure, function and dynamics of ecosystems. Most of these problems rely on quantifying and predicting fluxes of trace gases and energy between vegetated canopies and the atmosphere or assess the state conditions of the air, leaves and soil. Stated otherwise, predictions stemming from biogeoscience models are most accurate when they consider biometeorological theory and translate governing weather information of the region to the state or condition of the leaf and soil.

Blog de Yoananda | Petit anti-manuel de la pensée unique, pour lire entre les lignes Europe2020
