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4 Secrets of Great Critical Thinkers

4 Secrets of Great Critical Thinkers
In 2009, J D Wetherspoon, a chain of more than 800 pubs in the UK, was facing declining sales. Demand for beer had been down for five years. In addition, pricing pressure from super market chains was intense, and higher alcohol taxes further squeezed its already tight margins. What would you say is the company's real business problem? Most people see it as a sales problem and recommend better marketing and promotion. The strategy worked. If you fail to do this, you risk solving the wrong problem. Ironically, the more experience you have, the harder it will to break from conventional mindsets. In his book Thinking, Fast and Slow, Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman attributes shallow framing to people substituting easy questions for hard ones. 1. 2. 3. 4. This article was co-authored with John Austin and is second of in a series examining the key components of strategic aptitude: anticipating, thinking critically, interpreting, deciding, aligning, learning.

The Persistence of Vision @ LeadershipNow I Think, Therefore I See Biologists tells us that the eye does not function to replicate the world we come into contact with, but instead to sense, process and encode the motion, patterns and colors of the light we see into something our minds will interpret. Our minds interpret the data given to us by our eyes in connection with all of the other organs that respond to our environment. It combines this new data with similar information it has already stored in our memories. As a result, no two people see anything exactly alike. Now the default setting that our mind comes with, operates in much the same way. Call it a persistence of thought. Just as what we see is governed by what we think, so what we perceive as real—our feelings, thoughts and assumptions—is based on what we think is real. Our mind is constantly trying to make sense of our world. Self-validating Illusions Additionally, it can cause us to be rigid and un-teachable thus impeding our growth and the growth of others. U.S.

Expert Political Judgment: How Good Is It? How Can We Know? - Philip E. Tetlock Six tactics of natural leaders In this week's Leadership Blog, our coach John M McKee shares six tactics you can use to move up the ladder more quickly. Ever notice that some people seem to be "natural leaders"? For them, leadership is like wearing clothes that were custom-made. But most people struggle with the role of leader. Natural leaders share a secret: They recognize that they need to adjust every time they get new assignments or additional responsibilities. Here are six tactics you can use to improve your career success while building a reputation as a "natural leader": 1. Here's to your future! John Executive leadership coach

Talouden käyttäytymistiede Daniel Kahneman on ensimmäinen psykologi, joka on saanut taloustieteen Nobel-palkinnon. Kahnemanin opeista on hyötyä myös sijoittajalle, sillä sijoittaminen on myös psykologiaa. Ihminen ei ole niin rationaalinen kuin mitä taloustieteessä opetetaan, sanoo behaviorismin oppi-isä Daniel Kahneman. Juttusarja Klassikkoja ja löytöjä -juttusarjassa esitellään talouteen liittyviä kirjauutuuksia sekä klassikoita, joista sijoittajat ovat ammentaneet oivalluksia jo vuosikymmeniä. Sarjassa aikaisemmin on julkaistu arviot seuraavista kirjoista: Moni viime vuosien bestseller-tietokirja sivuaa tavalla tai toisella käyttäytymistieteellistä eli behavioristista taloustiedettä. Daniel Kahnemania voi kuitenkin pitää behaviorismin pioneerina ja yhtenä aikamme merkittävimpänä psykologina. Behavioristit kyseenalaistavat taloustieteen perusolettamuksen ihmisen rationaalisuudesta. Kahneman ottaa yksinkertaisen esimerkin: ”Maila ja pallo maksavat yhteensä yhden dollarin ja kymmenen senttiä. Ajattelemme laiskasti

Please, Make a Decision Over lunch, Jacob and Marilyn discussed some of the frustrations they were experiencing on one of their current projects. Jacob was a business analyst on the project and Marilyn was the subject matter expert. Jacob turned to Marilyn and said to her, “If you could say just one thing to Tom our project manager, what would it be?” Without hesitation Marilyn replied, “Please, make a decision.” Unfortunately Jacob and Marilyn both viewed Tom as wishy-washy. When the project was just beginning, team members would ask for clarification with regard to who should help with certain parts of the project or whether or not they should work overtime if they were late with a deliverable or what to do if they had a conflict between this project and their other assignments. Eventually the team stopped asking Tom questions that required any type of decision making. By not exhibiting decision making skills, Tom lost control of the team. The team needed to see Tom make decisions.

Poliittisen päätöksenteon arviointi | The Ulkopolitist Ennustaminen kansainvälisessä politiikassa on tunnetun hankalaa. Tämä ei kuitenkaan ole estänyt esim. Paavo Väyrystä (Euroopan kahtiajaon pysyvyys, Neuvostoliiton jatkuvuus), lukuisia Pohjois-Korean asiantuntijoita, Bernard Lewisiä (irakilaisten suhtautuminen amerikkalaisten miehitykseen) ja lukuisia muita. Yhteistä näille henkilöille on väärä positiivinen (jokin tulee tapahtumaan) ennustus, joka nyttemmin näyttäytyy lähinnä koomisessa valossa. Väyrystä on juuri kenenkään, varsinkaan kansainvälisillä kentillä, vaikeaa ottaa tosisaan asiantuntijana – sen sijaan pyongjangologien ja Lewisin ajatukset ovat joillekin, poliittisia päätöksiäkin tekeville, vielä käypää valuuttaa. Entä mikä sitten on Tetlockin tutkimustuloksistaan vetämä johtopäätös? Philip E. Tykkää tästä: Tykkää Lataa...

For Great Leadership, Clear Your Head - Joshua Ehrlich by Joshua Ehrlich | 10:17 AM September 14, 2011 Getting stuff done is overrated. Knowing where you are going and how to get there — strategy — is everything. But many managers still spend too much time doing and not enough time thinking. Your first challenge is learning how to stop the action. But focusing and thinking about the big picture are not as simple as blocking out time and turning off your devices. I once coached an executive who was a high potential on the fast track, with tremendous charisma, drive, and analytical skills. Remove the obstacles. Quiet the noise. Percolate. Clarify your message. Keep reflecting and adjusting. Staying focused on the big picture in your business is no easy task, but increased mindfulness and reflection can help you to convey and execute your leadership strategy.

one-mans-war-on-clich233s-does-what-it-says-on-the-tin-2297084 It was a passing remark, about a BBC television report about when British troops might return from Afghanistan, but it prompted enough comments for me to return to the subject and outlaw other verbiage. There was no list of Prohibited Clichés when I started, but within days the Banned List had become an established theme on the blog. Each time I returned to it, readers added their own suggestions of jargon, vogue words and over-used phrases that annoyed them. It turns out that pedantry is popular. Three years later, there is a list of the top 100 banned words and phrases on The Independent's website, at, and the feature is popular on Twitter. Normally, though, politicians are the worst offenders. The Prime Minister's speech on NHS reform last week was a shocker for clichés: "pillar to post; in the driving seat; frontline; level playing field; cherry picking; one-size-fits-all; reinvent the wheel; let me be absolutely clear; no ifs or buts". 1.

Leadership and Change Research Bloomberg news anchor Betty Liu, author of 'Work Smarts: What CEOs Say You Need to Know to Get Ahead,' shares what she learned about career success from speaking with CEOs[…] Good Managers Lead Through a Team - Linda Hill & Kent Lineback We consider the ability to manage a team so important that, in a recent book, we made it one of the “3 Imperatives for Becoming a Great Leader:” Manage Your Team — the first imperative — is about creating a real team and managing through it. For the record, the other two imperatives are Manage Yourself — which is about building relationships based on trust, not authority — and Manage Your Network, which is about connecting and collaborating with those you don’t control. “Manage your team” might seem clear and straightforward. Yet when we talk about it, we often find it’s not an intuitive concept for many managers and for some it even cuts against the grain of what they think they should do as bosses. Perhaps the easiest way to explain the problem, as we’ve come to understand it, is through the phrase we used above — manage “through the team.” Every group is not a team. Teams are more productive and innovative than mere work groups. A mutual sense of purpose.

13 ways to tell if you’re a “bully” project manager | Ward Wired Your next project manager? Are you a bully? Do you bully your teammates, vendors and weaker stakeholders? Most bullies don't even know that they are one. Well, to find out, see if the 13 statements below describe you. By the way, I recall on a trip to Australia that my colleague there said that “bullying” is actually against the law which I found very interesting. zp8497586rq
