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Content Curators Are The New Superheros Of The Web

Content Curators Are The New Superheros Of The Web
Yesterday, the ever-churning machine that is the Internet pumped out more unfiltered digital data. Yesterday, 250 million photos were uploaded to Facebook, 864,000 hours of video were uploaded to YouTube, and 294 BILLION emails were sent. And that's not counting all the check-ins, friend requests, Yelp reviews and Amazon posts, and pins on Pintrest. The volume of information being created is growing faster than your software is able to sort it out. As a result, you're often unable to determine the difference between a fake LinkedIn friend request, and a picture from your best friend in college of his new baby. Even with good metadata, it's still all "data"--whether raw unfiltered, or tagged and sourced, it's all treated like another input to your digital inbox. What's happened is the web has gotten better at making data. In 2010 we frolicked, Googled, waded, and drowned in 1.2 zettabytes of digital bits and bytes. Which means it's time to enlist the web's secret power--humans. 1.

CURATOR'S CODE The Jig Is Up: Time to Get Past Facebook and Invent a New Future - Alexis Madrigal - Technology After five years pursuing the social-local-mobile dream, we need a fresh paradigm for technology startups. Finnish teenagers performing digital ennui in 1996 2006. Reuters. We're there. "The third generation of data and voice communications -- the convergence of mobile phones and the Internet, high-speed wireless data access, intelligent networks, and pervasive computing -- will shape how we work, shop, pay bills, flirt, keep appointments, conduct wars, keep up with our children, and write poetry in the next century." That's Steve Silberman reporting for Wired in 1999, which was 13 years ago, if you're keeping count. I can take a photo of a check and deposit it in my bank account, then turn around and find a new book through a Twitter link and buy it, all while being surveilled by a drone in Afghanistan and keeping track of how many steps I've walked. The question is, as it has always been: now what? Decades ago, the answer was, "Build the Internet." That paradigm has run its course.

Cura i tuoi interessi Da alcuni mesi mi sto documentando su un argomento molto attuale in ambito digitale che mi incuriosisce e appassiona: la content curation. I vocaboli cura, curatore e contenuto in italiano fanno riferimento ad una precisa area semantica ma di recente sono stati adottati dall’inglese per identificare una figura professionale non dissimile dal curatore documentale. Giorgio Jannis colloca nel 2009 l’inizio di uno slittamento di significato: “Un anno e mezzo fa, a giudicare dalle ricerche su Google, il termine inglese curation ha subìto un primo slittamento semantico, arrivando a abbracciare nuovi significati per la comunità dei parlanti anglofona. Il curatore di contenuti è quindi colui che trova, seleziona, verifica, raggruppa e condivide online il migliore contenuto possibile in relazione ad un particolare argomento o tema. Se una ricerca viene effettuata con obiettivi importanti, il dispendio di energie e di risorse è alquanto elevato, e aggiungerei oneroso. Ama il tuo contenuto

Sriram Krishnan Unsolicited advice for Marissa Mayer That was one of many messages I got from current and ex-Yahoos on yesterday's news. Having recently exited a short stint at Yahoo as an engineering manager and having had hundreds of conversations with employees on what needs to change at the company, I've seen both the best and the worst of the company. The press has many suggestions for big strategic moves that Marissa should be doing. Here's a list of smaller tactical ones she could do. Marc Andreessen thinks you need to fire over 10K people. Diventare Un Curatore delle Notizie: Come Ho Iniziato e Cosa Ho Scoperto Facendo il Newsmaster I Feed RSS per Trovare le NotiziePer raccogliere le migliori notizie senza diventare scemo, io, come molti, sono partito subito utilizzando i feed RSS. I feed RSS sono uno strumento semplice e potente, che quando accoppiati ad un'applicazione come Google Reader, ti consentono di monitorare, in un'unica schermata, tutte le novità che arrivano dai siti che hai selezionato.Il grande vantaggio è si risparmia moltissimo tempo a non dover andare a vedere singolarmente tutti quei siti. Strumenti per Pubblicare e DistribuirePer pubblicare e distribuire le notizie "curate" si possono usare tool specifici come:(ne trovi un bel numero in questa mappa sui servizi per fare "News Curation")Oppure, nessuno impedisce di utilizzare gli stessi servizi che si utilizzano normalmente per fare creare un blog: WordPress, Tumblr, Posterous, Blogger, etc.

Fleur Pellerin annonce la mise à mort de la neutralité du net Les rencontres de Pétrarque, une série de tables rondes et d’émissions de radio co-organisées par France Culture et Le Monde, ont été l’occasion de deux sorties tragi-comiques de la part de notre ministre à l’Économie numérique : l’un sur l’armement numérique, sur lequel nous reviendrons, et l’autre sur la Net neutrality, qui a fait hurler Twitter vendredi dernier. La scène se passe après plus d’une heure et demie de débats sur les rapports entre Internet et démocraties, quelques minutes avant que Fleur Pellerin et sa cour ne quittent l’assemblée pour repartir précipitamment pour Paris. Un petit moment de stress pour les animateurs (qui réalisent à la fois une table ronde en public ET une émission de radio en devenir, ce qui est loin d’être évident à gérer). Et là, c’est le drame. Dafuq i just see?! Comment interpréter cet argumentaire totalement aberrant posé pour s’opposer à la Net neutrality ? Ça tombe bien, j’enseigne à Science Po (prenez ça comme un full disclosure). Donc. Tax tax tax

5 Curation Apps and Examples With a Wow! Factor How can you use content curation in real life? Today I’ll show you 5 examples of tools and content to curate to inspire you in your marketing. 1. An educational B2B magazine on Just Story It Just Story It is curated by Karen Dietz, a storytelling specialist. Karen collates the best articles from across the web on her topic. The magazine has had more than 40,000 views due to the high-quality of the content and the curation. She also gives a couple of essential best practices for curators - weed out all the junkwrite a review of each article. This is a high-quality curation on a hot topic, and I’m sure it drives traffic to her website. resources If you’re new to see my earlier post. If you want more advanced info follow Martin Smith on and his Scent Trail blog. 2. Daily Grommet is “a daily product discovery site featuring unique products of great utility, style or invention that haven’t hit the bigtime yet”. Pinterest resources 3. 4. Storify resources 5.

App Cubby Blog - The Sparrow Problem We’ve all read stories about and been enthralled by the idea of App Store millionaires. As the story goes… individual app developers are making money hand over fist in the App Store! And if you can just come up with a great app idea, you’ll be a millionaire in no time! That may seem a bit hyperbolic, but that is honestly the way the public perceives success in the App Store. This mentality might seem a bit naive to those of us in the tech industry, but I’ll admit — as embarrassing as it is — that even with all my experience in the App Store, I still hope to someday have a runaway hit app that makes a million dollars and relieves some of the financial stress of hacking it out day by day as an indie developer in the App Store. After 4 years in the racket, this is my best advice for making millions in the App Store: build a game, a gimmick, or an app that has some sort of revenue outside a one-time purchase. Unless Google buys your company. Sparrow did everything right. Flop? david

Content Curation: 19 Definitions Content Marketing Experts Define Content Curation While every marketer must have content marketing, their biggest challenge is producing sufficient content, given their budget and staff resources, that attracts and converts prospects. Many marketers curate other people’s content to supplement the original information they create. To better understand what content curation is and how to use it to achieve your business objectives, here’s how nineteen content marketing experts define content curation. 1. Content curation is to make the whole stronger than the sum of the parts. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Content curation can be an effective strategy for extending your content marketing offering. How do you define content curation? Happy Marketing, Heidi Cohen Create Memorable Customer Experiences This Holiday Season Getting in the door can be as challenging as closing the deal. Related Articles Photo Credit:

Why the Impossible Happens More Often [Translations: Japanese] I’ve had to persuade myself to believe in the impossible more often. In the past several decades I’ve encountered a series of ideas that I was conditioned to think were impossibilities, but which turned out to be good practical ideas. For instance, I had my doubts about the online flea market called eBay when it first came out. Pay money to a stranger selling a car you have not seen? I thought the idea of an encyclopedia that anyone could change at any time to be a non-starter, a hopeless romantic idea with no chance of working. Twenty years ago if I had been paid to convince an audience of reasonable, educated people that in 20 years time we’d have street and satellite maps for the entire world on our personal hand held phone devices — for free — and with street views for many cities — I would not be able to do it. These supposed impossibilities keep happening with increased frequency. In a word: emergence. The Noosphere Sculpture by Yves Jeason

RebelMouse: Let Your Content Roar Curation : curator & curateur diffusion de la curation Dès le 15 décembre, je publiais dans mon Tumblr : «J’avoue, je suis un curator, l’un des 1er en France avant que les autres ne se qualifient de ce buzzword ? » et depuis, j’ai publié quelques réflexions toujours dans ce média sur la thématique de la curation et des curators, pardon des curateurs Parmi ces questions : est ce que la curation n’est pas un retour en arrière… vers les annuaires, un peu plus personnalisés ? J’avais raison en décembre, les termes de curation, de curateurs ou curators buzzent depuis le début de l’année. J’ai l’impression qu’après le web 2, le community management, etc., nous voici devant les termes qui mettent une dénomination sur les « bloggueurs influents » et autres influenceurs. On constate que pour l’ensemble de ces termes « marketing » désignent des évolutions soit d’internet, soit de métiers existants… Aussi, faut-il suivre cette mode. Bon allons-y pour une tentative de définition. Les différentes étapes du processus de veille
