6 Steps to a More Marketable LinkedIn Profile
Overall, LinkedIn is the best social media platform for entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals. Unfortunately, your LinkedIn profile may not be helping you to create those connections. So let’s tune yours up with six simple steps: Step 1. Revisit your goals. At its most basic level LinkedIn is about marketing: marketing your company or marketing yourself. But don’t just whip out the Google AdWords Keyword Tool and identify popular keywords. Go a step further and think about words that have meaning in your industry. Use a keyword tool to find general terms that could attract a broader audience, and then dig deeper to target your niche by identifying keywords industry insiders might search for. Then sense-check your keywords against your goals. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Share why you love what you do in your profile. Keywords are important but are primarily just a way to help potential clients find you. Step 5. Take a look at your current photo. Step 6.
Why Storytelling Is The Ultimate Weapon
In business, storytelling is all the rage. Without a compelling story, we are told, our product, idea, or personal brand, is dead on arrival. In his book, Tell to Win, Peter Guber joins writers like Annette Simmons and Stephen Denning in evangelizing for the power of story in human affairs generally, and business in particular. Plausible enough. I think it’s a real insight. Until recently we’ve only been able to speculate about story’s persuasive effects. What is going on here? And, in this, there is an important lesson about the molding power of story. This is exactly Guber’s point. Guber tells us that stories can also function as Trojan Horses. Guber’s book is relentlessly optimistic about the power of story to persuade. So there are two big lessons to take from Guber’s book and from the new science of storytelling. The new gospel of business storytelling offers a challenge to common views of human nature.
Qual è il miglior formato per il curriculum?
Archiviato in CV, Lavoro il maggio 1, 2012 con nessun commento Email Guest post di Susan Ireland. Cronologico? Perché il formato del vostro curriculum è così importante per la vostra ricerca lavoro? Il formato del curriculum più adatto alla vostra situazione comunicherà al datore di lavoro o al recruiter il perché siete qualificati per ottenere il lavoro, il tutto attraverso una facile lettura del curriculum stesso. I tre più importanti formati per un curriculum Ci sono tre formati che vengono comunemente usati: cronologico, funzionale e una combinazione dei primi due. Andiamo ad analizzare le tre alternative. Quando usare il formato cronologico Questo formato presenta la vostra esperienza professionale in modo lineare in base alla sua evoluzione temporale. Ogni dichiarazione dei risultati ottenuti viene piazzata sotto il titolo di lavoro ed il nome della ditta dove i risultati sono stati ottenuti. Usate un curriculum cronologico se volete: Quando usare il formato funzionale Perché? CV gia' fatti
10 Ways to Build a Kick-Ass Resume
Despite all the advancements in technology over the last decade or so, the traditional word-based resume is still as popular as ever. However, if you’d like to stand out from the crowd there are a number of new school options for you to consider. And we’re not talking about simply having a LinkedIn profile which could almost be considered ‘old hat’ now. The only question is; Are prospective employers ready for what you can now dish up? Social Resumes 1. Zerply is one of the more high profile socially-shaped resume and career sites going around. 2. The first of two Facebook-powered apps, ResumUP wants to make your ‘social profile visual’. 3. Yes, BranchOut is technically more a ‘network’ than a plain old resume builder option but it allows you to create a profile which features everything that is wonderful (or not) about you. 4. LinkedIn have been quietly developing this functionality as an add-on to the main site. Visual Resume Builders 5. 6. 7. 8. Mobile Resumes 9. A Left-field Option 10.
9 minuti al giorno per costruire la vostra carriera
You are here: Home » Lavoro » 9 minuti al giorno per costruire la vostra carriera Archiviato in Lavoro, Linkedin il maggio 14, 2012 con 1 commento Email Arruda è un esperto di ‘branding personale’ che contribuisce regolarmente al blog di Linkedin. In base a cosa può essere realisticamente inserito all’interno della propria giornata lavorativa, Arruda crede che nove minuti sia il tempo massimo (ed ottimale) da dedicare a tutti quei compiti che aiutano l’individuo a progredire la propria carriera verso l’obiettivo desiderato. Secondo Arruda la gestione continuativa della propria carriera è essenziale per mantenere un profilo professionale appetibile ai futuri datori di lavoro. La velocità del mondo lavorativo sta accelerando a dismisura e quindi bisogna mantenersi al passo con i tempi, sia dal punto di vista tecnologico che dal punto di vista del proprio profilo professionale. Cosa fare durante questi nove minuti?
22 Executives Share The Best Advice They Ever Got
SLCC - Learning Handouts
Skip navigation links ugs : life and learning in sync Sanger Learning Center is UT Austin’s main resource for academic support. Each year, we help more than 20,000 students achieve their academic potential. We are open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Come in for one-on-one or drop-in tutoringImprove your study skills with a learning specialistMeet weekly with a peer academic coachAttend free classes and workshops Learn how self-testing can better prepare you for your next exam.
Career Books to Watch Out for in 2012
With 2011 a distant memory, it's time to reassess your career and job prospects. Regardless of your career resolutions for the New Year, you're bound to need help achieving them. Narrowing your fields of interest, learning how to dress, improving your interviewing skills and understanding how to network are common areas for improvement. Many people overlook easily available resources that provide step-by-step, practical advice that can help you get there faster. Career books nowadays go well beyond the career bible everyone should have on their bookshelves. Here's our list of the top 10 career books coming out in 2012. Crazy Good Interviewing: How Acting A Little Crazy Can Get You The Job, by John B. (Wiley, May 2012) In this job market, it's critical to stand out. If you don't want the job, those are great options, but if you do, author John Molidor suggests you opt for "crazy good" tactics, as opposed to crazy awful ones. Sharpen Your Heels: Mrs. (Penguin, February 2012)
How to Keep Your Brain from Underestimating Task Time
Do you ever wonder why you never have enough time — no matter how much planning you undertake to stay on top of things? That’s called the Planning Fallacy. We’re going to look at two solutions to this problem. But first, a glossary! Glossary Yarn Bomb: a type of graffiti or street art that employs colorful displays of knitted or crocheted yarn or fibre rather than paint or chalk.Hofstadter’s Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law.Putamen: A brain region that does lots, including using dopamine to contribute to learning and estimation. Hofstadter’s Law (which will take you slightly longer to understand than you think) seems often inescapable. There are no sensory receptors specifically dedicated for perceiving time. Of course, it’s not quite as simple as that — as you can see from the study’s diagram. Edinburgh protesters recently used yarn to protest excessive underestimation of time for the “Tramway to Hell”. 1. 2.
The Social Brain