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Ms. Twist's Classroom | An IB Age 3 Classroom Reportaje: Brad Pitt: “La vida puede ser jodidamente complicada” | EL PAÍS Semanal Hubo un tiempo en que Brad Pitt era un pollo. Literalmente. Nada que ver con el cine: más bien, la vida real de un joven recién desembarcado en Los Ángeles (California, EE UU). Llegaba a la agencia, miraba la pizarra y escogía uno de los extraños trabajos que se ofertaban esa semana. “Hice de chófer, de estríper; entregué neveras portables a estudiantes de la universidad…”, relata el actor. “Ya. Un astronauta con un oscuro mundo interior y un monumento zen, dedicado a dejar fluir la vida. En efecto, de cerca, sus ojos azules desvelan cierta fatiga. Vivir es algo jodidamente complicado. y esto te lo dice uno que ha ganado la lotería Y eso que la charla se mueve por los derroteros contrarios. Durante esta conversación volverán de nuevo los recuerdos de casa Pitt. Al envejecer ganas sabiduría y pierdes poderío físico. pero me enorgullece aceptar lo que soy Pitt sostiene que también le ayuda pensar en su infancia. Él es consciente de todo eso. Y no solo.

DCblog Inquire Within | It's not about getting the right answers but rather, asking really good questions A Crucial Week Brad Pitt on 'Ad Astra,' Faith, and Being a Gazelle Pitt made the movie with an old friend of his, the director James Gray, and both men will tell you that—though Ad Astra takes the form of an action film, complete with moon-set buggy chases and space-capsule shoot-outs—it's really about the ideas and thoughts and fears that seize you as you roll into late middle age. Are we alone in this world? Can we ever be truly understood—or, for that matter, ever understand ourselves? “Almost all of it is trying to figure out a way to express our emotional interior,” Gray told me. “And almost none of it: ‘I gotta get the gun.’ In the film, Pitt's McBride is isolated and almost pathologically repressed. In the poolhouse, I asked Pitt if he found it difficult to play a character as alone as McBride is in Ad Astra. “Well, it wasn't for me,” Pitt said. He'd already tried to lie down on the bed in the poolhouse, he told me, only to encounter an unsettlingly musty smell. “I'm going down,” Pitt said, trying to regain his balance.

Vicky Loras's Blog | A Blog About Education Time Space Education | Revolutionizing School Making PYP Happen Here | Finding our way here at International School Ho Chi Minh City Retirees: Does Guaranteed Money For Life Sound Really Tempting? | Internaxx You’ll never have to worry about the stock market. If it crashes, your money will be fine.” Plenty of retirees fall for this trap. It’s called a fixed-income annuity. Here’s how most of them work: You pay an insurance company a lump sum. Retirees like them because a stock market drop wouldn’t affect the income stream. Adam Beaty is a Certfified Financial Planner with Bullogic Wealth Management. But not everybody likes fixed income annuities. Let’s go back to that 62-year old retired couple and compare two options: They could buy a fixed-income annuity that pays 4.38 percent per year. According to, U.S. inflation averaged 3.15 percent per year between 1913 and 2018. Annual Inflation-Adjusted Withdrawals of 4%vs.Fixed-Income Annuity Payments of 4.38%Assuming $500,000 Starting Point *Based on inflation of 2.5% per year Over 30 years, the retiree taking out an inflation-adjusted 4 percent per year would have withdrawn $899,992.

Jeremy Harmer | ELT writer, presenter, teacher & trainer
