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The primary difference between North and South Korea

The primary difference between North and South Korea
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Common Baby-Making Mistakes | Being Pregnant By Devan McGuinness | When the decision to start adding to your family is secure, the journey of trying to conceive begins. For some, they just go with the flow and take things easy and for others they do all they can to make sure they are actively trying. True, the whole ‘make a baby’ thing seems simple enough. If you are trying to conceive and it’s been taking longer then you had hoped or you are just starting the journey and want to make this as quick and easy you can — there are some common mistakes couples make that may be hindering your conception. Click through for 10 common mistakes you may be making while trying to conceive: nggallery id=’114297′ Not Having Regular Sex You don't need to have sex every day, but if you're not tracking your fertile window, going every other day is a good start. Not Knowing Fertile Window There is only a few day window in your cycle when you are considered fertile. Not Using Sperm-Friendly Lubricant Mistaking Cervical Mucus

8 Beauty Breakthrough Products That Make Life Easier : Parentables - StumbleUpon Photo credit: iStock Photography Were you ever one of those girls in high school who needed over an hour to get ready? Back in '91, my Conair curling iron and I were BFFs. And while I still agree that beauty takes time, as a busy mom, time is something in short supply around my house. That is why I would like to celebrate my favorite additions to the drug store aisles over the last few years. 1. For women who do not just "glow" but sweat (I personally put a field hand during harvest to shame just running errands), these effective anti-perspirant and deodorant combinations are a godsend. Try it: Dove Clinical Protection Cool Essentials $7, Secret Clinical Strength Advanced Solid $8. 2. If that clinical-strength roll-on gets white stripes on your little black dress, it will come right off with one of these nifty mistake removers. Try It: Gal Pal Deoderant Remover $9, Miss Oops Rescue Sponge $12. 3. 4. 5. You can use these little slanted razor blades to groom your brows, sure. 6. 7. 8.

Homemade Hair Treatments - At Home DIY Hair Treatments - Womans Day Eggs, yogurt and honey are, at first glance, all components of a tasty breakfast—but they also happen to be hair treatment ingredients, and affordable, all-natural ones at that. And they're not the only ones. Did you know, for instance, that the oils in avocados more closely resemble our own skin's oils than any product in the beauty aisle does? Or that the mild acidity in lemon is an effective—and gentler—alternative to chemical-laden products? For All Hair Types "The [raw] egg is really the best of all worlds," says Janice Cox, author of Natural Beauty at Home. To Use: For normal hair, use the entire egg to condition hair; use egg whites only to treat oily hair; use egg yolks only to moisturize dry, brittle hair, Cox says. Photo by Shutterstock. For Dull Hair Styling products (as well as air pollution) can leave a film that both saps moisture and dulls shine—but dairy products like sour cream and plain yogurt can help reverse this damage. For Itchy Scalp For Limp or Fine Hair

American Dog Trainers Network -- Twelve Tips for a Well Behaved Dog - StumbleUpon I) Start training your puppy early on. While old dogs can be taught new tricks, what's learned earliest, is often learned quickest and easiest. Moreover, the older the dog, the more bad habits will likely need to be "un-learned". 2) Train your dog gently and humanely, and whenever possible, teach him using positive, motivational methods. 3) Does your dog treat you like "hired help" at home? 4) Avoid giving your dog commands that you know you cannot enforce. 5) One command should equal one response, so give your dog only one command (twice max!) 6) Avoid giving your dog combined commands which are incompatible. 7) When giving your dog a command, avoid using a loud voice. NOTE: Many owners complain that their dogs are "stubborn", and that they "refuse to listen" when given a command. 8 ) Whenever possible, use your dog's name positively, rather than using it in conjunction to reprimands, warnings or punishment. 9) Correct or, better yet, prevent the (mis)behavior, don't punish the dog.

CPR Instructions Cats And Dogs CPR for Cats & Dogs CPR for cats and dogs is similar to CPR for humans. These directions assume the animal is unconscious and the risk of being bitten by the animal is not present 1. Open animals mouth and make sure the air passage is clear. 2. A. B. 3. A. B. C. i. 4. The ratio of compressions to breaths should be approximately the same as for humans - 30:2 Continue doing this until the animal responds or begins to breathe on its own. Bottle Drip Irrigation | I prefer to have the bottle standing right-way-up as I think it looks nicer and it keeps debris out of the bottle thus keeping the holes from blocking. The materials: * 2 litre plastic soft-drink bottle or water bottle * Sharp small screwdriver, pointed hole-maker or drill This can be used in container gardening, raised bed gardens and open vegetable gardens. Using your pocket knife, make 2 small slits in the bottom of your bottle. Dig a hole next to your tomato plant. This will slowly deep-water your tomato plants and most other vegetable plants. You can learn more about this on another website. Only two very small holes are needed at the lowest place on the bottle. I prefer to leave the lids off. Place bamboo stakes next to each bottle. Here I am making another hole slightly higher up the bottle. However, if I remove the lid, water will come out this hole as well as the holes in the base. You can make larger holes, and partly fill the bottle with coarse-sand or soil to slow the flow.

Egg and Cheese Breakfast Sandwiches Admin Note: Since this post, I’ve remade these using a better technique. Be sure to check out my Breakfast Sandwiches Revisited. After I made baked chicken nuggets a few weeks ago and explained my deal with Betsy (if she wants something from McD’s, I try to make it for her), I got a few emails saying that the only meal some people will eat at McDonald’s is breakfast. This struck me as kind of odd because most of the stuff on their breakfast menu is even easier to reproduce at home than the stuff on their other menus. Yum. The Rundown I made 12 breakfast sandwiches for this post because they are really easy to freeze and they reheat nicely. My total bill for these came to $16.00 or about $1.33/sandwich. Here’s some interesting facts though about what a bit of time and that extra $3 gets you: Whole Grains. Directions 1) Lightly oil a muffin tin and crack an egg in each tin. 2) Bake the muffin tin with eggs in a 350 degree oven for 10-15 minutes. Three basic things. Cooking the Eggs Egg-ceptional

8 healthy convenience store foods This summer, millions of Americans will take to the roads. If you’re one of them you may think that means hours with nothing to nosh on but convenience store staples like chips and cookies. Not anymore. While convenience stores still have their fair share of less-than-optimal eats, many now stock a surprising selection of fresh and healthy choices. Next time you stop to refuel, test drive these light snacks. Why start your day with a donut when you can get wholesome whole grain cereal? 1. Energy bars make a savvy snack to have on hand for times when you’re stuck in traffic and your stomach starts to growl. More From Real Simple:12 Healthy Snacks The Best Drive Thru Drinks Our Top 8 Energy Bars 2. Packed with vitamin E, monounsaturated fat and resveratrol (the compound responsible for the benefits of red wine), peanuts are a heart-healthy snack. 3. When you crave something cool and creamy, head to the refrigerator case instead of the ice cream case. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
