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Conservation OnLine

Conservation OnLine
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Terms of Participation, Archives and Archivists Listserv (Revised August 10, 2009) Note: Instructions for subscribing to A&A may be found at the end of this document. Background and Mission The Archives and Archivists (A&A) List was established in 1989 by Donna Harlan and John Harlan as an open forum for all topics relating to archival theory and practice. Over the years, A&A has had various homes. Audience The principal audiences include archivists, archival educators, and students enrolled in graduate archival education courses and programs. Scope of the List Subjects that are appropriate to the list include all aspects of the theory and practice of the archives profession. Messages that are unrelated to the archives profession are off topic and are prohibited. * Excluding those nonprofit archives and allied associations listed online at Regarding humor: The posting of humorous anecdotes (a.k.a. Netiquette Participants are expected to follow the core rules of netiquette. Blog Postings Copyright Infringements

Introduction - Technical Art History and Conservation Research - LibGuides at Yale University Kraig BinkowskiChief Librarian, Reference Library and Archives Beth MorrisAssistant Librarian, Reference Library and Archives The Reference Library and Archives are located on the second floor of the Center, 1080 Chapel Street. The Reference Collections are now accessible alongside the art collections of the Center. The Yale Center for British Art Reference Library has developed a specialized group of resources focused specifically on technical art history and conservation. National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections (NUCMC), Celebrating Fifty Years, 1959-2009, Library of Congress Jay Hyland, an archivist at the Jewish Museum Milwaukee says, "the NUCMC project has enabled us to display catalog records of many of our archival collections worldwide at a faster rate than if we had tried posting catalog records on our own. Also, the association with the Library of Congress helps give further credence to the Museum and shows that we are serious about collecting materials." >> learn more Robert Roblee collection of William N. Bell family materials, ca. 1850s-1910 Location: Museum of History & Industry, Sophie Frye Bass Library (Seattle, Wash.) Background: William Nathaniel Bell (1817-1887) and his wife, Sarah Ann (Peter) Bell (1819-1856) arrived at Alki Beach in present-day West Seattle with the Denny party and other pioneers on the schooner Exact in 1851. Contents: Legal and business documents, correspondence, and ephemera related to the Seattle pioneer Bell family, together with photographs of early Seattle.

CAMEO AIC WIKI Main Page Selección de sitios y portales especializados en conservación y restauración de documentos Novedades Lic. Arelys Borrell Saburit,1 Téc. Ana E. Resumen Se creó un directorio con el objetivo de facilitar la búsqueda de bibliografía, instituciones y autores que desarrollan sitios sobre el tema de la conservación de documentos. Palabras clave: Conservación, bibliotecas. Abstract A directory was created aimed at facilitating the search for bibliography, institutions and authors that develop websites devoted to document conservation. Key words: Conservation, libraries. Copyright: © ECIMED. Cita (Vancouver): Borrell Saburit A, Cueto González AE, Marteautus Medina Y, Castillo Navarrete D, Mazorra Fernández Y. El Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas (CNICM) es la institución que rige el Sistema Nacional de Información en Salud de Cuba y se desempeña como Centro Coordinador Nacional del Sistema Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Información en Ciencias de la Salud y Centro colaborador OPS/OMS. La selección de los sitios se realizó a partir de los siguientes criterios:1 Kapoun J.

ISBD(ER): International Standard Bibliographic Description for Electronic Resources Continued 0. Preliminary Notes 0.1 Scope, purpose and use 0.1.1 Scope The International Standard Bibliographic Description for Electronic Resources - referred to hereinafter as the ISBD(ER) -specifies the requirements for the description and identification of such items, assigns an order to the elements of the description, and specifies a system of punctuation for the description. Electronic resources consist of materials that are computer-controlled, including materials that require the use of a peripheral (e.g. a CD-ROM player) attached to a computer; the items may or may not be used in the interactive mode. For cataloguing purposes, electronic resources are treated in the ISBD(ER) in two ways depending on whether access is local or remote. This definition is taken as applying for the most part to resources, including interactive multimedia works, that are generally available, and includes those accessed by network or via telecommunications. ISBD(ER) is one of several published ISBDs.

Directories - Libraries Digital Librarian: a librarian's choice of the best of the Web Directories: Libraries See Also: Librariana Africa Research Central - California State University, San Bernardino. Les bibliothèques sur Internet en France dans le monde Association des Directers de Bibliotheques Departmentals de Pret. University Libraries Italian Internet library catalogues (OPACs) Special Libraries Government Libraries Australian Libraries Gateway - National Library of Australia. - Database contains location and descriptive information about a wide variety of health and biomedical resources. The European Library - Portal to The European Library British Library integrated catalogue, Biblioteca Nacional (Portugal), Online-Katalog Der Deutschen Bibliothek, Helsingin Yliopiston Kirjasto (main catalogue), SBN OPAC (Italy), Koninklijke Bibliotheek (main catalogue), OPAC HELVETICAT (SNL), and Slovenian National Bibliography. Guide to libraries and documentation services - Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Netherlands. Africa Asia Australasia

Diccionario de Abreviaturas Novohispanas - Inicio Después de una larga experiencia como docente, que abarca más de treinta años impartiendo la materia de Paleografía en diferentes instituciones y carreras, pude constatar que hay elementos de la escritura antigua que presentan un alto grado de complejidad para el investigador, los cuales no se han tratado a profundidad en los textos sobre paleografía existentes.1 Este proyecto pretende subsanar dicho vacío fundamental, pues hasta la actualidad no se había reunido un corpus que diera cuenta de la diversidad de estilos de grafías, abreviaturas, contracciones y fórmulas de cortesía convencionales más empleadas en el mundo iberoamericano del siglo XVI y aún del XIX.

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