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A History of the World - Location - Europe Welcome - The Flow of History World History You can find books on the histories of some specific countries on the Geography/Cultures page because culture is inextricably mixed with history. Some Ancient History Maps World History for us all readings and activities World History lesson plans and power point presentations World History pictures and readings from prehistoric through the world wars and communism World History for kids prehistoric through French Revolution, readings, games, quotes Ancient History Website — lots of different cultures History Links I need to go through these and put them up separately but until then here are a few major history periods with some great links Global Studies I high school course with online power point lessons, worksheets and more (no reading) World History and Geography Student’s Friend MIT classes for high schoolers You’ll find on this page many links to paper-soldier battles. Editable timeline page for world history Timeline pages ancient to modern history dynamic2moms Babylon China Info Great Wall

ChronoZoom ChronoZoom is an educational tool for teachers and students who want to put historical events in perspective. A great many resources have been created already in ChronoZoom for your enjoyment and enlightenment. Start Exploring Use ChronoZoom to get a perspective of the extensive scale of time and historical events relative to what happened around the world. New Teacher Resources RT @MSFTResearch: See how #Chronozoom helps students “think historically” & travel though time with 3 newly created curriculum modules http… #chronozoom is a valuable tool for illustrating Climate Change: @metanexus Anyone can author their small or Big History on the 14 Billion year timeline at - an open source project. @BillGates Congratulations to the Big History Project. RT @BillGates: Big History is my favorite course ever. You don't have any favorite timelines yet.

La périodisation de l’Histoire: les périodes historiques La périodisation de l’Histoire et des problèmes qu’elle implique Quelles sont les raisons de la division temporelle de l’Histoire ? La période est une division canonique qui apparaît naturelle et ce depuis l’enseignement secondaire: Préhistoire, Antiquité, Moyen-Âge, Temps Modernes, Époque contemporaine. Mais sur quels critères entre-t-on dans une autre période ? Pourquoi 1492 marque le début d’une nouvelle période ? Lors de l’harmonisation des baccalauréats, la question de la périodisation n’a jamais été abordée. Usuellement, l’Histoire est composée de 6 grandes périodes: A la fin du XXème siècle, une nouvelle périodisation est apparue: l’histoire du temps présent (plus ou moins de 1945 à nos jours). Quand et pourquoi la périodisation est-elle née ? Au fil des âges, la conception du temps évolue au même titre que la conception des périodisations. L’évolution du rapport au temps Le rapport au temps évolue. Entre 1500 et 1800, on assiste à une temporalisation de l’histoire. Le siècle

Timeline | National Cold War Exhibition January 11 Jan - A ceasefire was announced in Greece between government forces and ELAS guerrillas; this agreement was confirmed by the government on 12 February. 4 Feb - Yalta Conference where Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin meet to discuss terms of German surrender and the boundaries and governments in post war Eastern Europe. 12 Apr - President F D Roosevelt dies and is succeeded by Harry S Truman. 7 May - The agreement for total and unconditional surrender of the Germans forces was signed at the HQ of the Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force. 8 May - The Royal Observer Corps was stood down and re-formed on a peacetime basis. 31 May - The strength of the RAF stood at some 55,469 aircraft as at this date, of which 9,200 were first-line machines. June 26 Jun - The United Nations Charter signed in San Francisco. 15 Jul - The RAF's Second Tactical Air Force (2TAF) was re-designated British Air Forces of Occupation (BAFO). 26 Jul - Results of British general election were made known.

Dates repères de l'Histoire Romaine 753 av.J.C.: Date légendaire de la fondation de Rome. 616-509 av.J.C.: Domination des rois étrusques. 509 av.J.C.: Début de la République romaine après l’éviction du dernier roi étrusque, Tarquin le Superbe. 390 av.J.C.: Invasion gauloise… 366 av.J.C.: Les institutions se mettent en place : la plèbe accède au consulat. 343-291 av.J.C.: Guerres samnites. 340-338 av.J.C.: Guerre et dissolution de la ligue latine. 281-272 av.J.C.: Guerre contre Pyrrhus. 272 av.J.C.: La guerre se solde par la prise de Tarente, qui marque le début de l'influence hellénistique. 265 av.J.C.: Rome soumet l’Etrurie et domine ainsi la péninsule italienne. 264-241av.J.C. : Première guerre punique. 231 av.J.C.: la Sardaigne et la Corse deviennent des provinces romaines. 218-201 av.J.C. 200-188 av.J.C.: Rome se tourne vers l’Orient. 197 av.J.C.: Victoire romaine de Flamininus contre Philippe V de Macédoine à Cynocéphales. 196 av.J.C.: Flaminius proclame la liberté de la Grèce. 148-146 av.J.C. 82-79 av.J.C.: Dictature de Sylla.

Animation: Human Population Growth Over All of History Imagine that for every million people on Earth, there was a single dot on a map. In total, that would be about 7,600 dots – representing today’s global population of 7.6 billion. But, what if we went back in time, and watched those dots accumulate over human history? When and where do the first dots appear, and when does population growth ramp up to get to the billions of people that are alive today? The History of Population Growth Today’s animation comes from the American Museum of Natural History, and it shows over 200,000 years of population growth and the major events along the way. If you consider yourself on the more impatient side of things, we suggest starting at 1:50 which will zoom you to 400 AD – the time of India’s Golden Age. It took 200,000 years of human history to get to one billion people – and just 200 years to reach seven billion. Key Population Moments Agriculture The impact of farming cannot be emphasized enough. East vs. Bubonic Plague Post-Industrial Revolution Thank you!

Dates repères de l'Histoire Grecque 2700 av. J.C. : Âge du bronze. Début de l'Helladique et du Minoen anciens en Crète. 2100-1700 av. Vers 1650 av. Vers 1600 av. Vers 1450 av. 1400-1200 av. 1100 av. Vers 800 : La Grèce des Cités. 776 av. 683 av. 500 av. 500-478 av. 431 av. 352 av. 339-337 av. 323 av. 197-196 av. 146 av. 330 : Constantin Ier déclare Byzance seconde capitale de l'Empire. 395 : à la mort de Théodose, l'empire Romain est divisé entre l’empire d'Occident et l'empire Romain d'Orient qui sera appelé ensuite empire byzantin. The Lifespan of Ancient Civilizations Detailed in a Handy Infographic: Are We Headed Towards Our Own Collapse? Anyone living in the West today surely feels they've heard quite enough about its decline. (Unless, of course, they're fans of 1980s punk rock.) Given how long civilizations usually outlive individuals, how can an individual grasp the prospects for longevity of the civilization in which they find themselves? History, a discipline which has long had everything to do with charting the rise and fall of settlements, cultures, and empires, can provide the context necessary for understanding, but more of it has been written than even a human with the lifespan of a civilization can digest. Come to provide some clarity is Luke Kemp of Cambridge's Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, creator of the infographic above. "There is no strict definition of civilisation," Kemp admits, "nor an overarching database of their births and deaths." What comes at the end of virtually all of them, he calls a collapse: "a rapid and enduring loss of population, identity and socio-economic complexity.

Dates repères de l'Histoire des Etrusques Les cartes de la Méditerranée antique Les Etrusques Vue d'ensemble Quelques dates Sites archéologiques Les musées L'art étrusque Monnayage Langue et écriture Black History timeline Roman rule in Britain begins. The Numerus Maurorum Aurelianorum, an African auxiliary unit, takes its position on Hadrian’s Wall (c100-c400) as part of the Roman army and helps guard the outermost reaches of the empire. Kingdom of Ghana. African-born scholar Hadrian of Canterbury, having rejected a papal request to become Archbishop of Canterbury, travels to Britain with Theodore, who took up the post instead. General Tariq ibn-Ziyad conquers the Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal). Around this time Kanem-Bornu is established by Dougu, the first king of the Zaghawa dynasty. Religion of Islam starts to slowly spread across sub-Saharan Africa. Massive stone structures in Zimbabwe show that a civilisation flourished around this time. This earliest image of a black Briton was discovered in an abbreviated version of the Domesday Book used to collect taxes. A poem by William Dunbar called Of Ane Blak-Moir suggests that there were black people in Britain during this period. February 2012
