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Probability and statistics EBook - Socr

Probability and statistics EBook - Socr
From Socr SOCR Books: This is a General Statistics Curriculum E-Book, which includes Advanced-Placement (AP) materials. Preface This is an Internet-based probability and statistics E-Book. There are 4 novel features of this specific Statistics EBook. Format Follow the instructions in this page to expand, revise or improve the materials in this E-Book. Learning and Instructional Usage This section describes the means of traversing, searching, discovering and utilizing the SOCR Statistics EBook resources in both formal and informal learning setting. Copyrights The Probability and Statistics EBook is a freely and openly accessible electronic book developed by SOCR and the general community. Chapter I: Introduction to Statistics The Nature of Data and Variation Although natural phenomena in the real life are unpredictable, the designs of experiments are bounded to generate data that varies because of intrinsic (internal to the system) or extrinsic (due to the ambient environment) effects. Counting Related:  Stat/Data Science Text/Course

HyperStat Online: An Introductory Statistics Textbook and Discussion of whether most published research is false Click here for more cartoons by Ben Shabad. Other Sources NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods Stat Primer by Bud Gerstman of San Jose State University Statistical forecasting notes by Robert Nau of Duke University related: RegressIt Excel add-in by Robert Nau CADDIS Volume 4: Data Analysis (EPA) The little handbook of statistical practice by Gerard E. Stat Trek Tutorial Statistics at square 1 by T. Concepts and applications of inferential statistics by Richard Lowry of Vassar College CAST by W. SticiGui by P.

Free Statistics Book ModernDive Getting Started - For Students This book was written using the bookdown R package from Yihui Xie (Xie 2016). In order to follow along and run the code in this book on your own, you’ll need to have access to R and RStudio. You can find more information on both of these with a simple Google search for “R” and for “RStudio.” An introduction to using R, RStudio, and R Markdown is also available in a free book here (Ismay 2016). It is recommended that you refer back to this book frequently as it has GIF screen recordings that you can follow along with as you learn. We will keep a running list of R packages you will need to have installed to complete the analysis as well here in the needed_pkgs character vector. You can run the library function on them to load them into your current analysis. Colophon The source of the book is available here and was built with versions of R packages (and their dependent packages) given below.

Probability & Statistics Probability & Statistics [Enter Course] Overview: This course introduces students to the basic concepts and logic of statistical reasoning and gives the students introductory-level practical ability to choose, generate, and properly interpret appropriate descriptive and inferential methods. We offer two versions of statistics, each with a different emphasis: Probability and Statistics and Statistical Reasoning. One of the main differences between the courses is the path through probability. In-Depth Description There are two versions of the OLI Statistics course: Probability and Statistics and Statistical Reasoning. Unit 1 Exploratory Data Analysis. Unit 2 Producing Data. Unit 3 Probability. Unit 4 Inference. The course is built around a series of carefully devised learning objectives that are independently assessed. This course contains only the StatTutor lab exercises.

John H. McDonald's home page Research Interests The overall theme of the research in my lab is detecting the effects of natural selection on nuclear genes. This includes detecting the effects of balancing selection and directional selection on variation within populations, variation among populations, and variation among species, and it includes a mix of empirical and theoretical work. Prospective Students I am not seeking a graduate student or post doc for my lab at this time. I may have opportunities for undergraduates with a strong interest in evolutionary biology and a willingness to work independently. I will be glad to advise UD undergrads and others with an interest in evolutionary biology who are planning to apply to graduate schools. Current Projects Adaptation to global warming in enzyme allele frequencies: In the 1970s and 1980s, the technique of allozyme electrophoresis revealed patterns of allele frequency in several species that were associated with latitude. Courses BISC 413: Advanced Genetics Laboratory

StatPrimer (c) B. Gerstman 2003, 2006, 2016 StatPrimer (Version 7.0) (c) B. Burt Gerstman 2003, 2006, 2016 (email) Part A (Introductory) (1) Measurement and sampling [Exercises] (2) Frequency distributions [Exercises] (3) Summary statistics [Exercises] (4) Probability [Exercises] [binomial pmf app] [normal pdf app] (5) Introduction to estimation [Exercises] [simple z/t table] (6) Introduction to hypothesis testing [Exercises](7) Paired samples [Exercises] [two tails of t] (8) Independent samples [Exercises] (9) Proportions [Exercises] (10) R-by-C tables [Exercises] Part B (Intermediate) (11) Variances and means [Exercises] (12) ANOVA [Exercises] (13) ANOVA topics (post hoc comparisons, Levene's test, Non-parametric tests) [Exercises] (14) Correlation [Exercises] (15) Regression [Exercises](16) Risk ratios and prevalence ratios [Exercises] (17) Case-control odds ratios [Exercises] Additional notes Power and sample size [Exercises] How To Know What to Use [Exercises]Approaches Toward Data Analysis Data Files

Online Statistics Education: A Free Resource for Introductory Statistics Developed by Rice University (Lead Developer), University of Houston Clear Lake, and Tufts University OnlineStatBook Project Home This work is in the public domain. If you are an instructor using these materials, I can send you an instructor's manual, PowerPoint Slides, and additional questions that may be helpful to you. Table of Contents 40 Slides Illustrating Concepts Mobile This version uses formatting that works better for mobile devices. Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics This is the original classic with all the simulations and case studies. Version in PDF e-Pub (e-book) Partial support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation's Division of Undergraduate Education through grants DUE-9751307, DUE-0089435, and DUE-0919818.

Data Science in Education Using R - Psych RMS: Psych Research Methods and Statistics Free and Open Students Are you a student looking to study mathematics on your own, and want to do exercises with immediate feedback as you work through a free and open textbook? Then read more about our self study courses. Instructors Are you an instructor who wants to adopt an open textbook, who feels online interactive homework is valuable, but doesn't want their students to have to pay an additional fee? Getting Started If you already have an account, you can log on using the box to the right. If you are a new student to the system, register as a new student If you are an instructor, you can request an instructor account MyOpenMath is powered by IMathAS © 2006-2020 David Lippman with financial support from XYZ Homework and Lumen LearningPrivacy Policy | Accessibility

- Introduction to Statistika Free and Open Students Are you a student looking to study mathematics on your own, and want to do exercises with immediate feedback as you work through a free and open textbook? Then read more about our self study courses. Instructors Are you an instructor who wants to adopt an open textbook, who feels online interactive homework is valuable, but doesn't want their students to have to pay an additional fee? Getting Started If you already have an account, you can log on using the box to the right. If you are a new student to the system, register as a new student If you are an instructor, you can request an instructor account MyOpenMath is powered by IMathAS © 2006-2020 David Lippman with financial support from XYZ Homework and Lumen LearningPrivacy Policy | Accessibility

- 146 OpenIntro AP Statistics: Dorazio/Diez/Barr/Cetinkaya-Rundel Free and Open Students Are you a student looking to study mathematics on your own, and want to do exercises with immediate feedback as you work through a free and open textbook? Then read more about our self study courses. Instructors Are you an instructor who wants to adopt an open textbook, who feels online interactive homework is valuable, but doesn't want their students to have to pay an additional fee? Getting Started If you already have an account, you can log on using the box to the right. If you are a new student to the system, register as a new student If you are an instructor, you can request an instructor account MyOpenMath is powered by IMathAS © 2006-2020 David Lippman with financial support from XYZ Homework and Lumen LearningPrivacy Policy | Accessibility

- Math 110 - Elementary Statistics (University of Saint Joseph) Free and Open Students Are you a student looking to study mathematics on your own, and want to do exercises with immediate feedback as you work through a free and open textbook? Then read more about our self study courses. Instructors Are you an instructor who wants to adopt an open textbook, who feels online interactive homework is valuable, but doesn't want their students to have to pay an additional fee? Getting Started If you already have an account, you can log on using the box to the right. If you are a new student to the system, register as a new student If you are an instructor, you can request an instructor account MyOpenMath is powered by IMathAS © 2006-2020 David Lippman with financial support from XYZ Homework and Lumen LearningPrivacy Policy | Accessibility

- Statistics_CareySmith_2020_3Fall Free and Open Students Are you a student looking to study mathematics on your own, and want to do exercises with immediate feedback as you work through a free and open textbook? Then read more about our self study courses. Instructors Are you an instructor who wants to adopt an open textbook, who feels online interactive homework is valuable, but doesn't want their students to have to pay an additional fee? Getting Started If you already have an account, you can log on using the box to the right. If you are a new student to the system, register as a new student If you are an instructor, you can request an instructor account MyOpenMath is powered by IMathAS © 2006-2020 David Lippman with financial support from XYZ Homework and Lumen LearningPrivacy Policy | Accessibility

Statistical Topics This topics list provides access to definitions, explanations, and examples for each of the major concepts covered in Statistics 101-103. Describing and displaying data Graphical displays: stemplots, histograms, boxplots,scatterplots.Numerical Summaries: mean, median, quantiles, variance, standard deviation.Normal Distributions: assessing normality, normal probability plots.Categorical Data: two-way tables, bar graphs, segmented bar graphs. Linear regression and correlation Linear regression: least-squares, residuals, outliers and influential observations, extrapolation.Correlation: correlation coefficient, r².Inference in Linear Regression: confidence intervals for intercept and slope, significance tests, mean response and prediction intervals. Experiments and sampling Experimental Design: experimentation, control, randomization, replication.Sampling: simple, stratified, and multistage random sampling.Sampling in Statistical Inference: sampling distributions, bias, variability. Probability
