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The Clojure Toolbox

The Clojure Toolbox
Related:  Programming, Coding & Scripting

First hundred days of Clojure | byte bohemian In politics you have a one hundred days period of grace. In December I started to work with Clojure, so I guess it’s time to have a clojure look. In the last couple of years I encountered a couple of different languages. At scoyo it was ActionScript and Flex from Adobe. When we started to work on our new product I said to my boss and my colleagues: In Java I know how a state of the art application has to look like, but I have no clue how to build a Clojure application. Leiningen (aka lein) – The build and dependency managmement tool for Clojure.Noir – A nice library to build websites/-services in Clojure.CongoMongo and mongoDB – The database driver and the database we use. My first days with Clojure When you are coming from a language like Java you are used to some things like:Structure everything – Static typing is your friend, so smack every data you have into a class. Lots of ceremony – When you work in Java you create a huge amount of classes. (for [i (range 1 100)] (println i))

Training and Certification Resources NetBeans and Java Training Several of these courses also help you prepare for certification in Java technology. Oracle University: Training Offerings for Developers The following courses from Oracle University use NetBeans IDE. Java Certification Validate your development skills and advance your career with an Oracle Certification in Java technology. Discounts are available when you purchase a Certification Value Package which includes the training, certification exam voucher and a free exam retake – just in case you need it. Other Professional Training Offerings for Developers Java Passion: Online Classes for anyone who wants to enhance their knowledge and programming skill on all Java and Web 2.0 technologies: Courses cover Java SE, Java EE, Ajax, Ruby/Ruby on Rails, Groovy, Scala, and much more! Community Training Here are free courses from the NetBeans community and beyond: NetBeans Platform Certified Training Also check out our community support options.

Clojure Libraries Clojure - home Clojure box - loading book examples from "Programming Clojure" > Wherever the files goes after C-x C-f ~/.emacs and then C-x C-s is where > emacs thinks your home directory is. I would just go with that. It's > normally in %appdata%, but it won't be there until you create it and save > it. yes, this is better than my #2 > Robert? Here is my entire .emacs file, which is extremely basic but got me up and running at least: (setq swank-clojure-extra-classpaths '()) (add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths (add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths "C:/Dev/technomancy-clojure-http-client/src") (custom-set-variables ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. You'll notice the paths are different (I changed it during my first post) but obviously they aren't relevant. But with 1.0 out now I haven't had as many issues. Rob - show quoted text -

Incanter: Statistical Computing and Graphics Environment for Clojure Basic Web Development | Clojure Documentation | Clojure Docs This guide covers building a simple web-application using common Clojure libraries. When you're done working through it, you'll have a little webapp that displays some (x, y) locations from a database, letting you add more locations as well. It's assumed that you're already somewhat familiar with Clojure. If not, see the Getting Started and Introduction guides. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (including images & stylesheets). The source is available on Github. This guide uses Clojure 1.5, as well as current versions of the component libraries noted below. Conceptual Overview of Components We'll use four major components (briefly described below) for our little webapp: RingCompojureHiccupH2 Ring Ring (at clojars) is a foundational Clojure web application library. For this tutorial, we won't actually need to deal with these maps by-hand, as you'll soon see. For more info, see: Compojure Hiccup [:p "Hello, " [:i "doctor"] " Jones."] becomes See Also

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Writing a Clojure/Clojurescript Web Project: Part 1 | Clojured - Figuring out Clojure, Clojurescript, Web frameworks and more This post is an explanation of what I'm using to write Clojure/Clojurescript web projects. I will take you through the basics of writing web app using the technologies I enjoy working with the most. It will delve into the following topics:A basic review and explanation of the concepts of Clojure/Clojurescript.The software ecosystem surrounding writing a Clojure/Clojurescript web project.The libraries and frameworks I've chosen to use.How to write something basic. Part 2 will cover: How to run the server and deploy a standalone (uberjar) executable which includes your web project and the jetty web server to serve it.Adding NoSQL database functionality with the Redis NoSQL database server and the carmine Redis library. Basic Clojure and Clojurescript Roles and Concepts This is to reinforce the difference between Clojure and Clojurescript. Software Ecosystem I'm doing my development on Windows 7, however the tools I'm using should all be available for both OSX and Linux. Leiningen Light Table
