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A Parents’ Guide to Twitter and Education

A Parents’ Guide to Twitter and Education
As an educator, there are tons of great hashtags available to find the resources I'm looking for. Hashtags are usually found at the end of a 140 character tweet. I think of them like television channels, only there are many more to choose from and you can even create your own for your organization or team. Today, the most widely used educational hashtag on Twitter is called #edchat. On Tuesdays at 12pm (Eastern) and 7pm (Eastern), you can join hundreds of educators around the world discussing a topic chosen by a public poll during the days leading up to the chat. For more information on #edchat check out a recent piece by educational technology guru Steven Anderson (@web20classroom). For parents on Twitter, there are hashtags that offer support in raising children and supporting the work of schools. Like other educational chats, #PTchat has a weekly time where educators come together to discuss a certain topic - Wednesday nights at 9pm (Eastern). Last 5 #PTchats Archived

25 Ways To Use iPads In The Classroom In case you haven’t heard the news, we’re putting out a special mini-issue early next week. It’ll be available in the Edudemic Magazine iPad app and, best of all, FREE to subscribers! If you’re not (yet) a subscriber, it’ll be just $0.99. The following is an excerpt from just one of the articles in the mini-issue. So you’ve got one or a few iPads that you want to use in the classroom. Parenting Tips for the Digital Age Parents had enough to worry about before their children could bully each other online, meet dangerous strangers without leaving the house, and switch between tasks at a rapid-fire pace. Some parents have even questioned whether their children will ever be able to concentrate. In a world where, according to one survey, 81% of toddlers have an online presence by the time they are two, most parents are still confused about how to best manage their children's relationship with technology. Author Scott Steinberg attempts to answer their questions in a new series of high-tech parenting books called The Modern Parent's Guide. The first volume, Kids and Video Games, went online as a free download this week. Internet, Web and Online Safety; Facebook and Social Networks; Smartphones and Apps; and Digital Music, Movies and Entertainment will follow within the next year. How has technology changed parenting? A wide range of products monitor children on their mobile phones and the Internet.

107 Favorite iPad Apps for K-8 Great iPad apps for K-8 Tablet computing and mobile devices promise to have a dramatic impact on education. A growing number of schools across the world are jumping on the digital bus and embracing iPads (less often, other tablet products) as the latest tool to teach literature in multimedia, history through games and simulations, and math with step-by-step animation of problems. Not surprisingly, student scores improve when they use iPads and their interest in school soars. In my school, we have been rotating one set of Pads this year through K-8. Drawing AirSketch Free–Turn your iPad into a wireless whiteboard! Geography Atlas–Barefoot World Atlas is an interactive 3D globe for iPad that invites children to explore the regions and countries of the world, discovering hundreds of fascinating features and immersing themselves in the rich wonders of our planet.Stack the Countries Lite Terra–Stack the Countries Lite makes learning about the world fun! Health History Maps Math Algebra Intro–Free.

What Every Parent Should Know About Computers and the Internet How do parents protect kids from the internet Technology, the internet, computers, are words that confuse–even frighten–many parents. In my blog, Ask a Tech Teacher, I post lots of tips, tricks,, a list of hundreds of kid-friendly websites, self-help articles on how to address this in your homeschooled child’s education. Every week, I get lots of questions from parents about the right way to address access to technology. Most want suggestions on how to make computer use a positive experience for their little ones. After fifteen years of teaching technology in a classroom and online, I can tell you without a doubt that educating your child can be done more efficiently and with better results in the world of computers. Research–whether your child’s in second grade or seventh– from a computer is more productive. So how do you make sure your child‘s internet experience is positive? When they‘re young (say, kindergarten through second grade), have them go on the internet only around you.

1,000 Education Apps Organized By Subject & Price How Students Benefit From Using Social Media 13.56K Views 0 Likes A lot of criticism has been leveled at social media and the effect it has on the way students process and retain information, as well as how distracting it can be. 10 African-American History Month Teaching Resources 1.27K Views 0 Likes This week’s Featured Ten Learnist boards are dedicated to African-American history month. 3 Tech Tips Your Grandma Could Teach You 2.06K Views 0 Likes Those who have been using technology, in some form, have a few tech tips you should know about.

Advice for Parents of 1:1 Programs Anna left a comment on my blog post about 1:1 program with MS and HS students that reads: My son attends a school where MacBooks are required from grades 8-12, and students use many different assistive technology tools. I believe that 1:1 is great as a learning TOOL, but because students have their laptops with them all the time, there is no “down” time when they have to use their own initiative to think, dream, plan, create w/o a screen. He gets up and will open the laptop before breakfast to play, he will play or noodle around with his iTunes in the car on the way to school, on the way home from school, and every other time that kids used to be unplugged. He is not creating, he is consuming. It is a huge fight in our household.What advice do you have for parents in dealing with this dark side-effect of a mandatory BYOL environment? by One Laptop per Child Here at ISB we do a couple of different things. We also run a set of 5 courses called the ISB Technology Certificate for Parents.

kerryturner: Reading futurelab's Litera... Bloom’s Taxonomy – A Parent’s Guide “Bloom’s Taxonomy” is one of those terms that a parent may not necessarily be familiar with, however, it is very important. It is a central concept to know how to use it at home in conjunction with learning activities to help your child expand their critical thinking skills. Critical thinking skills allow a child to thinking independently, find and fix mistakes, solve problems, evaluate alternatives, and reflect on their own beliefs. It’s not something that can be learned from reading a book or completing a worksheet, however the skills are built through hands-on lessons that build beyond basic rote memorization of facts. Bloom’s Taxonomy provides learning levels to increase higher order thinking skills for children of all ages. Remember & Understand The Remember and Understand levels are where most teachers and parents typically ask questions of their children. Apply & Analyze Evaluate & Create Articles to Learn More about Using Bloom’s Taxonomy at Home Picture By 4nitsirk

LearningForYou: RT @sgauthier blooms taxon... Cybersafety Information for parents Each of the sites below is organised for various users, and parents will find information of use under sections for young people and for teachers. Cybersafety & Cyberbullying - A guide for parents and caregivers 1.2M: This guide published by the department provides important information for parents about cybersafety and cyberbullying. It suggests what parents and caregivers could do if their child is the target of, or is responsible for, inappropriate online behaviour. How Cybersmart are you? video is designed to help parents navigate through the online world of their teenagers and provides strategies on how to protect their children from potential online risks. ABC Technology Explained website - provides extensive information about all types of communication technology. Australian Mobile Telecommunications Authority Tips for parents: Bullying with Mobile Phones - is your child a victim? ThinkUKnow Who's chatting to your kids? Surf Safely online safety tips. Stay Smart Online Cybersafety brochure

LearningForYou: RT @Mr_Yoder iPads in the... Parenting By iPad: What Are The Rules Time was when there were different rules for the many different bits of equipment that might educate or distract a child. Way back then, the telephone was kept in a central location, so Mom and Dad could know how much time you spent gabbing with your friends. If you were lucky, it had a really long cord so you could pull it around a corner or behind a closed door. The television was also a communal thing. A typewriter, though, was allowed anytime. Today, a single seductive machine serves all these purposes. If you haven't needed to answer that question already, you will any minute now. And what are these not-yet-12-year-olds using their tablets for? So in the not-quite-two-years since the iPad was introduced, then, we have gone from zero (percentage of parents I'd bet let their preteens play with the gadgets at first) to 70 (percentage that do now).

Tablets and iPads - 71 Resources Many colleges and universities have begun experimenting with tablet computers and iPad classroom integration initiatives that vary from campus-wide distributions to small-scale, single-class pilots. These programs are designed to provide evidence of improved student learning and engagement. Explore this resource site—a collection of all EDUCAUSE resources related to tablets and iPads in the classroom. The Pearson Foundation Survey on Students and Tablet, The Pearson Foundation, 2012. March 2012
