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Free Icons Set designed by Brankic1979 - Free psd

Free Icons Set designed by Brankic1979 - Free psd
Brankic1979 About icons A set of 350 pixel perfect glyphs icons, perfect for apps, websites or just about anything you can think of. You may use this icon set for both personal and commercial use, which means this resource can be used in any project without worrying about licensing. But you may NOT distribute our icon set elsewhere without our consent. Some basics We do the best to provide high-quality source of PSDs that are free for both personal and commercial use. Spread the word Download!

Patterns 471 Ressources Graphiques Premium Gratuites InkyDeals, site proposant des ressources professionnelles de tout ordre pour webdesigner à des prix très compétitifs, dispose également d’une rubrique FreeBies qui serait vraiment dommage de ne pas découvrir. L’un des bundles les plus impressionnant d’InkDeal est certainement ces 471 ressources graphiques premium gratuites. L’idée a été de sélectionner parmi les acteurs les plus prolifiques […] FREEBIESbug, Free PSD, CSS snippets, free fonts & patterns En aparté … si vous m’avez fait parvenir un email ces deux dernières semaines en me demandant si FreeTools était « mort et enterré »… vous serez (je l’espère !!!) Webtreats, site de ressources graphiques Webtreats est un site web proposant des ressources graphiques en téléchargement. ByPeople – Un énorme bundle de ressources graphiques ByPeople est une collection impressionnante de ressources graphiques en tout genre pour la création de site internet et d’interface web.

Foundation Icons Fonts - ZURB Playground - settings heart star plus minus checkmark remove mail calendar page tools globe cloud error right-arrow left-arrow up-arrow down-arrow trash add-doc edit lock unlock refresh paper-clip video photo graph idea mic cart address-book compass flag location clock folder inbox website smiley search phone General Enclosed Set Social Set thumb-up thumb-down facebook twitter pinterest github path linkedin dribbble stumble-upon behance reddit google-plus youtube vimeo clickr slideshare picassa skype instagram foursquare delicious chat torso tumblr video-chat digg wordpress Accessibility Set wheelchair speaker fontsize eject view-mode eyeball asl person question adult child glasses cc blind braille iphone-home w3c css key hearing-impaired male female network guidedog universal-access elevator How These Were Built Here at ZURB, we’re always trying to think of new ways to innovate on our processes and methods. How to Use Them We've made it super easy for you to get going with these icons! Merge in the Styles

Basic Tag Cloud OOP AS 3.0 - 3. TagCloud - Flash Tutorials - Flash Components This class generates the cloud tag based on the tags inside the array that we've filled it with some words. The workflow of this class is as follows. And array is filled with words then we count the number of words ( without the repeating ones ). Based on the count we are creating our tags. An observation has to be made regarding the size of the tag. Once we've created the tag we are placing it on the scene. To see how the code behaves just press CTRL+Enter and test the movie. Thanks for checking out this tutorial and hope you found it useful an easy to follow. Visit my portfolio to see what else I'm working on. Techload

Fresh Free High-Quality Icon Sets Advertisement The most important aspect of designing an individual icon is that it has to be instantly recognizable, you have to know its function, and you need to know exactly what it is. If you are designing a set, the actual design becomes a lot harder, the designer has to face two initial challenges: each icon they design has to be individual and distinctive from the other, and, they also have to have similar features to show that they are related, completing the set. Not an easy task. Perhaps that is why we love those small indispensible graphical images so much, it’s an appreciation of the hard work, creativity and talent of the designer. In this post we present a round-up of fresh high-quality icons that are available for free download and (sometimes only for personal) use. You may be interested in the following related posts: e-Commerce Icons Money Back Guarantee Icon Set3 (registration is required)100 % Money Back Guarantee Vector Icon Set. Open Source Icons – (37signals)4 Token21

70+ Free Illustrator Brush Sets for Download Adobe Illustrator is a pretty powerful tools and it offers some pretty unique features. Worth surfacing is Illustrator’s Paintbrush Tool (B). Illustrator brushes can be applied to paths and strokes and as you probably know they are excellent for creating unique stroked designs in seconds. Illustrator’s brushes are all vectors and can be completely modified to suit your needs by changing most of their characteristics like e.g stroke width, weight, colors, and more. I have looked all over the web to collect the best Illustrator brush sets for you. Advertisement Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links (at no extra cost to you). Border, Ropes, Chains And Decor Brushes Vector Chains Ornate Illustrator Brushes Rope Pattern Brush and Ready-Made Rope Elements by GraphicRiver (premium brushes) 7 Lace Brushes Wire/Pipe brushes Dots Illustrator Brushes Stitch Brushes Lace Pattern Brush Postage Stamp Edge Brush

Thousands of free Vector icons and Icon Webfonts for Interfaces and Responsive web design We present to you an interesting and exciting selection of Free Icons, flat icons, symbols and pictograms with vectorial content, especially designed for UI design, menus, lists, webapps or native apps.On a different note, we've made a selection of the most recent Icon Webfonts designed specifically for responsive projects and to solve problems like graphics resolution in retina displays. These custom icon sets embedded in a webfont kit can be easily styled with CSS changing colors, size, rotation, adding shadow and other new CSS3 features. It reduces the time to create responsive design using scalable icons instead of different image files and media queries for every resolution. It's widely compatible with browsers, it even goes all the back to version 4.0 of IE. You can see an online example provided by CSS-TRICKS about the use and possibilities of manipulation through CSS: Icon Fonts are Awesome. Icon Web Fonts Fontello. Font Awesome is a pictographic language of web-related actions.

How To Create A Static Tag Cloud? Tag Clouds, which has a positive seo effect for websites + increases the usability of websites in many cases are normally generated dynamically. You may want to create a static tag cloud or see the keyword density of a website – file – text input as a tag cloud. TagCrowd TagCrowd is a web-based service which visualizes the keyword density of an input as a tag cloud (text cloud – including the css & html). Here is the tag cloud of WebResourcesDepot homepage: Supported Inputs: website url addresstext filetext itself Tag Cloud Generator Tag Cloud Generator can call tags from an URL address or tags can be mentioned manually to create the static tag cloud website url addresstext itself Tag Cloud Generator has an easy to use interface with font size, color & other customization options. is aslo a simple to use tag cloud generator offering less customaziton options. Rainmaker This tag cloud generator has a handy option which lets you exclude the words you want.

10 Seamless Photoshop Patterns EmailShare Friends, today’s graphic share is a set of 10 tileable Photoshop patterns. These patterns are custom created with great care for purpose of seamless tiling on website, desktop and mobile application backgrounds. The zip download contains the pattern file (.pat). Simply drag and drop the .pat file on to your Photoshop and play around with the patterns. Preview of the Patterns Author: Rafi Format: Photoshop .PAT Keywords: Seamless Patterns, Patterns Size: 500KB (zip) License: Royalty-free, Free for personal and commercial use Download 10 Seamless Photoshop Patterns

Coin Slider: Image Slider with Unique Effects « Workshop After jqFancyTransitions I decided to release new jQuery image slider plugin with more unique transitions effects. I have ideas for new effects and after I didn’t find that somebody already implement that I create Coin Slider. Thanks to you and your comments Coin Slider have lot of features that jqFancyTransitions didn’t have at the beginning. Basically it’s a latest (and improved) version of jqFancyTransitions but with new ‘fancy’ transitions effects. jqFancyTransitions slice your images in stripes, while Coin Slider slice them in squares. While I was working on this I felt like I’m on college again. For rain effect I spent few rainy hours to built it and that’s why I gave him that name. How to use Download jQuery, Coin Slider javascript file and CSS file and include them on your page: Add slider content and create one div with an id and put images and image descriptions, similar to: At the end all you have to do is to call Coin Slider: Example List of all options Notes

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